by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 20, 2019 | Alzheimer's, Auto Immune, Dermatitis, Eczema, Epigenetics & Genetics, Heliotherapy, Light-Water-Magnetism, Quantum Biology, Sunlight, Vitamin D |
Heliotherapy was part of mainstream medicine before the advent of penicillin. Sunlight (UVA/UVB, visible, and near/far Infrared confers upon the user unlimited benefits. When the full body is exposed to sunlight, on a regular basis, health can be maintained or...
by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 10, 2019 | Cancer, Light-Water-Magnetism, Quantum Biology, Vitamin D |
The study researchers followed 30,000 women 25 to 64 over a period of 20 years, collecting information about personal sun exposure, activities like sunbathing (winter and summer), and asking whether they consciously chose “sun vacations” and if they used tanning beds....
by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 8, 2019 | Blue Light, Circadian Rhythm, Heliotherapy, Light-Water-Magnetism, Quantum Biology, Skin, Sleep, Sunlight, Vitamin D |
Our circadian rhythm is controlled by light, via photoreceptive proteins called “opsins”, like neuropsin and melanopsin. Humans possess photoreceptors, like neuropsin, in just about every surface and subcutaneous area of the body – adipocytes (fat),...
by Marcus Ettinger | Sep 12, 2019 | Light-Water-Magnetism, Quantum Biology |
The sun, which allows natural vision and color perception to take place, offers the greatest help in overcoming all sorts of eye problems. Eyes cannot function properly without adequate and regular exposure to the sun and most eye problems result from sunlight...
by Marcus Ettinger | Jan 19, 2018 | Acid-Alkaline Balance, Alzheimer's, Auto Immune, Cancer, Chiropractic, Foods that Heal, Functional Medicine, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Light-Water-Magnetism, Minerals, My Thoughts, Omega 3 FA's, Paleo, Salt |
By knowing how the Laws of Man conflict with the Laws of Nature and the way they both impact us, the better we can control our own destiny. I hope you enjoy this post. Life, finances, love, politics, diet, etc… all have a common denominator. Once the common...
by Marcus Ettinger | Aug 29, 2016 | Aging Gracefully, Aging Well, Diet, Energy/Vitality/Creativity, Epigenetics & Genetics, Foods that Heal, Friday Five, Functional Medicine, Health and Wellness, Healthy Aging, Healthy Lifestyle, Holistic Medicine, Home Remedies, Integrative Medicine, Lifestyle, Light-Water-Magnetism, Longevity, Mind and Body, Mindfulness, Natural Healing, Nutrition, Nutritional Therapy, Quantum Biology, Self-Care, Self-Improvement, Senior Health, Sunlight, Superfoods, Treatment Strategies, Wellbeing, Wellness, Wellness and Prevention |
Frequency is Directly Proportional to Energy – Max Plank We are far, far more than just tissue, fluid, and bone. We are energy, prana, chi, or qi. We are energetic beings, and some of us just happen to operate at a higher energetic, vibrational, state than the...