If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office. Advanced Healing Center of Orange County, the practice of Dr. Marcus Ettinger BSc, DC. Phone: 714-639-4360, E-mail: info@advancedhealing.com, Mail: 630 South Glassell Street #103. Orange, CA 92866.

Dr. Marcus Ettinger’s Daily Formula for Perfect Health, Vitality and Youthful Aging

1. 4 cups of coffee in the morning

2. A Breakfast Shake (recipe at the bottom of page)

3. Lots of dark colored fruits eaten throughout the day (all berries including acai and goji)

4. A complete variety of fresh and steamed vegetables with lunch and dinner

5. A few squares of  85% cocao Lindt dark chocolates

6. 8-12 ounces of red wine with dinner

7. Spending “quality” time with the family

8. Spending at least 30 minutes educating myself (like Napoleon Hill’s – Law of Success)

9. Going to bed between 10-11pm and getting 8 hours of sleep

10. Laughing (Jim Gaffigan on bacon or Patton Oswalt on the KFC Famous bowls note: contains naughty words)

11. Doing something active and challenging (catching waves, dirt bike riding, rock climbing….)