by Marcus Ettinger | Jul 3, 2013 | Acid-Alkaline Balance, Eczema, Energy/Vitality/Creativity, Foods that Heal, Iodine, Minerals, Omega 3 FA's, Recipes, Skin, Superfoods |
This is what goes into my daily, “disease-prevention, anti-aging, energy-boosting, libido-enhancing, brain-stimulation, skin-rejuvenation, love and gratitude, super-food smoothie”: (from the dried goji berries – clockwise) Dried goji berries; SevenPoint...
by Marcus Ettinger | Mar 8, 2012 | Dermatitis, Eczema, Minerals, Skin, Vitamins, Zinc |
Topic: Angular cheilitis (AC) Hi Dr. Ettinger, I forgot to ask you when I was there for my appointment about the cracked skin at the corner of my mouth. It wasn’t so bad then, but it has gotten worse. I have never in my life gotten this, so it’s a mystery....
by Marcus Ettinger | May 26, 2011 | Allergies, Asthma, Diet, Eczema |
Food Allergies and Robyn O’Brien Why do Walmart, Kraft and Coke Cola send Europe, pure, unadulterated versions of their food products and we get the versions that contain genetically modified ingredients, dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives? Why did allergy...
by Marcus Ettinger | Apr 26, 2009 | Allergies, Arthritis, Asthma, Calcium, Cancer, Celiac Sprue, Colds/Flu, Dermatitis, Diet, Eczema, Epstein Barr, Gastritis, Gluten, Headache, Heartburn, Holistic Medicine, Infection, Insomnia, Kidney, Magnesium, Medications, Menopause, Minerals, Omega 3 FA's, Parasites, Prostate, Shingles, Skin, Sleep, Snoring, Stomach Acid, Superfoods, Ulcerative Colitis, Uncategorized, Vitamin D, Vitamins, Worms |
My theory on body remodeling was developed over a 20 year period of time and holds credibility as a corollary to the long-standing law in anatomy and physiology known as – Wolff’s law. Wolff’s law, in short, states that “bone remodels according to the physical...