Thanks to Dr. Ettinger’s care and treatment through holistic medicine and chiropractic adjustments, I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my health. The most important improvement has been getting off the drug Prozac. This drug, while claiming to help my depression, was actually creating more of a problem for me in the long run by doing the opposite of why it had been prescribed a year ago. With Dr. Ettinger’s knowledge of drugs and their effect on the body and on the mind and his knowledge of natural remedies, which promote healing of one’s self, I was able to transition off the Prozac and to be sustained in greater health without side effects. The office staff has been instrumental in giving me the gift of “new health” and a feeling of new life! To Dr. Ettinger and to all his staff, I extend my warmest thanks for their care and time in furthering my understanding towards a healthier life. I have wholeheartedly recommended Dr. Ettinger’s care and expertise to members of my family.
I REALLY BELIEVE THAT IF WE DO TAKE THE TIME TO KNOCK, SEEK, AND ASK FOR A NEW LIFE AND BETTER HEALTH, the answers are out there. Dr. Ettinger has been so very helpful to me, and I am most grateful.
Best regards,
Mrs. Sharon Spieckerman
Safe and Natural Prozac Protocol
Professional Note: To learn about the techniques and substances Sharon used to reverse her depression, please visit my Patreon group on Human Optimization
References to articles describing how chiropractic may benefit those with either depression or anxiety:
1. Quigley, WH. An analysis of 350 emotionally maladjusted individuals under chiropractic care. In Schwartz, U.S. (Ed.), Mental health and chiropractic. New York: Sessions Publishers, 1973: 175-191
2. Quigley, WH. Case histories of mental illness under chiropractic care. Davenport, Iowa: Clear View Sanitarium, 1968
3. Quigley, WH. Pioneering mental health: Institutional psychiatric care in chiropractic. Chiropractic History 1983; 3(1): 69-73
4. Burd D, Hoiriis K, Owens E. Changes in general health status during upper cervical chiropractic care. Aukland, NZ: Proceedings of the world federation of chiropractic, 5th Biennial Congress, 1999
5. Kessinger RC, Boneva DV. Neurocognitive function and the upper cervical spine. Chiropractic Res Journal 1999; 6(2):88
6. Goodman R. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and the Atlas Subluxation Complex. Upper Cervical Monograph 1994; 5(4): 17-18
7. Aguilar AL, Grostic JD, Pfleger B. Chiropractic care and behavior in autistic children. Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics 2000; 5(1):293-304.
8. Brzowski W, Walton E. The effects of chiropractic treatment on students with learning and behavioral impairments due to neurological function (Paper presented at the 12th annual conference of the Association of Children with Disabilities). College Station, TX: Psychoeducational and Guidance Services, 1975
9. Williams PL, Warwick R, Dyson M, et al, ed. Gray’s anatomy (37th ed.). London: Churchill Livingston, 1989
10. Eriksen K. The Occipito-Atlanto Axial Subluxation Complex (Vol.1). Dothan, Alabama: Chiropractic Health Institute, 2000
11. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). Washington, APA, 1994
12. Beck AT, Steer RA, Brown GK. BDI-II Manual/Test. San Antonio, TX: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1996