I love vitamin D, and I personally feel everyone should be taking it. From this day forward I will put a link to every vitamin D report I read.
My favorite Vitamin D supplement is, Liquid Vitamin D Forte by Biotics Research. Each drop provides 2,000Iu’s of Bioactive vitamin D3. There are 700+ drops in the bottle and it’s only $20.00. If you would like to purchase a bottle please call Rene at 714-639-4360

Liquid Vitamin D Forte by Biotics Research
Adequate Levels of Vitamin D May Lower Colon Cancer Risk
Low Vitamin D Has a Role in Heart Risk
Vitamin D Reduces the Risk for Broken Bones
Vitamin D Deficiency Boosts C-Section Risk
Vitamin D May Reduce Falls in Elderly Nursing Home Residents
Vitamin D During Pregnancy May Lower Baby’s Risk of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)