by Marcus Ettinger | Jul 4, 2010 | Energy/Vitality/Creativity, My Thoughts |
If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office....
by Marcus Ettinger | Mar 21, 2010 | Diet, Energy/Vitality/Creativity, Weight-Loss |
Dear patients, friends and family: I am issuing the following call to action. As most of you know I am extremely passionate about diet, nutrition and exercise. The lack of proper diet and exercise in our society is a full-blown epidemic and it’s killing you,...
by Marcus Ettinger | Dec 11, 2009 | Allergies, Arthritis, Chiropractic, Diet, Energy/Vitality/Creativity, Epstein Barr, Gastritis, Headache, Heartburn, Infection, Insomnia, Magnesium, Minerals, Shingles, Skin, Sleep, Ulcerative Colitis, Vitamins |
Excessive negative stress has become, over the last 25 years, as much a part of our daily lives as eating and sleeping. Excessive negative stress can be physical (chronic illness, lack of exercise, over-exercising, etc.), emotional (losing a job, winning the lottery,...
by Marcus Ettinger | Jul 27, 2009 | Energy/Vitality/Creativity, My Thoughts |
What would you DO if you had more energy? Here are 22 simple activities you can incorporate into your daily routine to help you create more vitality, energy, and creativity. I’ll be 46 in 6 months and my energy level is the same today as it was when I was 18. My...