Predisposing Causes for the Development of SIBO

Predisposing Causes for the Development of SIBO

pic. Biopsy of the small bowel in bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can mimic celiac disease, with partial villous atrophy. Important Note: To receive help for your SIBO or SIBO-related symptoms, you must become an in-office or distance patient—New Patient Forms. I’ve...
Epigenetics and Body Remodeling – Beyond Wolff’s Law

Epigenetics and Body Remodeling – Beyond Wolff’s Law

My theory on body remodeling was developed over a 20 year period of time and holds credibility as a corollary to the long-standing law in anatomy and physiology known as – Wolff’s law.  Wolff’s law, in short, states that “bone remodels according to the physical...