“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” Buddha
Do we create/influence our level of health and ill health/disease?
In over 22 years of helping thousands of patients, I would say that at least 90+% of our current state of health is self-created. 10% +/- is pure genetics, which may be influenced, negatively or positively, by our daily acts.
So, which diseases are predominately caused by US, knowingly/on-purpose (smoking, poor eating habits, lack of exercise, drugs, excessive alcohol, chemicals, avoidable stressors….) or unknowingly (basically, lack of knowing that the acts just listed are health damaging)?
First and foremost:
- Diabetes (pre-diabetes and insulin resistance)
- High Cholesterol
- Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
- Obesity / Over-Weight
- Osteoporosis
- Heart Disease
- Cancer
Other conditions that are very strongly related to what we do or don’t do to our body:
- Alzheimer’s
- Auto Immune Conditions (middle age onset)
Which diseases respond the best to lifestyle modification (diet, exercise and target nutritional supplementation) than the do to potentially dangerous drugs?
- Diabetes (pre-diabetes and insulin resistance)
- High Cholesterol
- Hypertension / High Blood Pressure
- Obesity / Over-Weight
- Osteoporosis
- Heart Disease
- Stomach and GI Conditions (Ulcer, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Disease, Crohn’s Disease…)
- Eczema
- Cancer (as a preventative more so than a treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation are even worse as a long-term treatment, as success is only measured as, “being alive five years post original diagnosis, no matter what the state the cancer is in at that time”).
The above disease states, as well as many more not listed, can and have be treated, with almost 100% effectiveness, utilizing lifestyle modifications, alone.
Here is a set of questions to see if there needs to be some attention paid to the topic of health. Please email me back with your responses and/or questions (cut and paste) – info@advancedhealing.com. If you are presently under active care, then this would apply to anyone you know that would benefit from my help.
Do you or someone you know have any of the above conditions?
- If there was an easy, safe, affordable and effective way to reverse the condition/disease would you be interested in knowing more about it?
- Is there something stopping you from getting better?
- Is there something about your present state of health that needs changing? What is it?
- If on a medication, would you like to get off of it, if it were possible?
- Do you ever complain about how bad you feel?
- Do you move with pain or lack of breath?
- Does having more energy, living longer and healthier interest you?
- Would you like to save money on your health care spending?
In 22+ years of active practice I have helped thousands of people, just like you, live happier and more productive lives. All without the use of harmful drugs. There is no better time to make your health a priority, than right now. You owe it to yourself to live every day to the fullest, without pain or illness.
I look forward to hearing from all of you.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger