Why You and I Need More Sun Exposure and Sunlight In Our Lives

Let’s cut right to the chase, the Sun is your friend. Get under it, for at least 15 of direct exposure, as often as you can, especially if you have cancer. If I can’t I will take a supplement form and maintain my Vitamin D3 level between 50-70 nmol/L, year round.

Important Fact: excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR), from the Sun, accounts for only 0.1% of the total global burden of disease in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), according to the 2006 World Health Organization (WHO) report The Global Burden of Disease Due to Ultraviolet Radiation. In contrast, the same WHO report noted that a markedly larger annual disease burden of 3.3 billion DALYs worldwide as a result from very low levels of UVR exposure. This burden includes major disorders of the musculoskeletal system and possibly an increased risk of various autoimmune diseases and life-threatening cancers.

The only negative, I see, from sun exposure is when it’s in excess and without proper sun protection. A sun-shirt, wide-brimmed hat, and a sunscreen, containing transparent zinc oxide, will take care of that. If you want even greater protection take a 1/2-1 Tbsp. of organic, flax seed oil  as well as 8mg’s astaxanthin.

1. Vitamin D Production

The best-known benefit of sunlight is its ability to boost the body’s vitamin D supply. Most cases of vitamin D deficiency are due to lack of outdoor sun exposure. At least 1,000 different genes governing virtually every tissue in the body are now thought to be regulated by Vitamin D, including several involved in calcium metabolism and neuromuscular and immune system functioning.

2. Cancer

Cedric F. Garland, a medical professor at the University of California, San Diego, says that by maintaining a serum vitamin D level of 55–60 ng/mL, The breast cancer rate in temperate regions can be reduced by half, and the incidence of many other cancers can be similarly reduced as well. He calls this “the single most important action that could be taken by society to reduce the incidence of cancer in North America and Europe, beyond not smoking.”

3. Mood

Sunlight stimulates the release of the feel-good chemicals, serotonin, and endorphins. These two chemicals, when at normal levels, will help us to be happier, experience less depression, be more content and calm.

4. Sleep

When people are exposed to sunlight, their nighttime melatonin production occurs sooner, and they enter into sleep more easily at night, thus a potential treatment for insomnia. Exposure to bright morning light has also shown to be effective against premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

5. Other Sun-Dependent Pathways

A. Autoimmune Disease. Exposure to both UVA and UVB radiation can have direct immunosuppressive effects through an increase in specific chemicals and increase the activity of others. These mechanisms may help prevent autoimmune diseases.

B. Reducing Melanoma Risk. Upon exposure to sunshine, melanocytes and keratinocytes in the skin release α-MSH, which has been implicated in immunologic tolerance and suppression of contact hypersensitivity. α-MSH also helps limit oxidative DNA damage resulting from ultraviolet radiation and increases gene repair, thus reducing melanoma risk, as reported 15 May 2005 in Cancer Research.

C. Reduced Stress Levels. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation increases blood levels of natural opiates called endorphins. Melanocytes in human skin express a fully functioning endorphin receptor system, according to the June 2003 Journal of Investigative Dermatology, and a study published 24 November 2005 in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology suggests that the cutaneous pigmentary system is an important stress-response element of the skin.

It’s so simple and it’s free. I want you to get more sun. By doing so you will increase your health and feel more content. God knows we need more of both right now!

Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health
Solar radiation and human health

The Friday Five

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Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend.

Dr. Ettinger

In office and Distance Client Services

What would you DO if you had absolutely no pain or symptoms? 

I’ve been helping people get out of pain, in my office and as distance clients, for over 27 years. There is no case too complicated. This is not only my job but my hobby as well. I’m sure I feel the same level of excitement when treating a difficult case as a golfer may when getting to play Pebble Beach or Augusta National. The bottom-line is, I’m passionate about uncovering what’s going on inside your body and fixing it.  

If you would like my help, in-office or as a distance client, click on the icon above for more information.

You can also call me directly at 714-639-4360. 

Dr. Ettinger, I Need Your Help

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