If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office.  Advanced Healing Center of Orange County, the practice of Dr. Marcus Ettinger BSc, DC. Phone: 714-639-4360, E-mail: info@advancedhealing.com, Mail: 630 South Glassell Street #103. Orange, CA 92866.

It’s time to become part of the solution rather than to keep contributing to the problem. Give me a call today to get started!

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a fiscal emergency in California today, then immediately called for $9.9 billion in spending cuts; mostly from health benefits and health-related services. Gov. Schwarzenegger has come to realize what I have been warning my patients about for years: Our current system of drugs-and-surgery conventional medicine will bankrupt any state or nation foolish enough to depend on it.

Today it’s California. Tomorrow it’s going to be the entire nation — if not the entire western world. Faced with the desperate double-whammy of 1) A diseased population, and 2) Out-of-control sick-care costs, no nation that bets its future of pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy is going to win that bet. They will all collapse in the end because you can’t create a healthy nation by drugging your population into a state of health.

Good health doesn’t make money for the corporations

As long as Big Pharma dominates health care — and it currently runs the medical journals, medical schools, hospitals and even the FDA — you will never have a health care system that has any interest whatsoever in teaching people how to be healthy. When profits come from sickness, the corporations always find new ways to keep people sick.

Traditionally, people have been kept sick through processed foods and food ingredients that promote disease such as aspartame, MSG, sodium nitrite and partially-hydrogenated oils. But increasingly, the sick-care corporations are finding new ways to keep people immunosuppressed and trapped in a cycle of degenerative disease. They’re now accomplishing this through widespread vaccination programs, mass food irradiation schemes and the suppression of natural cures. The federal government is helping out by keeping people in a chronic state of nutritional deficiency so that they develop degenerative disease more quickly.

You see, it’s always in the interests of the sick-care corporations to maximize the number of people suffering from chronic disease. And yet this corporate goal is sadly the same recipe that will destroy a nation. It’s destroying California as we speak, draining the state of the resources it should be investing in schools and health education programs. Instead, the state is spending billions on state-run disease management (Medi-Cal) with no end in sight.

That’s why Schwarzenegger’s $9.9 billion in cuts include eliminating vision coverage from the state’s “Healthy Families” program, limiting the use of prescription drugs and even capping physician visits to sick Californians. Schwarzenegger is facing the cold, hard reality that sickness doesn’t pay off for any state or nation even if it does temporarily swell the coffers of the drug companies, vaccine manufacturers, surgeons and cancer industry quacks who dominate the sick-care landscape today.

There’s never enough money to pay for disease

The simple truth of the matter is that there isn’t enough money on the whole planet to pay for the sick-care costs of a population that is poisoned every day by processed foods, chemical food additives, cancer-causing personal care products and even highly toxic laundry products (with their scented fabric softener poisons). California consumers poison themselves a hundred times a day with toxic food products, home products and personal care products (not to mention toxic medications), and instead of addressing this root cause of the problem, the state tries to negotiate reducing sick-care coverage of this who are already poisoned.

It would make a lot more sense, it seems, to address the root cause of why people are so diseased and then find ways to halt that process. This is what I have been doing for the last 21 years. California, for example, could require perfumes, shampoos, cosmetics and laundry products to list all their chemical ingredients right on product labels. That would end the sales of such products virtually overnight (once people realized what’s actually in them).

California could ban High-Fructose Corn Syrup, aspartame, MSG and sodium nitrite chemicals from foods. It could tax processed foods and subsidize fresh produce. Taken to an extreme, processed foods could be raised to ten times the current price while fresh produce is given away for ten cents a pound (I’m not an advocate of government intervention in free market prices like this; it’s just an example).

If you really wanted to save billions of dollars in health care costs in California, why not take the astonishing step of legalizing free speech about nutritional supplements and natural remedies so that products could be sold with accurate descriptions of their health benefits? Many natural products prevent cancer and other serious diseases. Vitamin D alone can prevent 77 percent of all cancers (http://www.naturalnews.com/021892.html).

Legalize healing in California (The Practice of Dr. Marcus Ettinger) and you save the state from financial collapse. Free all the naturopaths, chiropractors, herbal medicine practitioners and other advanced medicine advocates from the tyrannical control of the state medical board and you unleash an unstoppable ripple effect of good health and disease prevention.

California recently voted on whether to legalize marijuana. Why not legalize healing?

End the medical monopoly currently held by conventional doctors and their drug-pushing pharmaceutical reps. Make healing legal instead of criminalizing it, and you solve the budget problem.

California could become a Mecca of health freedom. It could become the hub of natural health medical tourism in North America. Legalize the alternative cancer clinics. Recognize the value of Gerson therapy! You’d have people from all over the world coming to California to get healthy. Talk about jobs creation… this is the solution!

But don’t expect such a healing miracle to occur in California. The state suffers from the same fiscal cancer as every other state in America: It has been enslaved by conventional medicine and its citizens are being kept ignorant by the FDA and other agencies that censor the truth about natural health. If huge changes aren’t made, the long-term result of all this will be the financial collapse of California, followed by the collapse of America a few years later.

Conventional medical philosophy (not individual doctors), you see, is a cancer. And this cancer will prove to be terminal unless we find a way to terminate it first.

The only way to save California — and America — from certain financial collapse under a sick-care monopoly is to overthrow the conventional medical racket that has dominated America for nearly 100 years while thriving on sickness and disease.

Written by Mike Adams the “Health Ranger” at NaturalNews.com