by Marcus Ettinger | Mar 8, 2012 | Dermatitis, Eczema, Minerals, Skin, Vitamins, Zinc |
Topic: Angular cheilitis (AC) Hi Dr. Ettinger, I forgot to ask you when I was there for my appointment about the cracked skin at the corner of my mouth. It wasn’t so bad then, but it has gotten worse. I have never in my life gotten this, so it’s a mystery....
by Marcus Ettinger | Mar 28, 2011 | Cancer, Iodine, Minerals |
March 28, 2011: Due to the tragedy unfolding, this very moment, in Japan, the world has a renewed interest in Iodine, specifically in the form of potassium iodide. Not since George Orwell’s, “Cold War” was popularized in 1947, have we seen this level...
by Marcus Ettinger | Mar 27, 2011 | Diet, Foods that Heal, Minerals, Omega 3 FA's, Vitamins |
“Estas são as cinco mais comuns deficiências nutricionais que vejo na minha Orange, quiropraxia e medicina integrativa prática: magnésio , zinco, vitamina D , vitamina E e ácidos gordos ómega 3 (ALA, EPA, DHA). Eu sinto que essas deficiências não são apenas...
by Marcus Ettinger | Feb 6, 2010 | Diet, Holistic Medicine, Minerals |
Dear Dr. Ettinger, I am a holistic psychiatrist who has been purchasing goji powder from your company. I was wondering what percentage polysaccharides are found in the freeze dried goji powder that your company sells. I also was wondering about the pros and cons of...
by Marcus Ettinger | Jan 21, 2010 | Blood Pressure, Diet, Minerals, Weight-Loss |
Orange County, CA. January 20, 2010 – Morning of day three on the Orange County UltraLite (weight-loss) Program and I’m already down 4lbs – 170.5lbs. This is the first day of *ketosis as well, so now I expect the body fat to start dropping too....
by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 17, 2009 | Alzheimer's, Mediterranean Diet, Minerals, Omega 3 FA's, Vitamin D |
The benefits of eating a “Mediterranean Diet” on reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (heart attacks) and stroke) and Hypertension (high blood pressure) is well known. Well, here is another positive heath reason for following a...