by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 6, 2024 | 5G, Anti-Aging Science, Chapman University Students' Health, Epigenetics & Genetics, Exercise, Grounding, Health and Wellness, Healthy Aging, Heliotherapy, Human Biology, Light-Water-Magnetism, Mental Health, Microbiology, Microbiome, Mind and Body, Nutrition, Quantum Biology, Sleep, Stress Management, Sunlight, Wellness and Prevention |
Table of Contents Wolff’s Law and the Symphony of Skeletal Adaptation The Conductor: Wolff’s Law in Detail The Orchestra of Nutrients Collagen Synthesis Nutrients A Supportive Player The Symphony of Remodeling Foods that Provide Nutrients for Proper Bone Health...
by Marcus Ettinger | Oct 29, 2024 | Chapman University Students' Health, Chiropractic, Chronic Disease Management, Colds/Flu, Functional Medicine, Health and Wellness, Holistic Medicine, Metabolic Health, Microbiome, Mind and Body, Root Cause Analysis, Sleep Health, Stress Management |
Dr. Marcus Ettinger is not affiliated with Chapman University Students’ Health Services or endorsed by Chapman University or Chapman University Students’ Health Services. Achieve Your Peak Potential at Chapman University: Holistic Healthcare and...
by Marcus Ettinger | Aug 9, 2024 | Artificial Light at Night, Diet, Epigenetics & Genetics, Exercise, Journal Reviews, Light-Water-Magnetism, Medical Research, Microbiology, Microbiome, My Thoughts, Sunlight |
Jack Kruse Interpretation vs Reality Or Why It’s Important To Do Your Research Rather Than Blindly Trust What Others Say The views stated here reflect my personal opinion and do not reflect the opinions of anyone mentioned in this paper. Opening Remarks First,...
by Marcus Ettinger | Sep 29, 2015 | Constipation, Diarrhea, Digestion, Digestive Disorders, Gastritis, Gastroenterology, Gut Health, H. pylori, IBS, Leaky Gut, Microbiome, Nutritional Therapy, Probiotics, SIBO, Stomach Acid |
pic. Biopsy of the small bowel in bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can mimic celiac disease, with partial villous atrophy. Important Note: To receive help for your SIBO or SIBO-related symptoms, you must become an in-office or distance patient—New Patient Forms. I’ve...