by Marcus Ettinger | Feb 14, 2016 | Acid-Alkaline Balance, Arthritis, Auto Immune, Back Pain, Cancer, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Eczema, Epstein Barr, Headache, Insomnia, Lyme Disease, Magnesium, Minerals, Shingles, Skin, Sleep |
This magnesium chloride bath not only possesses palliative properties (pain and muscle spasm relief), it possesses restorative properties as well. By combing magnesium chloride bath flakes, sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) and Epsom Salt (magnesium sulfate), you have...
by Marcus Ettinger | Nov 30, 2015 | Allergies, Alzheimer's, Arthritis, Asthma, Auto Immune, Back Pain, Cancer, Colds/Flu, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diet, Energy/Vitality/Creativity, Epstein Barr, Gastritis, Headache, Heartburn, Insomnia, My Thoughts, Shingles, Sleep, Ulcerative Colitis |
There Is A Link Between Responsibility, Epigenetic Factors and Health Marcus S. Ettinger B.Sc., D.C. ©21 May 2001 Marcus Ettinger. All rights reserved Revised 28 November 2015 (no portion of this may be re-printed or used without permission) The words RESPONSIBLE and...
by Marcus Ettinger | Jun 7, 2011 | Alzheimer's, Blood Pressure, Cancer, Diabetes, Holistic Medicine, My Thoughts |
“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” Buddha Do we create/influence our level of health and ill health/disease? In over 22 years of helping thousands of patients, I would say that at least 90+% of our current state of health is...
by Marcus Ettinger | Feb 1, 2011 | Diabetes, Weight-Loss |
A Therapeutic Lifestyle Change – The Ultra Lite Program Whether your goal is to lose weight, detoxify and cleanse your body, or address a serious health concern, our TLC – Ultra Lite Program provides you with the exact tools, science and support you need to...
by Marcus Ettinger | Oct 30, 2010 | Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Mediterranean Diet |
If after reading this post you have questions regarding alternative medicine, integrative medicine, chiropractic, weight-loss, diabetes or pre-diabetes prevention, nutritional supplementation or how to become a new patient, please feel free to contact our office....