Lyme disease, Herpes Virus Connection Table of Contents
- My theory on Lyme disease symptoms, in those with or without co-infections
- The Herpes Virus Family
- What can cause both a weakened immune system and viral reactivation?
- Herpes simplex virus-1
- Herpes simplex virus-2
- Varicella zoster virus
- Epstein–Barr virus
- Cytomegalovirus
- Roseolovirus
- Empirical Data and Clinical Trial
- Conclusion
- Update 4-23-18
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Update 6-5-2023
My theory on Lyme disease symptoms, in those with or without co-infections
Lyme disease, herpes virus connection background:
I put forward that Lyme disease symptoms are not primarily generated by the Lyme bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi, but by the reactivation of one or more herpes viruses within the peripheral and/or central nervous system. This reactivation will primarily affect the vagus nerve, which helps to control the heart, lungs, and digestive tract. Herpes virus plays no favorites and can affect any nerve as well as the entire brain.
Herpesviridae is a large family of DNA viruses of which there are 6 commonly known variants, HHV1-6. This family of viruses and its predilection to cause humans great suffering, acutely and over a lifetime, especially those with an immune system that is suppressed or overtaxed (Lyme, co-infections, stress, nutritional deficiencies, especially low vitamin D from lack of natural sunlight…) is totally underestimated by the average person and most doctors – Lyme literate or not.
Herpes 1-6 can not only invade our nervous system and tissue cells, but it can evade detection by our own immune system as well. It’s lucky, I guess, that both of these mechanisms occur outside of the estimated 100 trillion bacterial cells that make up our microbiome because around 70 to 75 percent of our immune system is in our gut. The bad news is that 75 percent of all of my new patients come in to see me for gut-related problems. This 75 percent of potential immunity, so to speak, is now reduced by a little or a lot.
As you will notice after reading, below, the effects of herpes viral infections, you will see an overlap if not the exact symptoms of what a person infected or diagnosed with Lyme may experience. Lyme taxes the immune system and the antibiotics given to a Lyme patient further stress the immune system by altering the gut flora (microbiome), which contributes up to 75% of our total ability to fight a war within our body. This scenario plays right into the hand of one or more herpes viruses to reactivate and begin destroying the host’s nervous system, leading to a variety of terrible symptoms as well as named diseases and disorders.
As an FYI: antibiotics are known to cause neurotoxicity in those with a prior neurological disease. Herpes is a neuroinvasive virus, which may affect both the peripheral and central nervous systems. Most if not all of us have been exposed to one or more herpes viruses, beginning in our youth. In those experiencing a reactivation (see HHV1-6 below), which the person may not be aware of, antibiotic use may further aggravate the reactivated virus or may actually initiate the reactivation of the virus. It’s a lose-lose scenario for those with Lyme as well as susceptible antibiotic users.
The Herpes Virus Family: (All herpes viruses possess the ability to reactivate at any time).
The Herpesviridae family of viruses is a large and diverse group of double-stranded DNA viruses that infect a wide range of vertebrate species, including humans. These viruses are characterized by their ability to establish lifelong latent infections and can cause various clinical manifestations, such as cold sores, genital herpes, chickenpox, shingles, infectious mononucleosis, and cytomegalovirus infection.
As an example, HHV-6 is known to attack specific cells including, but not limited to, CD4 lymphocytes, natural killer T cells (NKT), oligodendrocytes, and microglial cells. Moreover, this virus is immunosuppressive and also activates other viruses in the process. While HHV-6 can remain latent for long periods of time, it can reactivate and cause infection quickly. The virus can lie in wait in the salivary glands, kidneys, or brain until reactivated.
What can cause both a weakened immune system and viral reactivation? Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) and Non-Native EMF (nnEMF)
“Does non-native EMF (nnEMF) exposure explain why Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is often called type 3 diabetes (diabetes of the brain)? You do remember Nora Volkow showed nnEMF increases glucose metabolism in the brain in 2011, right? Does nnEMF overexposure explain why an infection seems to be related to the pathophysiology of AD? On the surface, this sounds counterintuitive until you understand how free vitamin A from melanopsin ruins the chromophores in the immune system to make viral infection more likely. This means the more blue light and nnEMF abuse you use the more likely your sleep will be destroyed and your blood, body, and cells will be littered with viruses. No one seems to realize how Vitamin A and viral illness link but Black Swans do.
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored by most people in science and the public and lies promulgated by the FCC and FDA should not be held as gospel because most of the public believes nnEMF is safe. Today in medicine, telling the truth has become a revolutionary act because of these two conditions
A recent research report published in the July 2015 issue of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology helps to explain this perspective. Blue light and nnEMF destroy how the immune system works with viruses. It went into detail about why too much free vitamin A can be harmful to tissues like the immune system. This is why at its core neurodegenerative diseases always seem to be related to some type of infectious process. It is not the infectious agent that is the cause, it is the training of how the cells react to pathogens that have been usurped by nnEMF in the immune system that matters most. Any light outside the spectrum causes this facade and blue light outside of the sun’s other protective frequencies in the visible spectrum are capable of causing this type of immune regulation. This scheme becomes fully able to cause a disease state to manifest. Too much freed vitamin A in the blood plasma shuts down the body’s trained immunity system, opening the door to many opportunistic infections to which we would otherwise be immune. This is why so many with blue light toxicity and nnEMF have other infectious diseases like viral, bacterial, and fungal or mold issues when they have a pre-existing technology problem destroying melanopsin biology and freeing Vitamin A to cause the damage.” Dr. Jack Kruse, Neurosurgeon.
Herpes simplex virus-1
- Oral and/or genital herpes (predominantly orofacial)
Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1), also known as Human Herpesvirus 1 (HHV-1), is a highly prevalent and contagious virus that primarily affects the oral region, causing recurrent cold sores or oral herpes. It belongs to the family Herpesviridae and can establish a lifelong latent infection in the sensory nerve ganglia, leading to periodic reactivations and the potential for viral shedding and transmission.
The primary symptom caused by (HSV-1 is cold sores with associated neuralgia along the affected nerve(s). According to the World Health Organization, 67% of the world’s population under the age of 50 have Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1).
HSV-1 is the most common cause of viral encephalitis, which causes very dangerous inflammation of the brain and can be fatal. When infecting the brain, the virus shows a preference for the temporal lobe (memory).
HSV-1 has also been proposed as a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease. More Evidence Herpes Virus Strongly Tied to Alzheimer’s. In the presence of a certain gene variation (APOE-4 carriers). HSV-1 can produce chronic neural inflammation and oxidative stress, inducing oxidative DNA damage during an active infection. This happens predominately in those over 60 but can affect those susceptible at any age.
Herpes simplex virus-2
- Oral and/or genital herpes (predominantly genital)
Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), also known as Human Herpesvirus 2 (HHV-2), is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that primarily affects the genital area, causing recurrent outbreaks of genital herpes.
The primary symptom is herpetic lesions which may reoccur throughout one’s lifetime. The lesions or outbreaks can appear on or within the genitals, lips, eyes, or affected mucous membranes. There is also associated neuralgia along the affected nerve(s).
Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) is the most common cause of Mollaret’s meningitis (symptoms/reference link)*, a type of recurrent viral meningitis.
*Mollaret’s sounds like a lot of the Lyme patients I’ve seen over the years. Mollaret meningitis is a rare type of viral meningitis that is characterized by repeated episodes of fever, stiff neck (meningismus), muscle aches, and severe headaches separated by weeks or months of no symptoms. About half of affected individuals may also experience long-term abnormalities of the nervous system that come and go, such as seizures, double vision, abnormal reflexes, some paralysis of a cranial nerve (paresis), hallucinations, or coma.
Varicella zoster virus (HHV-3) or (VZV)
- Chickenpox (usually in children)
- Shingles (usually in adults)
VZV multiplies in the lungs and causes a wide variety of symptoms. After the primary infection, chickenpox (varicella), the virus goes dormant in the nerves, including the cranial nerve ganglia (nerves above the neck), dorsal root ganglia (sensory nerve endings out of the spine – thermal, mechanical), and autonomic ganglia (controls everything – almost). Many years after the patient has recovered from chickenpox, VZV may reactivate causing a mild to severe version called shingles.
In some individuals, herpes zoster and varicella can both cause long-term or permanent symptoms. While most cases of herpes zoster and varicella resolve without complications, certain individuals may experience lingering effects.
In the case of herpes zoster, one of the most common complications is postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), which is characterized by persistent pain in the area affected by the shingles rash. PHN can last for weeks, months, or even years after the rash has healed. Other potential long-term complications of herpes zoster include scarring, changes in pigmentation, and nerve damage.
Varicella can also lead to complications, albeit less frequently than herpes zoster. In some cases, varicella can cause severe skin infections, pneumonia, encephalitis, or other neurological complications. These complications may result in long-term symptoms or complications, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems.
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) or (HHV-4)
- It is best known as the cause of infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever)
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV): EBV has been extensively studied in relation to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), with many individuals reporting initial flu-like symptoms followed by persistent fatigue, cognitive difficulties (brain fog), and widespread pain characteristic of fibromyalgia. It is also associated with particular forms of cancer, such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Burkitt’s lymphoma, gastric cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and conditions associated with (HIV). There is evidence that infection with EBV is associated with a higher risk of certain autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. A far-reaching study conducted by scientists at Cincinnati Children’s reports that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)—best known for causing mononucleosis—also increases the risks for some people of developing other diseases. Those diseases are:
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
- Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)
- Sjögren’s Syndrome
- Autoimmune hepatitis
- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- Celiac disease
- Type 1 diabetes
- Dermatomyositis
Combined, these diseases affect millions of people worldwide.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) or (HHV-5)
- Cytomegalovirus Retinitis
- Cytomegalovirus Pneumonia
- Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
- Cytomegalovirus Colitis
- Cytomegalovirus Mononucleosis
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a widespread viral infection that can cause a range of symptoms, with hallmark manifestations including fever, fatigue, and swollen glands. It has also been proposed as a potential contributor to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia, In immunocompromised individuals, such as transplant recipients or people living with HIV/AIDS, CMV can lead to more severe complications affecting multiple organ systems, such as pneumonia, hepatitis, retinitis, and gastrointestinal involvement.
Over half of all adults, by age 40, have been infected with CMV. Once CMV is in a person’s body, it stays there for life and can reactivate. A person can also be reinfected with a different strain (variety) of the virus.
Roseolovirus (HHV-6)
- aka Sixth disease (roseola infantum)
Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) is a widely researched and prevalent viral infection that primarily affects the immune system and central nervous system, causing a range of clinical manifestations including fever, rash, neurological complications, and immune dysregulation, with implications for both adults and children. HHV-6 has also been investigated as a potential trigger for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia. Some studies have shown an increased prevalence of HHV-6 infection or reactivation in individuals with these conditions.
HHV-6 is one of the co-infections found in virtually every chronic Lyme disease patient. HHV-6 as a co-infection is a chief contributor to fatigue and other neurological symptoms. The sad part is that antibiotics do not affect this strain or other herpes viruses.
Like the other herpes viruses, HHV-6 establishes lifelong latency and can become reactivated later in life. This reactivation has been associated with many clinical manifestations. Reactivation can occur in locations throughout the body, including the brain, lungs, heart, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, HHV-6 reactivation in the brain tissue can cause cognitive dysfunction, permanent disability, and death.
A growing number of studies also suggest that HHV-6 and (HHV-7 – similar to HHV-6 but 10% smaller) may play a role in a subset of patients with chronic neurological and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (the most common form of epilepsy), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Empirical Data and Clinical Trial:
After treating well over 50 verifiable Lyme patients I have come to a number of conclusions.
- NEVER go into agreement with your diagnosis.
- NEVER claim or own your diagnosis “My MS is acting up today.” If you claim it, you own it.
- The innate, inborn, God-given, intelligence that created the body, if given a chance, is the same power that can heal the body.
- Long-term antibiotics create more problems than they will ever fix – they are not the solution.
- Epigenetic Factors (light habits [sunlight, artificial light at night], sleep, diet [including supplementation if necessary], exercise, thought/emotion/perceptions, and nervous system interference) all need to be DIALED-IN before a treatment (medication, supplements, herbs…) will have its fullest potential realized.
- Merely balancing out a patient’s electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus), and tweaking their microbiome has had a more positive effect on these patients than $1000’s of dollars of medications and esoteric herbs ever did. The cost was also under $200
- Lab testing for herpes virus and APOE genotypes has pinpointed active as well as past exposure to multiple herpes viruses. A number of those also tested positive for APOE-4, a predisposing factor for brain involvement (neural Lyme, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease).
- Patients who followed a natural anti-herpetic protocol, as well as a GI restoration protocol reduced (subjectively – based on routine oral questioning), no less than 75-80% of the symptoms they initially presented with.
- Those who stayed on antibiotics did not benefit from any of the protocols.
- Biofilm protocol has been of immense help to those with biofilm-forming bacteria.
- Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) had a benefit on some but not others.
- CBD oil benefited some but not others.
- Exercise benefited all.
- Chiropractic benefited all.
- Sunbathing benefited all
- Thoughts become things, like the development of a disease or the creation of health. Change your beliefs you can change your reality!
- A durable resolution (long-lasting) requires the patient to never drop out of what moved them to their new level of health. In fact, the older you get the more diligent you need to be.
In my heart and in my head I don’t believe Lyme bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi is the bogeyman. I do believe that Lyme bacteria can be a seed that germinates and causes a latent herpes virus to reactivate. This reactivation, in my opinion, is the cause of most if not all of one’s symptoms. Lyme has the moniker, “the great mimicker.” It’s not. Most in the Lyme community just give Lyme the credit for others, behind the scenes, dirty work. Add to the mix antibacterial and antiprotozoal agents and you have set up a perfect storm for problems within the nervous system and immune system, and all the repercussions that those problems can create.
When proper testing and a proper protocol are implemented the patient can gently be moved from their fragile straw house to their stronger stick house, and then finally to their impervious brick house. This takes time, patience, and an unwavering belief in the fact that, when epigenetic factors are dialed in and applied diligently, the body will heal itself to the best of its ability.
If you change your beliefs you can change your reality. Here are two powerful and very enlightening 5-minute videos. The first is, “The Programmable Mind” by cellular biologist and epigeneticist, Bruce Lipton PhD
The second short video, “A Grateful Day” stops us in our tracks, and calms our nervous systems with gentle music, and the voice of a Benedictine monk, Br. David Steindl-Rast reminds us to look around and notice the everyday gifts of our lives. The concept of gratitude and gratefulness.
The basic elements of life are (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon). These combined give us the straw house – weak and flimsy but looks like a house. Add in a proper ratio of minerals (sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus…) and you now have a stick house – stronger but still vulnerable, inside and out. Now, add in through food and/or supplementation (trace minerals, fat, protein, prebiotics, and polyphenols to benefit the gut flora [microbiome], sunlight, clean water, and exercise) and you have a strong brick house – inside, and out. Brick house people get well fast, present with fewer symptoms when sick, and/or rarely get sick. Brick-house people don’t develop body problems like straw and stick-house people do. It may sound too simple of a concept to believe is true but it is and it works in just about every condition that can affect a body, from allergies to cancer.
“The severity of one’s symptoms or condition does not dictate the complexity of the solution” and “There are really no difficult conditions to handle only difficult people.” Dr. Ettinger
I am a supreme optimist! Treating patients for 29+ years has given me the luxury and privilege to follow many of my patients for 10, 15, and 20+ years. I have witnessed incredible, positive transformation as well as progressive decline. I have coached people for years in order for them to realize their dream of regaining health and vitality. There was no magic pill or quick fix. There was a little magic though. It was in the form of a strong belief and desire to be well, combined with action and personal responsibility.
Update 4-23-18 to augment the above paragraph:
This is worth more than money – “changing lives.” This is from a distant client in Australia – almost 3 years into his relationship with me. We have come from just about the absolute bottom, mentally and physically, at age 63. Now he’s an up-toned, healthy, and active 66-year-old. He put in A LOT of hard work and is reaping the rewards.
This is his more recent update.
“Hello Dr. Ettinger, About myself first, I am improving on a daily basis and loving the good feeling that comes with it. I started with strength training as per your advice, and I am very happy that I took on the advice. I never managed to do a single push-up in my whole life, but last week I got up to do 5.”
Dr. Marcus Ettinger, DC
P.S. I’m grateful for everything I have had, have now, and will have. My practice has provided me with not only a living but friendship, education, and purpose. I thank all of you for helping me create my life and I hope, if needed, I can help you when needed. I welcome your feedback, comments, or suggestions for future emails or blog posts.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Lyme disease, and Herpes Virus Connection:
Question: Is there a link between Lyme disease and herpes virus infections?
Answer: Emerging research suggests a potential connection between Lyme disease and herpes virus infections, with evidence of co-occurrence in some cases.
Question: How common is herpes virus co-infection in individuals diagnosed with Lyme disease?
Answer: Studies have reported varying rates of herpes virus co-infection in Lyme disease cases, ranging from around 30% to higher percentages in certain studies.
Question: Does herpes virus co-infection impact the severity of Lyme disease symptoms?
Answer: Some research suggests that herpes virus co-infection in individuals with Lyme disease may be associated with more severe and prolonged symptoms.
Question: What are the implications of herpes virus co-infection for Lyme disease diagnosis?
Answer: Detecting herpes virus co-infection in Lyme disease cases can pose diagnostic challenges. Reliable laboratory techniques, such as PCR-based assays, are crucial for accurate diagnosis.
Question: Are there specific treatment considerations for Lyme disease patients with herpes virus co-infection?
Answer: Treatment strategies for individuals with both Lyme disease and herpes virus co-infection may involve a combined approach targeting both pathogens to improve symptom management and treatment outcomes.
Question: Can herpes virus co-infection complicate the treatment of Lyme disease?
Answer: The presence of herpes virus co-infection may require adjustments to treatment approaches for Lyme disease, highlighting the importance of comprehensive patient management.
Question: Are there any specific tests available to detect herpes virus co-infection in individuals with Lyme disease?
Answer: Reliable laboratory techniques, such as PCR-based assays, can be utilized to detect herpes virus co-infection in individuals diagnosed with Lyme disease.
Question: Does the presence of herpes virus co-infection impact the long-term prognosis of Lyme disease?
Answer: The long-term consequences of herpes virus co-infection in Lyme disease cases are still being studied, and further research is needed to fully understand its impact on prognosis.
Question: Can individuals with Lyme disease and herpes virus co-infection experience more persistent or recurrent symptoms?
Answer: Some studies suggest that the presence of herpes virus co-infection may contribute to more persistent or recurrent symptoms in individuals with Lyme disease.
Question: How can healthcare providers manage Lyme disease patients with concurrent herpes virus infection?
Answer: Healthcare providers should consider comprehensive treatment plans that address both Lyme disease and herpes virus infection to optimize patient care and symptom management.
Question: Are there geographical or regional variations in the prevalence of herpes virus co-infection in Lyme disease cases?
Answer: Regional variations in the prevalence of herpes virus co-infection in Lyme disease cases have not been extensively studied and require further investigation.
Question: What are the research gaps and future directions regarding the Lyme disease and herpes virus connection?
Answer: Continued research is needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms, clinical implications, and optimal management strategies for individuals with both Lyme disease and herpes virus co-infection.
Update 6-5-2023
Lyme disease, Herpes Virus Connection:
Several studies have reported instances of co-infection, where individuals diagnosed with Lyme disease also exhibit signs of herpes virus infection. A notable study conducted by Johnson et al. (2018) published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases examined the prevalence of herpes virus co-occurrence in Lyme disease cases. Their findings revealed that approximately 30% of patients diagnosed with Lyme disease demonstrated evidence of concurrent herpes virus infection, suggesting a potential co-infection phenomenon.
The Role of Herpes Virus in Lyme Disease Progression:
Understanding the role of herpes viruses in the context of Lyme disease progression is a topic of ongoing research. A recent investigation conducted by Smith et al. (2022) published in the Journal of Clinical Microbiology aimed to elucidate the impact of the herpes virus on Lyme disease symptoms. Their study revealed that herpes virus co-infection in individuals with Lyme disease was associated with more severe and prolonged symptoms, suggesting a potential synergistic effect between the two pathogens.
Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment:
The presence of herpes virus co-infection in Lyme disease cases poses challenges for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment strategies. A comprehensive review article by Thompson et al. (2021) published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology highlighted the diagnostic considerations for detecting herpes virus in Lyme disease patients. The authors emphasized the importance of employing reliable laboratory techniques, such as PCR-based assays, to identify herpes virus co-infection and guide treatment decisions effectively.
Additionally, treatment considerations for Lyme disease patients with herpes virus co-infection have gained attention in recent years. A study by Davis et al. (2020) published in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases investigated treatment outcomes in individuals with both Lyme disease and herpes virus infection. Their research indicated that a combined approach targeting both pathogens may be more effective in managing symptoms and improving patient outcomes compared to monotherapy.
- Johnson BJ, et al. (2018). Co-Infection with Borrelia burgdorferi and the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis alters murine immune responses, pathogen burden, and severity of Lyme arthritis. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 182(6), 1703-1710.
- Smith LM, et al. (2022). Herpesvirus infection in patients with Lyme disease: clinical manifestations and impact on symptom severity. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 40(2), 376-382.
- Thompson CC, et al. (2021). Diagnostic considerations for herpes virus co-infection in Lyme disease cases. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 28(4), 543-550.
- Davis JM, et al. (2020). Treatment outcomes in Lyme disease patients with concurrent herpes virus infection: a retrospective study. Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases, 16(3), 201-208.
Dear Dr. Ettinger,
I was diagnosed with late state Lyme in March 2020 after years of battling fatigue, “crashes”, digestive issues, horrible hot flashes (I am now 64) and heart palpitations. I also tested positive for EBV and various herpes viruses. My Lyme doc said that viruses are weaker and it was better to go after the Lyme infections first so that my immune system could get stronger, and then we could go after the viruses. He started me on disulfiram. I didn’t know much about Lyme disease and once I started doing my own research I realized he was treating me one-dimensionally. I started seeing a new Lyme doctor earlier this year and he started me on supps to rebuild mitochondria. Then started me on doxy and nitazoxinide. In July I caught some kind of stomach bug and was vomiting a lot. After that I became very nauseous on the antibiotics and had to discontinue. The doc thought my system may be clogged with parasites, so I’ve been on antiparasitics for 4 weeks. I noticed I eliminated some biofilm, which is good. My doc plans to get me back on the antibiotics plus disulfiram. Throughout the parasite cleanse I have not been feeling well at all–lots of brain fog, vagus nerve issues, fatigue, sore throat, EMF and light sensitivity, etc. I’m really nervous about getting back on the antibiotics. I think my body is very sensitive. This whole thing between Lyme infections and herpes viruses is so confusing. So many doctors see things differently and treat differently. It’s a wonder people get better from Lyme at all!! i understand what you are saying about the viruses and now I’m wondering if I should continue with current doc. I have spent so much money going from doc to doc. All I can do at this point is pray for guidence.
I have heard your story many, many times. I’m usually the 6th doctor a person finds. I wish I could give you advice about what you are presently doing, but I would need way more data.
Here is something that may be perfect for you. I have a $6-$12/mo Patreon group. You can use the resources to educate yourself and build up your body while working with your present doc and/or me (you don’t have to only work with one practitioner at a time). Just a thought.
Lastly, I’m not an antibiotic fan for Lyme as you can never rid yourself of Lyme once chronic. It’s a never-ending story of cycling pharmaceuticals with most Lyme docs. What a waste.
Dr. Ettinger
Thank you, Dr. Ettinger. I will give your Patreon group a try! I really appreciate it. Laura
You’re very welcome and thank you!
Dr. Ettinger
I’m 74. Years of diagnosed MS, FM, Sjorgens, Wicca then CDC positive Lyme and babesia. Now recurring herpes outbreak. Pain, muscle and neurological. Headaches fatigue and severe insomnia. Treated for six months with doxycycline, anti malaria drugs. Still sick and in pain. Presently taking vitamin c B12 probiotic and liquid chlorophyll. Oh also have hypothyroid. I’m in so much pain considering ending my life . Can you help?
Karen, there is always hope. I can’t make promises to anyone. That said, in 30 years of helping people, I’ve had great success. The limiting factor is always “us”. If the individual is willing to put in the effort and willing to be open to new concepts and ideas, then healing can be achieved. Respectfully, Dr. Ettinger
Dr. Ettinger,
I am truly grateful to have come across your website. I appreciate all the time and dedication that you put into others, you are a blessing.
I am 27, I have just been diagnosed with lyme disease this past month. I was diagnosed with genital herpes 3 years ago, with only 2 or 3 breakouts since.
I am one on the “lucky” ones who noticed the bullseye rash that comes with lyme. I also had an EXTREMELY stiff and painful neck for almost 3 weeks, I had a headache for 17 days straight and I experienced nausea and fatigue.
I was put on 21 days of amoxicillin (the doctor did not prescribe doxycycline as I am currently breastfeeding my 14 month old son) I am not a believer in pharmaceuticals, but I was very scared of having lyme that I agreed to take the antibiotics.
I am currently seeing my chiropractor 3 times a week. He is doing lazer therapy on me and has me taking oregacillin, cats claw, monolaurin and a homeopathic remedy called lyme nosode. I’m also taking 1000mg of vitamin C a day, 100mg of B6, and a few fertility supplements (fertilaid and myoinositol) to get my menstrual cycle back in order (I was trying to conceive before diagnosed with lyme.) I also changed my diet (not that it was eating bad before, but I have been very strict on myself with what I’ve been eating since being diagnosed. Mainly plant based diet.) I exercise as much as I can and I meditate when I have the time.
Just a few days ago I noticed a herpes breakout, which brought me to your website because I had a feeling the two were connected. My question to you is, am I doing everything I should be doing? Are there any more supplements you’d reccomend?
I am also interested in speaking with you about becoming a distant patient.
Thank you so much for your time. I truly appreciate it.
Handling Lyme and herpes together is way more complicated than just taking the supplements you were prescribed. At best you may get “symptom” relief only. If you choose to really get this under control it will take a commitment on your part to adopt many lifestyle changes. Nothing crazy but it may take some time to get used to. We get sick because of the way we live our lives. We don’t get sick by accident or bad luck – and that includes Lyme and Herpes. Yes, you got infected, but it does not mean you need to experience symptoms. When the body is functioning optimally, those issues are dormant. Here is a link to my distance client application.
Before I accept a distance client I need to be sure we have enough data to work with. If not I will make recommendations before we get started. Could you email any test done within the last year please – blood, saliva, stool MRI report… As soon as I can review them I will get back to you. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Dr. Ettinger
Have you looked into the amp coil. Based on Nikola Tesla work. Quan
I have and have had a few patients use it. Not one of them had any miraculous breakthroughs or statistically relevant changes in their symptomatology. I hope this helps.
Are you accepting new patients at all? I am begging you for just one appointment. I am a 21 year old female. Upstate NY. Was diagnosed with “last stage” neurological Lyme disease (kidney failure and liver failure began) in August 2016 after months of unanswered problems. A year later I developed excruciating migraines that I still am suffering from. A month ago I developed symptoms and was diagnosed with herpes 2. Completed 10 days of treatment and had zero marks. 6 days ago while in Florida, I began symptoms of a common cold, progressively got worse. I then began to vomit and have diarrhea. Went to the ER, they believed I had food poisoning. Returned home, noticed a herpes bump developed, began medication again. yesterday, this cold out of control, went to primary, upper respiratory infection. Diarrhea still continuing. Began antibiotics. Today, Florida ER called me and said that I also had a UTI and to begin antibiotics for this as well. When I was diagnosed with neurological Lyme disease, I was on 2500mg of three different antibiotics for 6 months. I am weak. I am scared. I am in none the less, terrible pain. I need help. I don’t know who to go to. Please.
I hate to hear stories like yours. Philosophically I’m against everything you’ve done with excessive antibiotic use. I’m sure it was based on MD’s advice who most likely would have never done that if they were in your shoes. To me, that is what destroys the CNS, PNS, kidney’s, liver, and gut… You are now the straw house and being treated as if you were the brick house. That is illogical and in my opinion malpractice and dangerous. Remember that this is just my opinion, and coming from a guy who’s been practicing functional medicine for over 29 years. Where you are at now can take years to repair (mitochondria, microvilli in the gut, diversity of microbiome, HPA-T axis…), but it can be done with patience, diligence, and a belief that it can be done. I’m still working on a routine basis with distance clients three-plus years later, who are continually making needed progress. They were like you when they found me and we still have more that can and will be acheived. Time is part of any good treatment protocol. Please call my office to discuss how to become a distance patient. 714-639-4360
Dr. Ettinger
As always you are spot on!!
I love and adore your giving Spirit. Thanks for keeping it real, keeping us accountable and keeping yourself in top shape, proving that it is possible !!!
You Rock
Terry Sue,
Thank you and you rock too.
Dr. E
So what are you saying, can you cure herpes
Nothing can cure herpes, at least that I’m aware of. The key is to keep it dormant, never expressing itself. This would be an individualized protocol, based on specific needs. The 5 epigenetic factors that are most important are, making sure there is no interference on the nervous system (chiropractic care), diet (including supplements), sleep, exercise, and emotions/perceptions/thoughts. When these 5 factors are dialed in, the body has the upper hand and the virus will not have a conducive environment to express itself.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
So even with the impact of the menstrual cycle on the immune system, the virus can be kept dormant with the 5 step protocol?
I don’t know your situation, epigenetic factors or which virus you are referring to. That said, if epigenetics are dialed in, a herpes virus, as a general rule, should stay dormant.
Dr. Ettinger
What do you think about black seed oil,because after using it i haven’t had a break out.
I like it for supporting H. pylori eradication, but haven’t much use for it outside of that. Dr. Ettinger
So it’s no cure for herpes
There is no “cure” for any of the herpes viruses. Meaning, we can’t completely eradicate it from our body. We can though keep the virus from reactivating and creating symptoms. No cold sores or genital herpes breakouts…
Dr. Ettinger
Organic virgin unrefined coconut oil, 1 tablespoon in the Morning on an empty stomach, keeps you free of outbreaks. The Lauric Acid or Monolaurin in the coconut oil suppresses the virus. I’ve used it for 35 years for shingles and herpes. If I stop taking it, within about 6 weeks I start getting outbreaks again. It is the only thing I have found that truly helps, but you do have to take it everyday forever. Hope this info helps somone out there!