Positive BioHealth Diagnostics H. pylori stool antigen test

Positive BioHealth Diagnostics H. pylori stool antigen test

Hello Dr. Ettinger,

Just a quick thank you note and a recommendation to others.

I was told by my doctor that I had H. pylori and it needed to be handled. She told me it would require three antibiotics. I’m one who prefers not to put antibiotics in my body because I got addicted to them earlier in my life and ended up “having” to take them for 5 years. I was told that I would be sick if I didn’t take them all the time. It took me an equal number of years for my body to be able to heal itself after that. Do NOT believe anyone who tells you that antibiotics do not lower your body’s own defense. I have been completely drug free and sickness free since 1995. So I was very surprised when I learned I had h pylori.

I began my research on the web to cure h. pylori naturally. I followed two website’s protocol for 3 months. I was very disciplined on their protocol but kept testing positive. I then read Dr. Marcus Ettinger’s site and called him. He was extremely professional and very helpful and sensitive to my concerns. He recommended a natural protocol and I followed it for 34 days. BioHealth Diagnostic’s test (Helicobacter pylori Antigen, #418 link added by ME]) came back negative.

I highly recommend everyone try his program before subjecting your body to antibiotics or other protocols.

Thank you Dr. Ettinger.

Salt Lake City, UT

Negative BioHealth Diagnostics H. pylori stool antigen test

Negative BioHealth Diagnostics H. pylori stool antigen test