Jack Kruse Interpretation vs Reality

Jack Kruse Interpretation vs Reality

Jack Kruse Interpretation vs Reality Or Why It’s Important To Do Your Research Rather Than Blindly Trust What Others Say   The views stated here reflect my personal opinion and do not reflect the opinions of anyone mentioned in this paper. Opening Remarks First,...
Artificial Light at Night Causes Anxiety, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder

Artificial Light at Night Causes Anxiety, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder

The world’s largest study on light exposure and its impact on mental health, with almost 87,000 participants, has found that increased exposure to Artificial Light at Night increases a person’s risk for psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, bipolar, and...
Neuropsin, a photoreceptor protein, can control circadian rhythm independent from the brain

Neuropsin, a photoreceptor protein, can control circadian rhythm independent from the brain

Our circadian rhythm is controlled by light, via photoreceptive proteins called “opsins”, like neuropsin and melanopsin.  Humans possess photoreceptors, like neuropsin, in just about every surface and subcutaneous area of the body – adipocytes (fat),...
Carnivore Diet and Mitochondriac Resource Page

Carnivore Diet and Mitochondriac Resource Page

Is the Carnivore Diet a passing fad? I think not. Is it the ultimate evolutionary, elimination diet? Does it support our innate genetic make-up? I think so. Here are just TWO examples of many: (1) why do humans have such low innate stomach pH, like that of scavengers...