Welcome to the blog of Dr. Marcus Ettinger "Medical Detective" and "Digestion Coach"
I have been writing about health and the human body for over 35+ years. I do this to provide easy-to-understand information on complex topics. I also do this to cement everything I’ve learned in my brain. I hope the information presented on my blog helps you increase your understanding of the body, disease, and health.
What would YOU DO if all of your pain and anxiety causing symptoms disappeared?
If you are experiencing a health challenge that no one has been able to address, please give me a call. I handle challenging cases, especially involving the stomach and GI tract. These include H. pylori, biofilm protocols, leaky gut, SIBO, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and many other conditions. Click on the icon above or call me at 714-639-4360.

Cipro Inhibits Mitochondrial DNA Replication
Ciprofloxacin (Cipro and Levaquin) impairs mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) replication through inhibition of Topoisomerase 2, altering mtDNA topological homeostasis. Ciprofloxacin (Cipro and Levaquin), a fluoroquinolone, is the third most commonly used antibiotic, and...

Luca Turin, Quantum Biology and The Sense of Smell – Fact or Fiction?
The vibrational theory of smell (olfaction) was first proposed by Malcolm Dyson in 1928. In 1996 Luca Turin, a biophysicist took it one step deeper and introduced "The quantum mechanical based theory of olfaction." It states that our olfactory receptors respond not to...

Rev-erbA regulates neuroinflammation in the central and peripheral nervous systems
It turns out the circadian clock protein Rev-erbA regulates neuroinflammation in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Now, how does this paper connect to your molecular circadian clock and your peripheral clock genes (CCG’s)? This same relationship also exists...

Quantum Tunneling Is Happening Around And In Us
Quantum Biology Lesson: We are more than just cells. We are quantized beings. Standard biology or chemistry can't explain the totality of who we are, what we are and how we operate. We possess electromagnetic fields, morphic fields, and quantum fields. Anything and...

Quercetin is a protective phytochemical against 5G
I Propose That Quercetin Is A Possible Protective Phytochemical Against 5G (mmWave) Microwave Radiation. 5G on Blood and Cells "The single most important fact about 5G that nobody is talking about is called “phased array.” It will totally change the way cell towers...

Does Bioaccumulation of Toxins and Radiation from our Food Chain and Environment have a Detrimental or Hormetic Impact in Humans
"Believing that eliminating seafood reduces human Bioaccumulation and yields a greater benefit to health than does eating it is not supported by fact. The responsible step would be to study ALL the science(s) related to this topic. Only in that way can the pros and...

Rupert Sheldrake, Morphogenic Fields and Divergent Thinkers
Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. - Is One Our Greatest, Modern, Divergent Thinkers I've been following Dr. Rupert Sheldrake since the mid-'90s. He's a heretic and pioneer. I'm so very glad this video on Morphogenic Fields was produced. Standard physics, biology, and physiology...

Exposure to Blue Light Reduces Blood Pressure Via Increased Plasma Nitric Oxide
Blue light can reduce blood pressure, study suggests Date: November 8, 2018 Source: University of Surrey Summary: Exposure to blue light decreases blood pressure, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, a new study suggests. Exposure to blue light...
Pearls of Wisdom from a Medical Detective
DHA There is a paucity of DHA in the land food chain and these sources also contain competing fats such as linoleic acid of the ω-6 family. The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the fact that the brain first evolved in the sea 500 million years ago using...

Carnivore Diet and Mitochondriac Resource Page
Is the Carnivore Diet a passing fad? I think not. Is it the ultimate evolutionary, elimination diet? Does it support our innate genetic make-up? I think so. Here are just TWO examples of many: (1) why do humans have such low innate stomach pH, like that of scavengers...