by Marcus Ettinger | Aug 12, 2014 | Acid-Alkaline Balance, Allergies, Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Auto Immune, Back Pain, Blood Pressure, Cancer, Chiropractic, Diet, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Holistic Medicine, Magnesium, Minerals, My Thoughts, Paleo/Primal/Non-Reactive Diet, Sleep, Vitamin D, Vitamins, Zinc |
How to live to be 100 years old. The 15 anti-aging techniques I’ve learned from 34 years of formal study, 27 years of practicing functional medicine, and 52 years of personal experience. Updated October 05, 2016 It’s strange to think that I have been in practice,...
by Marcus Ettinger | Feb 14, 2012 | Cancer, Holistic Medicine, Medications, Vitamin D |
Normocellular bone marrow with progressive trilineage hematopoiesis and many megakaryocytes can benefit from looking at it from a different viewpoint. Question: Dr. Ettinger Do you have any feedback from any of the patients trying MM? Secondly – a follow-up to...
by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 3, 2010 | Vitamin D |
If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office....
by Marcus Ettinger | Oct 31, 2010 | Alzheimer's, Asthma, Cancer, Foods that Heal, Infection, Vitamin D |
If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office....
by Marcus Ettinger | Oct 31, 2010 | Lyme Disease, Testimonials, Vitamin D |
If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation, or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office....
by Marcus Ettinger | Oct 16, 2010 | Vitamin D |
If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office....