Facebook December 12, 2020

Facebook December 12, 2020

December 12, 2020 1/4 of all the blood tests I get back show a vitamin D level below 20. Defy evolutionary biology (Naked, grounded to the Earth) or creation (Adam and Eve naked in the Garden of Eden), and disease or death is the result. “This study shows how...
Facebook December 11, 2020

Facebook December 11, 2020

December 11, 2020 If you are considering getting the COVID vaccine, please read this article in its entirety. The takeaway is that almost 10% of the population has anti-PEG (anti-polyethylene glycol) antibodies. PEG is part of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine. 75% of...
Facebook December 09, 2020

Facebook December 09, 2020

December 09, 2020 Here is an interesting study linking caloric restriction and aerobic exercise to increased metabolic efficiency and longevity. I do both and can attest, empirically, to the truth of this study. Study details how aerobic exercise reverses degenerative...