Welcome to the blog of Dr. Marcus Ettinger "Medical Detective" and "Digestion Coach"
I have been writing about health and the human body for over 35+ years. I do this to provide easy-to-understand information on complex topics. I also do this to cement everything I’ve learned in my brain. I hope the information presented on my blog helps you increase your understanding of the body, disease, and health.
What would YOU DO if all of your pain and anxiety causing symptoms disappeared?
If you are experiencing a health challenge that no one has been able to address, please give me a call. I handle challenging cases, especially involving the stomach and GI tract. These include H. pylori, biofilm protocols, leaky gut, SIBO, Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis, and many other conditions. Click on the icon above or call me at 714-639-4360.

Facebook December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020 If you are considering getting the COVID vaccine, please read this article in its entirety. The takeaway is that almost 10% of the population has anti-PEG (anti-polyethylene glycol) antibodies. PEG is part of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine. 75% of...

Facebook December 09, 2020
December 09, 2020 Here is an interesting study linking caloric restriction and aerobic exercise to increased metabolic efficiency and longevity. I do both and can attest, empirically, to the truth of this study. Study details how aerobic exercise reverses degenerative...

Facebook December 02, 2020
December 02, 2020 Hot off the presses: The precursor form of vitamin D - (25-Hydroxycalciferol - this is the most common form tested on blood labs) The active form of vitamin D - (1, 25 Dihydroxycaldiferol [Calcitriol] - which is rarely tested for) ..."We were...
Facebook November 20, 2020
November 20, 2020 1986 - Dag Nasty - Values Here "...Fear of failure Fear of reprimand Two big problems I've never had I never doubted what I had inside..." Few people got to experience early punk rock, 1977-1986. Too intimidating, too not mainstream, too fast, too...
Facebook November 17, 2020
November 17, 2020 "Epigenetics control genetics. How you think is the biggest predictor of your current and future health status. Anger, shame, blame, regret, hate, and anxiety have no place in my life. No matter where the origin - strangers, patients, friends,...

Facebook November 15, 2020
November 15, 2020 LOOKING BACK ON THE BLOOD SAMPLES FROM A PAST RESEARCH STUDY - WHAT THEY FOUND MAY SHAPE THE HISTORY OF THE PANDEMIC. 960 RANDOM, ASYMPTOMATIC people were screened as part of a lung cancer screening study from 9-2019 thru 3-2020. By the end, almost...

Facebook November 08, 2020
November 08, 2020 "We are born virgins both physically and mentally, inexperienced. With age comes true wisdom if one is willing to look, learn, and live. Show compassion and develop the ability to see and tell the truth. Age is only a number and has nothing to do...

Facebook November 07, 2020
November 07, 2020 You only know what you know and that is based on your life experiences. My mom left when I was four, my dad is a 2x felon, I was raised as a latch key kid, I hold 2 advanced degrees and I am a sought-after medical consultant having treated people...

Facebook November 06, 2020
November 06, 2020 "Most of the time it seems so clear. Then all of a sudden logic disappears. Left all alone and dumb again. Refind the truth and start again." Dr. Marcus Ettinger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pu0CYQGO0O0&fbclid

Facebook November 05,2020
November 05, 2020 "Control what you can and accept what you can't. Live by this axiom and life will always be a fun game to play." Dr. Marcus Ettinger