October 29, 2020
An observation from 31+ years of helping people who have come to me for help: One of the symptoms of dis-ease or causes of dis-ease is:
The loss of the ability to look outward, and only inward.
The loss of the ability to see, when you look in the mirror, that you are one of God’s greatest creations. You now only see pain or inability or inferiority or why is this happening to me.
The loss of the ability to experience gratitude for simple, but important things like being alive and able to experience, or living in a free land, or having the opportunity to be whatever you want to be…
The loss of the ability to be passionate about a hobby as well as work.
Please watch this video. It’s one of my very favorites. I have watched it more than 300x – I count. Without gratitude and passion, there can not be health. No matter the diet, supplements, medication, or level of exercise – gratitude and passion trump ‘substance’.
The more you focus on what is under your control the more you will live a fulfilled life full of health and vitality. Focus on all things outside of your control, and stress, disease, disharmony, anxiety, worry, and eventual demise will be your life, which was created by your choices – the only thing under your control.
The choice is yours.
Dr. Marucs Ettinger