by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 10, 2019 | Cancer, Light-Water-Magnetism, Quantum Biology, Vitamin D |
The study researchers followed 30,000 women 25 to 64 over a period of 20 years, collecting information about personal sun exposure, activities like sunbathing (winter and summer), and asking whether they consciously chose “sun vacations” and if they used tanning beds....
by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 8, 2019 | Blue Light, Circadian Rhythm, Heliotherapy, Light-Water-Magnetism, Quantum Biology, Skin, Sleep, Sunlight, Vitamin D |
Our circadian rhythm is controlled by light, via photoreceptive proteins called “opsins”, like neuropsin and melanopsin. Humans possess photoreceptors, like neuropsin, in just about every surface and subcutaneous area of the body – adipocytes (fat),...
by Marcus Ettinger | Sep 14, 2019 | Colds/Flu, Vitamin D |
I present facts as I’m a thorough researcher and clinician of 30+ years. I don’t fall victim to fear, hype or propaganda. If you choose to read all of the data contained in this email and from the provided links, I’m sure you will come to the same...
by Marcus Ettinger | Aug 8, 2019 | 5G, Auto Immune, Bacteria & Virus, Blue Light, Cancer, Chiropractic, Circadian Rhythm, Diet, Energy/Vitality/Creativity, Epigenetics & Genetics, Functional Medicine, Quantum Biology, Vitamin D |
The truth is health and disease are both easy to achieve. If you know a few simple techniques and truths concerning Light, Water, Magnetism, and Gratitude, disease may never become an issue. 1. Biology doesn’t care about your philosophy when you’re sick. 2. Disease is...
by Marcus Ettinger | Aug 9, 2016 | Cancer, Eczema, Friday Five, Holistic Medicine, Vitamin D |
Why You and I Need More Sun Exposure and Sunlight In Our Lives Let’s cut right to the chase, the Sun is your friend. Get under it, for at least 15 of direct exposure, as often as you can, especially if you have cancer. If I can’t I will take a supplement...
by Marcus Ettinger | Mar 17, 2015 | Acid-Alkaline Balance, Cancer, Cannabis, CBD, Diet, Ketogenic Diet, Magnesium, Minerals, My Thoughts, Vitamin D |
Q: How about the controversy of Laetrile? Any comments? When things like: B17/Laetrile, estrogen & breast cancer, supplements, medications… are ‘isolated’ and researched/studied for peer-reviewed-journal articles, take the information with a...