Welcome to the blog of Dr. Marcus Ettinger "Medical Detective" and "Digestion Coach"
I have been writing about health and the human body for over 35+ years. I do this to provide easy-to-understand information on complex topics. I also do this to cement everything I’ve learned in my brain. I hope the information presented on my blog helps you increase your understanding of the body, disease, and health.
What would YOU DO if all of your pain and anxiety causing symptoms disappeared?
If you are experiencing a health challenge that no one has been able to address, please give me a call. I handle challenging cases, especially involving the stomach and GI tract. These include H. pylori, biofilm protocols, leaky gut, SIBO, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and many other conditions. Click on the icon above or call me at 714-639-4360.

Facebook November 03, 2020
November 03, 2020 The role of the sun in the spread of viral respiratory diseases, by Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica

Facebook October 29, 2020
October 29, 2020 An observation from 31+ years of helping people who have come to me for help: One of the symptoms of dis-ease or causes of dis-ease is: The loss of the ability to look outward, and only inward. The loss of the ability to see, when you look in the...

Facebook October 28, 2020
Disease has 3 things in common: inflammation, hypoxia (lack of oxygen), and acidosis. No matter which one you start with the other two will manifest. Which of the above is caused by wearing a mask? 1. Hypoxia 2. Acidosis 3. Inflammation

Facebook October 27, 2020
"My version of what Epictetus said almost 2000 years ago. There is only one thing in life that we have control over. We, for sure don't have control over whether, our friends, relatives, traffic, our body, co-workers, boss, kids, traffic, politics, nor government......

Bacterial diversity in the gut is directly linked to Vitamin D levels
There is a direct connection between gut bacterial diversity and vitamin D levels The precursor form of vitamin D - (25-Hydroxycalciferol - this is the most common form tested on blood labs) The active form of vitamin D - (1, 25 Dihydroxycaldiferol [Calcitriol] -...

Osteoporosis – Supplements, Medications or Wolff’s Law
Q&A - Osteoporosis: "I Had a bone density scan & my results showed I have osteoporosis. Now my doctor now wants me to take 1200mg calcium,1000 IU's of vitamin D every day, plus Alendro once weekly tablets 70mg. I'm guessing these aren't good? Apparently, they...

Elevated TSH after iodine-iodide supplementation – Why?
Here is a clinical observation I have witnessed many times, on lab tests, after iodine-iodide supplementation. The TSH will rise and may stay high for weeks to months before coming back down to normal levels. So, why can the administration of iodine-iodide elevate...

Zinc, Zinc Ionophore, COVID-19, Inflammation, Hemoglobin, Clioquinol, and More
Have you ever heard of a Zinc Ionophore? The definition of an Ionophore is, "a substance which is able to transport particular ions, like zinc, across a lipid membrane in a cell". Well, now is the time why knowing more about zinc and a Zinc Ionophore compound may just...

FB Live Coronavirus Update 3-29-2020 – Baking Soda, Grounding…
Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate) In a 1924 booklet, published by the Arm & Hammer Soda Company, page 12, the company starts off saying, “The proven value of Arm & Hammer Bicarbonate of Soda (Baking Soda) as a therapeutic agent is further evinced by the...

NAC, Antioxidants Lessen Severity and Duration of H1N1 and Possibly COVID-19 Virus
Below are a number of slides from a presentation, High Dose N-Acetylcysteine Anti-oxidant Therapy - A Novel Approach For the Treatment of Novel H1N1 Pneumonia, given by Dr. Lai Kang Yiu, Consultant Intensive Care Unit Queen Elizabeth Hospital. This presentation is...