Important Note: To receive biofilm protocol information, coaching on a biofilm protocol, or support for H. pylori eradication.., you must become a distance patient – New Patient Forms. I genuinely want to help anyone interested, but it’s finally gotten to the point where far too many people want free advice, treatment plans, personalized protocols, etc. I firmly believe in fair exchange, and I feel I have done so by providing the information in this post.
I want to help you, and I can create a tailor-made protocol for your situation. Please fill out the distance patient application (link above). If you have a specific question about the program, please call me at 714-639-4360.
Table of Contents
- Dr. Ettinger’s Biofilm Protocol for Lyme and Gut Pathogens
- First, a little background on what is biofilm.
- Related Biofilm Protocol Posts
- Biofilm and Chronic Infection: Key Points (my additions and comments are in RED)
- Pathogenic bacteria that are known to form biofilm include, but are not limited to:
- The number of human diseases associated with biofilm is ever-expanding and includes:
- Dr. Marcus Ettinger’s Biofilm Protocol
- Biofilm Busting (Disrupting) Nutraceuticals
- Current H. pylori Protocol and December 13, 2016 Update (Pylopass)
- September 26, 2016 Update – IMPORTANT
- Biofilm Protocol Avoid or Add?
- Probiotics
- Beneficial Yeast
- Specific additions based on condition (Not a complete list)
- Diet
- Testing
- Biofilm Protocol Tips for Bacterial and Yeast Infections
- Final Words
- Research
Dr. Ettinger’s Biofilm Protocol for Lyme and Gut Pathogens
Copyright © Marcus S. Ettinger, DC 2009-2024
A specific question has been asked a lot lately: What is my protocol for busting through bacterial biofilm? This question has come chiefly from people diagnosed with or those who think they may have H. pylori bacterial infection or Lyme disease. For additional information on the link between Lyme and biofilm, please check out this 2008 presentation: Biofilms of Borrelia burgdorferi And Clinical Implications for Chronic borreliosis by Alan B. MacDonald, MD. For information on Lyme Disease and Herpes Virus Connection. The reason that I’ve put this “biofilm busting/disrupting protocol” post together is based on this one fact. The day I discovered how to affect bacterial biofilm or its communication within the human body was when chronic conditions, from the sinus to the prostate, were no longer a ‘project’ to handle. I hope the data below is helpful to you in your search for information or health restoration.
First, a little background on what biofilm is:
Figure 1: The life cycle of biofilm. 1: individual bacterial cells populate a surface. 2: The extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) is produced, and attachment becomes irreversible. 3 & 4: Biofilm architecture develops and matures. 5: Single planktonic cells (planktonic – meaning free-floating) are released from the biofilm.
Tuned-Down Biofilm Definition: A complex structure adhering to surfaces that are regularly in contact with water, consisting of colonies of bacteria and usually other microorganisms such as yeasts, fungi, and protozoa that secrete a mucilaginous protective coating in which they are encased. Biofilms can form on solid or liquid surfaces and soft tissue in living organisms and are typically resistant to conventional disinfection methods. Dental plaque, the slimy coating that fouls pipes and tanks, and algal mats on bodies of water are examples of biofilms. While biofilms are generally pathogenic in the body, causing diseases like cystic fibrosis and otitis media, they can be used beneficially in treating sewage, industrial waste, and contaminated soil.
The American Heritage® Science Dictionary
Tuned-up Biofilm Definition: Direct observations have shown that biofilm bacteria predominate numerically and metabolically in virtually all nutrient-sufficient ecosystems. Therefore, these sessile organisms predominate in most environmental, industrial, and medical problems and processes of interest to microbiologists. If biofilm bacteria were simply planktonic cells that had adhered to a surface, this revelation would be unimportant, but they are demonstrably and profoundly different. We first noted that biofilm cells are at least 500 times more resistant to antibacterial agents. We have discovered that adhesion triggers the expression of a sigma factor that derepresses many genes so that biofilm cells are clearly phenotypically distinct from their planktonic counterparts. Each biofilm bacterium lives in a customized microniche in a complex microbial community that has primitive homeostasis, a primitive circulatory system, and metabolic cooperativity, and each of these sessile cells reacts to its unique environment so that it differs fundamentally from a planktonic cell of the same species. Lappin-Scott HM, et al. Microbial biofilms. Annu Rev Microbiol. 1995;49:711-45.
Related Biofilm Protocol Posts
- Biofilm Basics.
- Bill Costerton – The “Father” of Biofilms, has great information on various conditions.
- Quorum Sensing and Biofilm
- Autoinducers, Biofilm, Bacterial Density, and Quorum Sensing
- Princeton researchers have, for the first time, revealed the mechanism of how bacteria, cell by cell, create protective masses called biofilm.
- Biofilm Protocol Basics For Bacterial And Yeast Infections
Pic. A simulation of the bacteria Vibrio cholerae forming a biofilm, with each slightly curved, rod-shaped unit indicating individual bacteria. The architecture shows vertically oriented bacteria at the biofilm’s center and horizontally oriented bacteria at the bottom, adhering to the surface upon which the mass grows. Credit: Image courtesy of Bonnie Bassler, Howard Stone, Ned Wingreen, and Jing Yan
Biofilm and Chronic Infection: Key Points (my additions and comments are in RED)
Excerpts from a Klaire Labs product monograph, which is a basic primer on the topic of bacterial biofilm.) The National Institutes of Health (NIH) estimates that 60% of all human infections and 80% of refractory infections (def. unresponsive to medical treatment) are attributable to biofilm colonies. I have seen this, most commonly in cases I’ve worked up where the pathogen is Chlamydia pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Helicobacter pylori, [Lyme disease – Borrelia burgdorferi], and Candida albicans.
– The protection conferred upon microorganisms (primarily gram-negative bacteria) by biofilm allows them to achieve a high level of antibiotic resistance, increased virulence, stealth, and invisibility.
– Biofilm not only provides a physical barrier to antimicrobial agents (pharmaceutical antibiotics) and host antibodies but facilitates the exchange of antibiotic-resistant genetic material between organisms and may contain antibiotic-degrading (hydrolyzing) enzymes such as b-lactamase, effectively neutralizing incoming antibiotic (b-lactam antibiotics) molecules.
– In fact, biofilm communities can be 400-1000 times more resistant to antibiotics than free-floating planktonic bacteria.
– There may be 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, or 60 different types of bacteria within a biofilm, especially in infected wounds, post-surgical.
– The decreased growth rate of sessile microorganisms (def. Permanently attached to a substrate; not free to move about; “an attached oyster”) also reduces their antibiotic susceptibility as most antimicrobial agents require rapid cell growth in order to kill or inhibit the microbes effectively. Biofilm thus renders pathogenic microorganisms enormously difficult to eradicate and can almost single-handedly contribute to localized or systemic inflammatory reactions, autoimmune reactions, and delayed wound healing.
– “…. Once established, however, biofilm infections persist. They are rarely resolved by host defense mechanisms, even in individuals with healthy innate and adaptive immune reactions. Active host responses, such as invading neutrophils (the most abundant type of white blood cell in mammals and forms an essential part of the innate (inborn; natural) immune system), can even be detrimental since those cells can cause collateral damage to neighboring healthy host tissue. Biofilm infections respond only transiently to antibiotic therapy.” From Biofilms Hypertext, Chapter 4 Biofilms in Health and Medicine contributing author James Garth, PhD
– Depending on the type of biofilm, one or more species of pathogens may be found embedded in the extracellular polymeric substance (def. Composed primarily of polysaccharides and can either stay attached to the cell’s outer surface or be secreted into its growth medium). Bacterial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) may be carriers of or may have heavy metals embedded in them, especially iron, thus the indication for chelation w/EDTA. EDTA, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, is a chelating agent used to lower one’s body burden of heavy metals). This is why Interfase Plus and lactoferrin are so helpful.
Pathogenic bacteria that are known to form biofilm include, but are not limited to:
- Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme bacteria)
- Escherichia coli (linked to colon cancer, bladder, and other infections)
- Bacteroides fragilis (linked to colon cancer)
- Candida albicans (yeast and fungal mutation)
- Clostridium difficile (the most common cause of GI infection and a growing epidemic)
- Clostridium perfringens
- Helicobacter pylori (linked to ulcers, gastritis, and stomach cancer)
- Klebsiella pneumoniae
- Legionella pneumophila
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- Salmonella typhimurium
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Staphylococcus epidermidis
- Vibrio cholerae
Chlamydophila species such as Chlamydia pneumoniae don’t form a biofilm, as they are intercellular, but may somehow get accidentally caught up in them before entering a host cell. Here is a good video on Chlamydia and biofilm (Video [biofilm section 7:45 min. mark] – Dr. Wilmore Webley on C. pneumoniae & Biofilms).
The number of human diseases associated with biofilm is ever-expanding and includes:
- Chronic bacterial prostatitis (chronic prostate infection)
- Chronic rhinosinusitis (chronic sinus infections)
- Cystic fibrosis pneumonia
- Infective endocarditis (infection of the thin, smooth membrane that lines the inside of the chambers of the heart and forms the surface of the valves)
- Periodontitis (also known as pyorrhea, is a severe gum infection)
- Recurrent otitis media (recurrent ear infection)
- Colon cancer – Bacterial Biofilms Linked To Colon Cancer and Gut Microbes Combine to Cause Colon Cancer
- Virtually all device and surgical implant-related infections.
- Strong evidence is also beginning to emerge for an etiologic (causative) role of pathogenic mucosal biofilm in gastrointestinal diseases, such as Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis. Leaky gut and IBS may also have biofilm as a contributing factor.

Figure 2: S. aureus biofilm
Biofilm Protocol Coaching
You can get help with these steps by going to my Distance Client Program.
Biofilm Busting (Disrupting) Nutraceuticals (go here for a detailed version of the section below)
This is not an exhaustive list of the nutraceuticals that can be used as biofilm disruptors. Not all of these products will be or should be used at the same time. Additional nutraceuticals may be needed based on each individual’s unique situation, genetics, and epigenetic factors. The key to a successful outcome is twofold. First, it’s building a comprehensive protocol of both biofilm-disrupting and antimicrobial agents. The second is to make sure that all of the protocol’s ingredients are taken at therapeutic levels. If either of these key points is out, both money and time can be wasted.
- Monolaurin or Lauricidin [AKA Glyceryl laurate or glycerol monolaurate] Read more – Antiviral and Antibacterial Actions of Monolaurin and Lauric Acid
- Nattokinase (a potent oral fibrinolytic enzyme supplement). Some prefer Boluoke Lumbrokinase.
- InterFase Plus™ (a broad-spectrum enzyme formula with EDTA) – Use only under a doctor’s supervision.
- InterFase™ (a broad-spectrum enzyme formula without EDTA)
- NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine) Mucolytic enzyme N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a precursor of glutathione and a potent antioxidant. Effective against biofilm on prosthetic devices, in vitro biofilm, and chronic respiratory infections (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ), NAC is a powerful molecule able to destroy bacterial biofilm (6).
- Curcumin 95% Natural Turmeric Extract Powder (Curcuma longa)
- Lactoferrin Dr. Anju Usman, “Our bodies make proteins, transferrin, and lactoferrin, which mop up iron and block the ability of biofilm to form,” she said. “But pathogenic bacteria secrete iron chelators to snatch up iron and thus compete with the transferrin and lactoferrin for what they need to survive.”
- Xylitol (sugar alcohol): Do not use it if you have IBS or IBD.
- Nutiva Extra-Virgin Coconut Oil (42-52% Medium Chain Fatty Acids [MCFA], lauric acid, by volume)
- Serrapeptase (a potent oral fibrinolytic enzyme supplement)
- Wobenzyme N
- Pepsin
- Guaifenesin (Maximum-Strength Mucinex)
- Neem oil
- Reishi Mushroom
- BFB-1™ & BFB-2™ (essential oil preparations)
- Smilax Officinalis
- Carbonized Bamboo
- Bladderwrack
- Specific Plant Tannins and/or Polyphenols based on individual need
- Specific types of Soluble Fiber and/or Insoluble Fiber, based on individual need and if there are no contraindications for their use.
- Specific Plant-Based Enzymes, based on individual need
- Transdermal Magnesium Therapy
Current H. pylori Protocol and December 13, 2016 Update (Pylopass) – BREAKING NEWS – Help Eliminate H. pylori with Pylopass
My current protocol consists of either Prevpac or Pylera (see September 2016 update below) and a personalized combination of biofilm-busting and natural antimicrobial agents. Below are the products I’m currently pulling from to create an individualized protocol. Having the correct biofilm and H. pylori protocol is just as important as having the correct dosage of the products used. To the degree that the balance of the three is in is to the degree that the entire protocol will succeed. This is why it’s always best to have a qualified coach and never self-treat.
- H. pylori Fight and PyloGuard (previously known as Pylopass)
- Natural Antimicrobial(s)
- S. boulardii
- Bladderwrack and/or Cranberry Extract w/D-Mannose
- Black Seed Oil
- A personalized Biofilm Protocol
Additional Data – Dissolve biofilms with fibrinolytic enzymes nattokinase and lumbrokinase By Dr. Peta Cohen. Effect of xylitol on an in vitro model of oral biofilm (PubMed). I have seen increased effectiveness since adding this to the protocol).
September 26, 2016 Update – IMPORTANT
PLEASE READ: Updated, Update – September 26, 2016, rev. August 19, 2014, original August 08, 2013
Since 2007, I have been helping patients with ulcers, gastritis, SIBO, and general GI distress caused by H. pylori and other biofilm-producing bacteria. In the beginning, getting rid of H. pylori was fairly easy, in my opinion. As time progressed, I noticed that the H. pylori-biofilm protocol, which up till now was very effective, was now becoming less and less effective, even with those receiving the H. pylori-biofilm protocol for the first time. There are now H. pylori strains that are ‘multiple drug-resistant’ even in those who have never been treated – Why? The linked article states that these mutations happen by chance. Meaning, medically, there is no real explanation for it, so they call it, “by chance.” Energetically, there is a very good explanation for it, at least for me anyway, based on the research done by Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., “Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance.” Please read about his theory for further clarification.
The shift in effectiveness has compelled me to incorporate more than one round of products or add more products to the protocol. The end result has always been eradication, but it’s now taking more (products and/or time) to achieve this result. Also, there are many people reaching out to me and reporting that they have undergone triple and quadruple therapies to no avail. This suggests, in my mind, that the biofilm and the bacteria that form it are learning to defend themselves more effectively. They are adapting and mutating, genetically and energetically, to survive. Good for them and bad for us.
I theorize that with the introduction of hundreds of blogs, chat rooms, and websites devoted to H. pylori, H. pylori treatment, and biofilm, more and more people are self-treating and getting poor treatment outcomes. This self-treating is not killing the H. pylori or breaking up / busting through the biofilm but, to the contrary, making them both stronger by building up biofilm defense. Every time a bacterial biofilm is unsuccessfully eliminated it becomes more resistant to the next protocol. When this is combined with the theory of Morphic Fields, it’s no wonder why H. pylori and biofilm eradication is becoming harder and harder to achieve. The point of all of this is that there are still effective treatment options available; it may just take a little more time, and more products, allopathic (Prevpac or Pylera) and/or natural, may be required to get to the desired end result – H. pylori and biofilm eradication.
Personal note: don’t waste your money on Matula Herbal Formula. Many of the people who have contacted me have spent good money on the product with the hopes of it working. The Matula tea didn’t work, and they were unable to get the refund that was promised. Update: the company used to offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you were retested after using Matula tea and you still had H. pylori. They do not offer that guarantee anymore. I wonder why.
Lastly, I am not against the concept of self-treating per se. The issue is that the information available to you on biofilm and H. pylori eradication is not comprehensive or clear enough for you to be your own doctor or to successfully self-treat. I have always advocated and promoted that if you want to get better with or at something, you need a coach who is an expert in that field or subject. There are times and places where self-help is the best option, but biofilm and H. pylori treatment are not among them. This is just my opinion.
Biofilm Protocol Avoid or Add?
Avoid supplemental IRON during the biofilm protocol or when treating any bacterial infection. The abnormal presence of freely available iron will increase the rate of bacterial multiplication and tip the balance
in favor of the invading pathogen.
Avoid supplemental ZINC during the biofilm protocol, especially if you are taking antibiotics. Zinc is important in the breakdown of life-saving antibiotics. It is widely recognized that modern medicine is on the precipice of a microbial-induced disaster. The rise of bacterial strains (and enzymes) that are resistant to (and can inactivate) commonly used and recently developed antibiotics is risking nearly 80 years of progress in successfully treating once life-threatening bacterial infections. Much of this resistance is driven by a large class of enzymes localized to the bacterial surface termed Metallo-β-lactamases. These enzymes cleave the β-lactam ring of antibiotics that include penicillins, carbapenems, cephalosporins, and monobactams.
Avoid foods or supplemental – alginate, alginic acid, 1,3/1,6 beta-glucan, fructans, inulin, fructooligosaccharides, oligosaccharides, excess cellulose, and excess amylose. Strategy to combat biofilms: a focus on biofilm dispersal enzymes
Add? Data on Magnesium and Iron deficiency as a contributing factor to bacterial virulence and biofilm formation.
Magnesium – Studying the bacteria P. aeruginosa, a biofilm producer, researchers discovered a protein, the magnesium transporter E (MgtE). MgtE activity in P. aeruginosa appears to be influenced by the bacterium’s chemical surroundings, including the abnormal mucus in Cystic Fibrosis (CF) patients. Specifically, MgtE responds to fluctuations in magnesium levels. MgtE protein activates (increase in MgtE gene transcription) in the presence of LOW levels of magnesium, increasing biofilm formation, cytotoxicity, and bacterial virulence. This study was only conducted in a laboratory setting but may translate to low human tissue levels of magnesium as well.
in an email exchange with Dr. Gregory Anderson, one of the lead researchers for the above data.
Dr. Ettinger – “I’m assuming that the signaling is in response to “low” tissue magnesium levels. Is this correct?”
Dr. Anderson – “Yes, MgtE responds to low magnesium levels. Specifically, Mg limitation leads to an increase in mgtE gene transcription.”
Dr. Ettinger – “Did this mechanism reverse or stop when magnesium was increased, or did biofilm continue to form?”
Dr. Anderson – “We are now testing the effects of magnesium on biofilm formation. Don’t have conclusive results yet.”
Dr. Ettinger – “Have you studied any other minerals that may have a similar effect, like zinc or iron?”
Dr. Anderson – “We haven’t looked at zinc, iron, or other metals. MgtE only seems to be magnesium-responsive, though. It is known that iron limitation inhibits P. aeruginosa biofilm formation, as iron is important for biofilms.”
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals/chemicals in the body, and magnesium deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world. Almost every RBC magnesium test I perform is at the lowest end of normal or, more commonly, below normal. Low levels of magnesium can lead to cardiovascular disease, weakened immunity, nerve and muscle conditions, migraine headaches, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and a myriad of other health maladies. So, it makes sense that in the presence of low magnesium levels, a biofilm-forming bacteria would become cocky and more aggressive. “when the cats are away, the mice will play.” Magnesium repletion therapy is one of the most common protocol recommendations I give to my patients. The magnesium bath below is the best way to rebuild tissue magnesium levels.
Magnesium Bath for Pain, Skin, Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, and More.
5 Little-Known Facts About Magnesium.
Iron – In addition, many bacterial pathogens have used the low concentration of iron present in the host as an important signal to enhance the expression of a wide variety of bacterial toxins and other virulence determinants. It’s a double-edged sword. On the one hand, iron may increase the growth rate of pathogenic bacteria, and on the other hand, low levels of iron may contribute to bacterial virulence and biofilm formation (as a protective mechanism). I guess the moral of the story is to stay healthy and not get put into a situation where a pathogenic bacteria can take up residence. Easier said than done, right? This thing may help to some degree – Epigenetics – Why Am I Sick, Why Am I Healthy.
Take a broad-spectrum, patented strain, probiotic and abundant amounts of prebiotics (polyphenols like clove, cinnamon, turmeric, raw cacao, and ginger; IAG [larch arabinogalactans]; flaxseed meal; onion, garlic, and fibrous fruits and vegetables. Probiotics, prebiotics, and high FODMAP foods may not be suitable for those with SIBO. This will need to be determined on a case-by-case basis. I like Xymogen’s ProbioMax 350DF, Xymogen ProbioMax Daily, and Progurt. VSL-3 can also be used (for a short period only) as well as Elaine Gotschall’s SCD™ yoghurt. These products will help crowd out the bad bacteria and disrupt and replace biofilm colonies along the mucous membrane.
Beneficial Yeast
Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii) is another addition that will have positive benefits in any H. pylori, SIBO, or Candida eradication protocol.
A recent meta-analysis involving 14 RCTs (1671 patients) evaluated the role of probiotics in H. pylori eradication [Tong et al. 2007]. In patients with H. pylori infection, probiotic supplementation improved eradication rates and reduced treatment-related side effects and individual symptoms [Tong et al. 2007]. In this meta-analysis, only one RCT evaluated S. boulardii and found that it decreased the risk of diarrhea when given concomitantly to patients receiving triple eradication therapy for H. pylori [Duman et al. 2005]. S. boulardii induces morphologic changes in H. pylori cells consistent with cellular damage [Vandenplas et al. 2009] and was shown to cause a reduction in H. pylori colonization in infected children by 12% [Gotteland et al. 2005]. Of four RCTs testing S. boulardii in H. pylori infections, two were in children [Gotteland et al. 2005; Hurduc et al. 2009] and two in adults [Cindoruk et al. 2007; Cremonini et al. 2002]. Although there was no significant difference in H. pylori eradication between the S. boulardii and placebo groups, a significantly lower relative rate of AAD (16.1–25%) was observed. In a recent meta-analysis, the H. pylori eradication rate in the triple therapy group was 71% and increased significantly to 80% with S. boulardii supplementation [Szajewska et al. 2010]. Thus, S. boulardii may not be effective in eradicating H. pylori itself, but it is effective in reducing the side effects of the standard triple therapy (Prevpac).
Specific Additions Based on Condition (Not a complete list)
Candida albicans – SF722* (10-Undecenoic Acid) Thorne Research. This is as close as you can get to a medication and still be a natural substance. There are a few chat rooms blasting this product, based on who knows what – can’t make everyone happy. I’ve used SF722 for over 15 years, and it is amazing – never a problem! *Do not take SF722 if you are allergic to fish. Paracan MYC by Ecological Formulas, FC-Cidal, Dysbiocide, and ADP by Biotics Research are also dynamite products. There are many other amazing products that can be added to complement the SF722 and ADP. It’s really a matter of how many pills someone wants/doesn’t want to take per day or the severity of one’s condition, which will determine if or which additional products will be added. If the Candida albicans overgrowth is severe, has not responded to holistic methods, or has mutated into its more virulent hyphal form/fungal infection (nails, underarms, groin, or skin), Diflucan (fluconazole), a prescription medication, is my personal preference, but Nizoral (ketoconazole) can also be used. In Azole-resistant Candida albicans, lactoferrin must be added to either medication in order to increase its effectiveness. There are specific B-complex vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that possess synergistic properties, and I find them indispensable when taking Diflucan (fluconazole), Nizoral (ketoconazole), and for supporting candida (yeast/fungal) treatment, and die-off symptoms.
Chlamydia pneumonia, Klebsiella pneumonia, or Pseudomonas aeruginosa – One product I like is Pneumotrophin PMG by Standard Process, Inc. I use this because it helps direct the body’s attention to the affected area and assists the body’s healing efforts to the lung, where it’s needed most. Apex Energetics’ H-PLR and serrapeptase/nattokinase and/or bromelain are also mandatory additions. I also like to use OOrganik-15™ and Pneuma-Zyme™ by Biotics Research or Pneumatrophin PMG by Standard Process, as well as beta-glucan, colostrum, quercetin, and EGCG with some of my patients who manifest asthma, a chronic cough, emphysema-like symptoms, and mast cell (histamine) issues. Ig 26 by Xymogen, Restore, shilijit, and Progurt may also be utilized.
H. pylori Protocol – Heartburn/gastritis/GERD or achlorhydria or H. pylori?
Chronic bacterial prostatitis – EGCG and Quercitin and Bromelain combination by Now Foods decreases inflammation and oxidative stress in the prostate while increasing local concentrations of beta-endorphins. Apex Energetics’ H-PLR and iodine is also a mandatory addition. Iodoral, zinc, and vitamin D are also utilized.
Specific dietary restrictions or additions will most likely be implemented. These will be determined on a case-by-case basis based on many factors. After the desired result is achieved, a rebuilding and regeneration protocol will need to be implemented. This is as important as eliminating the biofilm.
Biofilm testing is available through Fry Laboratories. Fry Laboratories, L.L.C. is an independent clinical diagnostic and research laboratory located in Scottsdale, Arizona. We are committed to understanding chronic diseases and contributing to their cure through advancements in diagnostics and basic science research with an emphasis on chronic inflammatory diseases, vector-borne diseases, and their intersection. Our clinical diagnostic laboratory offers general and targeted immunology services in conjunction with standard and cutting-edge infectious disease detection and identification technologies. Our signature services include microscopy for visual identification and quantification of a wide range of blood-borne pathogens, co-infection serology, biofilm detection, and genus-wide molecular detection technology with sequencing for individualized species and/or strain identification. We participate in both CAP and API quality control programs and provide worldwide testing services.
Diseases of Interest: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Gulf War Veterans Illness, Chronic Lyme Disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, Lupus, Ulcerative Colitis, Scleroderma, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Crohn’s Disease.
Infections of Interest: Borrelia (Lyme), Babesia, Bartonella, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Q-fever (Coxiella), Toxoplasma, Rickettsia, Plasmodium, XMRV
Biofilm Protocol Tips for Bacterial and Yeast Infections
- Read This First – Epigenetics – Why Am I Sick, Why Am I Healthy
- Do not self-treat! I know this is hard, but it is the most important step. I’ve treated well over 300 H. pylori patients and even more biofilm-related conditions affecting the mouth, sinus, prostate, intestines, lungs, and skin. Muscle Response Testing and Applied Kinesiology has been a game changer when it comes to determining the correct combination of nutraceuticals to support each patient’s biofilm protocol. If it is at all possible, find a doctor who practices MRT or AK. Bring your biofilm-busting products to him or her for testing. Return any supplements you do not test for. In MRT or AK, your body will only test for the products that it energetically resonates with or is congruent with. These are the most effective products. Specifically tested by you, for you.
- Begin the protocol at least one month prior to adding in natural antimicrobials or antibiotics. This is very important when trying to eradicate chronic fungal and bacterial infections of the sinus cavity and prostate, as well as H. pylori infection of the stomach.
- Stay on the protocol during active treatment for bacterial, yeast, or fungal infections.
- Do not continue to take nutritional supplements that may contribute to biofilm formation or its structural integrity. These include but are not limited to Hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the case of H. pylori, calcium, and especially iron…
- Cover all of your bases. There does not exist, at all, a singular biofilm-busting product, period. Weakening or disrupting of bacterial or yeast biofilm through natural means, is in no way guaranteed. Regardless of how many biofilm-busting products are used. This is why I utilize a comprehensive top-to-bottom approach. Again, this is based both upon my education and Muscle Response Testing of all available products. By affecting each: quorum sensing and signaling molecules within the biofilm, and extracellular polymeric substance (ESP) matrix formation in the biofilm, the bacteria or yeast biofilm should be weakened. Research bacterial population density and biofilm.
- At a minimum, if you must self-treat, NAC, Lauracidin, colloidal silver, fucoidan, Interfase Plus (under a doctor’s supervision), and lactoferrin should be used. Additional enzymes such as serrapeptase and/or nattokinase, garlic, and ginseng will further strengthen the biofilm protocol. And if you want to go all-in, add some xylitol (not if you have IBS), BBF#1, and/or BBF#2 essential oils, as well as cranberry extract with d-mannose.
- Effect of Marine Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Biofilm Formation of Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis
The effect of marine polyunsaturated fatty acids on biofilm formation by the human pathogens Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis was investigated. It was found that stearidonic acid (18:4 n-3), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA – 20:5 n-3), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA – 22:5 n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA – 22:6 n-3) have an inhibitory effect on mitochondrial metabolism of both Candia albicans and Candida dubliniensis and that the production of biofilm biomass by C. dubliniensis was more susceptible to these fatty acids than C. albicans. Ultrastructural differences, which may be due to increased oxidative stress, were observed between treated and untreated cells of C. albicans and C. dubliniensis with the formation of rough cell walls by both species and fibrillar structures in C. dubliniensis. These results indicate that marine polyunsaturated fatty acids may be useful in the treatment and/or prevention of biofilms formed by these pathogenic yeasts.
Final Words
(1) Just because you may have tested positive for H. pylori does not mean all or any of your symptoms are caused by it.
(2.) Just because you tested negative after your protocol does not mean your symptoms will be gone or should be gone. See #1.
(3) Self-treating is usually a futile effort and one that just wastes a lot of time and money.
(4) If you’re not testing the best you are doing is guessing. If you are undergoing a protocol for any condition, based solely on symptoms and even worse, self-treating then don’t be surprised if it didn’t work.
(5) Don’t reinvent the wheel. If you need help in any area of your life in which you are not an expert, hire a coach.
Important: This post is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment and is for informational purposes only. Please consult with a physician before starting any nutritional or biofilm protocol on your own.
Effect of ciprofloxacin and N-acetylcysteine on bacterial adherence and biofilm formation on ureteral stent surfaces (PubMed)
Hello Dr. Ettinger,
Is it imperative that the biofilm supplements one is using to fight recalcitrant pathogens NOT be titrated up from a small starting dose, so that the bad bugs do not have time to defend themselves adequately against biofilm disruption? Even if I’m extremely sensitive, is the idea that I should be trying to start any biofilm disruptors at full doses from the beginning of treatment?
Thank you very much,
There is far more to the reducing biofilm than merely using binders or disrupters. Biofilm is part of our bacterial make up. Pathogenic biofilm is a response not the cause.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello Dr Marcus
Apolactoferrin also destroys Biofilm??
I bought 3 bottles of Lactoferrin from Jarrow Formulas but it turned out to be Apolactoferrin
Can Lactoferrin + Interphase + Nattokinase be taken together at the same time or should I take the Lactoferrin Enzymes separately?
Apolactoferrin is just a synthetic form of lactoferrin; they are interchangeable.
I can’t give you a specific recommendation, but I can say the 3 products mentioned do not react negatively if they all are taken together. Again, this is not a recommendation.
Dr. Ettinger
Hi Dr. Marcus.
I’m taking huge amount of cellulase like 3g per day, 5g of amylase, 600mg of protease and lipase, some amount of serrapeptase and nattokinase. I’m taking NAC on an empty stomach also.
Do you think it’s enough? I don’t have hemicellulase, beta-glucosidase, chitonase unfortunately.
I’m sorry but I can’t give medical advice to non-patients.
Dr. Etinger
Hello Dr. Marcus Ettinger
To this day you still think that it should not be supplemented with Zinc???
After seeing an article on your blog and check with my doctor I bought a Supplement with Pylopass but it contains Zinc L-Carnosine, do you think I shouldn’t take it (I have H.Pylori, Sibo and Other Negative Bacteria)????
And in case you need to take an Extra Zinc (Andy Cutler Protocol) what would you advise???
Thank you for the question.
Zinc carnosine is a unique compound and I’m okay with that. An H. pylori protocol should not take that long and going off of a straight zinc supplement for a few days is not going to have a negative impact on one’s health.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello dear Dr. Marcus Ettinger,
I tried to post before but I cannot find my post regarding H.pylori eradication. I have found a superior way to cure most gastro-intestinal infections and H.pylori in particular by prolonged water fasting and taking only a fiber psyllium husk. As simple and as ridiculous this might sound, this protocol I developed it after tones of trials, reading pudmed, digesting books from the east and the west and trying every supplement and probiotic even from Russia and Ukraine and Japan for H.pylori, including the rare LG21 probiotic from Japan. I found an interesting way to eradicate it after finding a thesis from Russia about using IL2 injection ( Interleukin 2 injection) to eradicate H.pylori and they compared it to triple therapy. IL2 gave a superior eradication rate 100% compared to the antibiotics. My idea was to find ways to increase IL2 naturally if possible. The only things I found was that fasting ( prolonged 1 week to 2 week) increases considerably IL2. Psyllium husks have an immunomodulatory effect as a fiber and also increase IL2. By doing the two, you can eradicate H.pylori and most bugs. Sometimes, the most effective remedies are the Simplest.
What you think? Also you can add Lion mane mushroom to increase Il2 and interferon gamma. Dr. Bruno Donatini claims he had also complete eradication of H.pylori with lion mane mushroom only.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and personal experience.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello..ive read good reviews about h-plr from that still recommended
I use it sometimes, still. I rarely use it alone and only for specific situations.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello dear Dr. Marcus Ettinger,
what are your thoughts on Jim Humbles mms (chlorine dioxide) and mms2 (calcium hypochlorite) treatment protocols for different pathogens?
Do you think it would be effective for eradicating h pylori and biofilm, since resistance can not be developed to this oxidizers?
Have tried different combos for h pylori (metronidazole, clarithromycin, peptobismol,amoxcillin, nac, hydrogen peroxide iv and oral with dmso, probiotics). But still have pylori.
Currently thinking to try mms, also oregano oil with silver nanoparticles.
Thanks for attention!
This is just my opinion. I’m not a fan of MMS. It may help you, It may hurt you.
Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease presenting after consumption of ‘Miracle Mineral Solution’ (sodium chlorite)
Yes this comes from the FDA, so I take it with a grain of salt, but it is worth noting the potential of negative effects from MMS – FDA warns consumers about the dangerous and potentially life-threatening side effects of Miracle Mineral Solution
Dr. Ettinger
Hello Good Doctor☺️
Do you take any sort of medical insurance?
I’m sorry but I don’t.
I have been affected by a painless Bartholin Cyst for years now – which develops due to an obstruction in the duct that from which fluids release (from the Bartholin gland located at the opening of the vagina). Doctors are completely stumped and usually advise surgery or to leave it alone which causes further physical and emotional harm. During my research in discussion boards for treating this, many women have found success with serrapeptase and many also recommend garlic and silica which has worked for some, but many are still battling this issue for years and some have given up and had the entire gland removed or gotten surgery to create an alternate opening (which many times ends up closing back up or causing more issues with sensitivity). Somehow all of this eventually led me to biofilms. Due to the location of the blocked duct, and the remedies that have worked for some, I am beginning to think that this blocked may be due to biofilm formation within the channel… esp for blockages without the presence of infection. I am deeply committed to researching this as doctors have mainly given up and are telling women to just deal with it or keep having surgery in that area with a large chance that the issue will continue. I am thinking this protocol would be useful but am not sure if all of the steps would be required or how it might be adapted to the bartholin cyst. I would sincerely appreciate it if you could let me know what you think.
Biofilm can be a component, especially if gram-negative bacteria or candida are involved. As far as advice, I can’t give you any. You provided your issue, but I know nothing about the rest of you, your labs, diet, sleep, co-founding factors… I’m sure I can help, but I would need a lot more data to be able to do so or tell you if I can’t help.
If you are interested, you can call (or email if out of the country) for a complimentary 15 minute consultation to see if we are a good fit. We can use Zoom if out of the country. 714-639-4360
Dr. Ettinger
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
I had the H. pylori infection 7 months ago. I was retested and my breath test was negative but I was still have abdominal pain (mostly upper abdominal pain). I then found out I have candida overgrowth. I read that xylitol sugar works well for biofilms. Is it okay to be using xylitol as a sugar substitute when I’m baking? I’m avoiding sugar, gluten and dairy. I do eat gluten free grains.
Thank you.
Without a crystal ball, it would be impossible for me to give you an answer. Here is why: if you have SIBO as your symptom generator then high FODMAP’s can make things worse. ‘P’ stands for polyols which are sugar alcohols. They end in ‘ol’ Xylitol is a sugar alcohol. If you don’t have SIBO then it would be okay. That said, I have had cases of SIBO that were caused by too many polyols in the diet. The moral of the story is to find out what is causing your symptoms. If you need help, my practice is accepting new patients, in-office, and remote.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello, Doctor, may I respectfully ask why you emphatically say “don’t self treat”? Great articles by the way. Thanks a bunch
Unless you are an expert in the fields needed to successfully and skillfully treat your health problem you’re more likely to spend a ton of money and time on protocols that yield symptomatic relief at best, lacking any durable resolution. Yes, there are those who do obtain a durable resolution, but in 31 years of doing this, it’s not the norm.
We are as good as the coaches we surround ourselves with.
Dr. Ettinger
I think you make a great point for more advanced cases in particular. It seems the more sick somebody is, the more likely a small change in their supplement, diet or lifestyle routine can potentially make them much worse. It’s not uncommon where I’ve heard on forums of people saying they started supplementing this or that or ate a certain food and it “screwed them up for a week, month,etc”. Some of the less chronic cases though could take herbals, certain strains of probiotics, or simply just clean up their diet and lifestyle and feel better for good
“…simply just clean up their diet and lifestyle and feel better for good.”
Yes, you are correct. As simple as that sounds, most people can’t do it alone. 80-90% of my new patients tried various diets and lifestyle modifications, only to drop them out after they got the initial result they were looking for. They did not keep up the good habits that keep us in a more healthy state.
Having a good coach keeps one on the right path until good habits become second nature. This could be a doctor, pastor, financial advisor…
Take care,
Dr. Ettinger
Hello Sir, my name is Isaiah I have been troubled with miserable stomach problems for 4 years now and it all happened all of a sudden when I woke up one morning from not getting enough sleep the night before where I ate a slice of coconut cream pie and a granola bar(low sugar) before going to bed. When I woke up I took some barley grass powder mixed with ginger powder in water. I tried to start my day but my stomach was bloated so I waited and waited, nothing changed. From that point on my stomach has been bloated for 4 years with a feeling of fullness, sluggish slower metabolism/bowel moments, I still go but every time it feels like I haven’t fully evacuated my stomach and I am still bloated afterward, sometimes even more. I was told I have SIBO by western medicine doctors (breathe test) and spleen deficiency by a Chinese acupuncturist (didn’t receive any acupuncture) just told her my symptoms. I also have a small black rash on the side on my stomach that itches me every day. I’m not sure if its SIBO, candida, or something else. I also did a stool test and they ruled out parasites. However, through taking many antifungals over the years one time I saw things on my stool that google labels candida (it looked like little cotton balls with red legs) I’m just lost and depressed I need help do you have any suggestions, please help.
I can help. Please call me at my office and we can discuss your case and how to become a distance client. 714 – 639 – 4360
Dr. Ettinger
lots of great info,
i just wish you had written it a bit more coherently.
all the ‘updated information’ and extra bits here and there, it becomes quite complicated.
I’m pretty sure your info could be better written.
I’m sure this info could be more accessible.
I truly do appreciate the vast amount of time you have spent doing this, but I only wish you had presented it more cleanly.
Kind Regards,
I agree. I wrote my biofilm and H. pylori protocol posts 11 years ago and WordPress/blogs were not what they are today. My newer blogs are shorter and more to the point. Thank you for the comment.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello, I have been suffering from a rheumatic arthritis type pain for almost 12, since age 39. Just before that I was treated for H. Pylori. Over the past 12 years all my tests come back normal for any inflammation. I do have HLA B 27 positive though. Could my arthritis be reactive? Although another h pylori test by biopsy was negative a year ago, could the h pylori be protected by biofilm?
If you had an H. pylori breath test or stool antigen test and it came back negative then it’s 99.9% negative. Reactive arthritis, if that’s what’s going on can be activated by MANY different epigenetic factors. If you need a detective to help you solve your case, I can help. Please feel free to reach out to me at 714-639-4360
Dr. Ettinger
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
Can SF722 and Interphase Plus be taken at the same time of day (i.e. swallowed at the same time) or should one wait a certain amount of minutes/hours between them?
Many thanks!
In my opinion, InterPhase should always be taken alone and on an empty stomach.
Thank you Dr. Ettinger! How long do you recommend waiting between Interphase and SF722? 30 min? 1 hour?
An hour.
Hi Dr. Ettinger!
Have been on a very clean diet since 1,5 year (occasionally cheating) ie gluten and dairy free, fresh food with lots of veggies and fruits plus good meat. Using lots of supplements like nac, ala, dandelion, vitamin and minerals like C, D, A, K, B, Mg, Zn, Co, etc under my holistic MD’s recommendations. Doing saunas and smoothies too for detoxing.
All the hormon tests, blood labs are normal. I am female btw. But having extreme scalp tendency together with hair loss and graying hair (even though I use different organic sulfat free shampoos or different organic hair dye), never ending acne on my back and all over the face (not cystic but bad) and itching anus.
Recently have been considering to include smooth coffee enemas and/or black walnut/wormwood supplements.
I really need your help, since I did almost everything without seeing those issues gone… Would you recommend to do a smoot coffee enamas and/or wormwood protocols? Or any other thing that is affordable and effective? Would be so much appreciated!
Many thanks!
From your lack of healing and your specific list of symptoms, I’ll guess that you spend VERY little time, lightly clothed, in the sun. Here is free advice and I hope it helps. Below are four health datums I live by and use to help my patients. All of this can be found on the home page of my website.
1. Biology DOES NOT give a shit about your philosophy when you’re sick.
2. And, you will NEVER get better in the same environment that made you sick.
3. And, the Sun IS nature’s original and the most powerful vaccine against disease.
4. And, your environment actually controls your physiology to a greater degree than anything you will ever put into your mouth (medications, supplements or food)…
The truth is LIGHT, WATER, and MAGNETISM have been here since time immemorial. These three forces have literally shaped human existence and all that surrounds us. So logically, why would it be so hard to believe that the avoidance or alteration of these three forces could cause disease or that by harnessing them, health could be created or restored?
Do you see any difference in what you and your MD are doing compared to what I would be doing? Yes, I do use supplementation, but the 4 datums come first.
I hope this helps and if this makes sense and you would like my help, I’m here for you. I help people all over the world to get back to health, even those that say they’ve seen everyone and tried everything.
714 – 639 – 4360 or info @ advancedhealing .com
Dr. Ettinger
Hi Dr Ettinger,
I have recently had an Organic Acids Test which showed high levels of multistrain clostridia, high yeast, High oxalate and high dopac. I have been searching for this answer now for 10 years. I can now only eat about 10-15 foods and remain functional. I have declined to the stage of some foods triggering borderline psychosis and suicidal tendancies. I have had great success working with a homeopath this week so this work is early days. Do you work with patients with these kind of test results and severe food reactions? I can not tolerate any plant based medicine except aloe vera and a very few others. I have had major collapses due to some foods and morphine treatment in hospital which i would consider near death. I am desperate to get help. As soon as in introduced a few teaspoons of probiotics, I had a severe reaction. I feel stuck in this situation. thanks you so much
I’ve helped many patients in similar situations as the one you’re in now. That said every person is different and will need a different protocol to get back to health. If you are lost for answers and would like a coach to help you, I’m here for you. Please feel free to reach out to me and I’ll groove you in on how to become a distance patient unless you are here in So. Cal. 714-639-4360
Hi Doc – I have a question in re: SARS-Cov-2.
I have recently digested well over 2,000-3,000 pages related to the latest SARS-Cov-2 science / case studies / protocol efficacy, etc., and routinely discuss protocols (over last 20 years) with my integrative med providers.
My family is following a strong regimen of Liposomal C + “Pauling C” based on “1/2 life” to smooth out daily plasma level fluctuations. Also taking monolaurin to help eliminate any chronic inflammation (molds, Lymes, West Nile, other difficult to diagnose) in preparation of contracting COVID-19, and substantially up-dosng when symptomatic. Concurrently, we’d up-dose vitamin C form our 2,000-3,000 daily, well into the 10,000mg+ levels.
BUT – Isaacs et. al.* found that monolaurin disintegrates virus lipid layer to kill virus. Logic would then say that monolaurin would destroy the lipid encapsulation of liposomal C.
Do you know of any studies showing the effect of monolaurin’s mechanism (or no effect) on the lipid encapsulation layer of vitamin C?
I’m trying to find indications as to whether monolaurin would ameliorate vitamin C’s beneficial liposomal mechanism. This would be interesting in light of COVID prevention/treatment protocols.
Perhaps they should not be taken together? But, both are shown to work against COVID-19.
*Thormar, H; Isaacs, C E; Brown, H R; Barshatzky, M R; Pessolano, T (1 January 1987). “Inactivation of enveloped viruses and killing of cells by fatty acids and monoglycerides”. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
Thanks in advance – be safe out there.
Please read this paper Effects of Vitamin C Supplementation on Plasma and Urinary Vitamin C Concentration in Korean Women
I don’t recommend high dose vitamin C unless given by IV, for conditions like cancer and where high “oxidant” therapy is needed. To me, it’s better to take some throughout the day up to say 2,000mg’s. Vitamin C is recycled via GSH, so having plenty of NAC is more important, to me than having high vitamin C. Also, too much vitamin C (antioxidants) MAY? reduce mitochondria produced ROS, which is needed for mitochondria biogenesis. Cheap ascorbic acid is all I carry at the office. Mineral ascorbate is good too if the person is low in alkaline minerals. As a side note, I’ve never taken vitamin C in my daily supplement protocol. I have taken NAC for 26+ years.
Liposomal vitamin C utilizes lecithin. Lauric acid is not going to dissolve lecithin. You are good to go with liposomal vitamin C.
Dr. Ettinger
Hi again!
I still have one question left that you can answer it, since it is not in a form of a medical advice.
Why is that this statement: “Avoid supplemental ZINC” is something that can be found only on your website, while everybody else are saying the complete opposite?
Is there a specific form of Zinc that you suggest, or you’re don’t suggest supplementing it at all, or it is something that we should avoid at a certain part of the protocol?
Did you read the journal article linked to what you are referencing?
Avoid supplemental ZINC during the biofilm protocol, especially if you are taking antibiotics. Zinc is important in the break-down of life-saving antibiotics. It is widely recognized that modern medicine is on the precipice of a microbial-induced disaster. The rise of bacterial strains (and enzymes) that are resistant to (and can inactivate) commonly used and recently developed antibiotics is risking nearly 80 years of progress in successfully treating once life-threatening bacterial infections. Much of this resistance is driven by a large class of enzymes localized to the bacterial surface termed Metallo-β-lactamases. These enzymes cleave the β-lactam ring of antibiotics that include the penicillins, carbapenems, cephalosporins, and monobactams.
The flip side – are you completely zinc depleted? If so, then maybe thaat can contribute biofilm formation. Yo have a choice, take zinc and increase bacterial virulence and decrease treatment effectiveness or take zinc in hopes you suppress biofilm formation. Since I’m in the know; if you already have symptoms you already have biofilm and this conversation has a clear answer.
Helicobacter pylori Biofilm Formation Is Differentially Affected by Common Culture Conditions, and Proteins Play a Central Role in the Biofilm Matrix
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
I’m an elite multi-sport endurance athlete who has been struggling with a number of serious and debilitating GI infections for 3.5 years now. I’ve seen a number of different health care professionals nd no one has been able to help me; I’ve taken a lot of prescription meds (e.g. anit-fungals, anti-parasitics) and have had some success, however the infections return and the meds are becoming less effective. After a lot of researching and going through a number of ‘band-aide’ treatments, I think I’ve finally figured out my main problem = biofilm. I’ve recently had some blood work and have very high creatine kinase levels. I realize that exercise can play a big role in high CK levels, I’m wondering what your thoughts are in high CK levels in individuals with biofilm with a lot of nasty critters in them. Have you seen this in your practice without it being related to exercise?
Thank you for your time & expertise,
I know of no relationship between creatine kinase and biofilm?
Dre. Ettinger
Hello Dr. Ettinger,
I am a long time Candida sufferer for at least 5 years, got clean last year and slowly but surely I relapsed this winter. I am not new to this and my health is getting better all the time, although I must say I want completely to balance my gut flora for good.
Your detailed inside on biofilms and sharing here some extra info on the protocol itself, made me rethink some steps I previously didn’t took so seriously. Apart from all, there is a specific question I would like you to answer if possible:
Since I previously never used antibiotics for my treatment, and knowing that again I can probably get symptoms free without, is there a deeper necessity in using nystatin and fluconazole, of course along with enzymes, probiotics, diet natural antifungals and the biofilm protocol?
* I have both systemic and oral/penile/intestines candidiasis.
If so, is the fluconazole dose of 200mg per week enough, and what will be the dose for the nystatin if needed as well, assuming liquid form is the best?
* My biggest concern is reduction of my nonpatogenic flora which is obviously not easy to repopulate.
* I am sorry if exploring and learning along the way while self treating my illness is not the recommend standard, but it is my conscious decision, and I would like to be respected.
Thank you!
I can appreciate where you are coming from and your desire to get back the level of health you desire. The problem is that you are asking me for medical advice, which I can’t do in this format. If you were a patient of mine I could help you but the liability of making recommendations without consultation and work-up puts me in a position of potential liability. I hope you can understand where I’m coming from.
Dr. Ettinger
Yes, I completely understand.
Thank you for the biofilm protocol info!
Hello, I have a question, I have been suffering from permanent bloating and daily brain for three years. My urea breath test is positive. Can H. pylori cause bloating? I don’t have dyspepsia. I also suffer from inability to lose weight and decreased cervical mucus production. I am a doctor and everyone tells me H. pylori doesn’t cause bloating. I tested negative for Sibo. Thank you
H. pylori can cause bloating and brain fog. Get a Zonulin test done and see if there is a leaky gut going on as well. If FODMAPS cause bloating than there could also be secondary SIBO even if the test was negative. Bloating is gas, so what type of gas is it?
Dr. Ettinger
Thank you so much for your fast reply I appreciate it a lot
Hello Dr.E,
I was diagnosed with H. Pylori two months ago through a biopsy during endoscopy. I had several migraines followed by slow gastric emptying for a few weeks.The gastro doc did the endoscopy to make sure there was no physical obstruction causing the slow emptying. The endoscopy was clear for any issues except H. Pylori. Stomach emptying went back to normal and I have none of the typical symptoms of H. Pylori either, but understand that the infection needs to be treated. The GI doc prescribed quad therapy including Levofloxacin, which I started in December but had a horrible reaction to Levofloxacin and stopped all meds after two days. He then prescribed triple therapy with Amoxicillin and Clarithromycin which I have been very hesitant to start. I would prefer not to use antibiotics. Are you only treating H. Pylori using antibiotics at this point and are not willing to do the natural route through your Distance Client Program? Most importantly, how do you mitigate the many gut-damaging side effects that come with antibiotics? Thank you.
I am a hired coach, meaning I will work within the parameters you give me. To increase the odds of eradication, antibiotics help us with that. That said, I have worked with many people who will not take ABx. As far as side effects, that depends on many factors as is a point that is gone over during the consultation. If you are interested in exploring this further, you can give me a call at your convenience. 714-639-4360
Dr. Ettinger
Great, thank you for the clarification! Have you used or had success with HDDT therapy (20 mg rabeprazole and 750mg Amoxicillin, qid)?
I have worked with patients on every combo of pharmaceuticals. I’m prejudiced. I like my protocol plus pharmaceuticals. Both HDDT and quad therapy can achieve similar eradication rates for H pylori infection. Research has shown that, generally, HDDT causes fewer side effects.
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
I was diagnosed with IBS-D a few years ago. I’ve been seeing a naturopath here in Toronto. She has prescribed me Biofilm disruptors (Lipoic acid, Bismuth subnitrate and Black cumin seed) and has put me on 5-day course of Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. I’m seeing good results, my bloating has partially gone away and I dont look like I’m pregnant anymore. The progress is going slow though, so I was wondering if you know of anything I can add to this regiment to speed things up a bit? Thanks in advance
I’m glad you are having such good results with your naturopath’s protocol. I can’t answer your specific question due to liability reasons. If you were a distance patient I could help you, but not here. If you feel you need a boost, just bring it up to your doc. If you find yourself needing additional help, I’m here for you. You can call my office and I’ll go over how to become a distance patient. I would give your current protocol a chance. Time is part of every protocol. All the best, Dr. Ettinger
This may be kind of a silly question, but do you think using a cast iron pan could keep a biofilm related disease active, or is the amount of iron leached into your food from the pan negligible? Thanks a bunch if you’re able to respond with insight on this
This is the best I can offer on this topic.
Iron – In addition, many bacterial pathogens have used the low concentration of iron present in the host as an important signal to enhance the expression of a wide variety of bacterial toxins and other virulence determinants. It’s a double-edged sword. On the one side, iron may increase the growth rate of pathogenic bacteria and on the other side, low levels of iron may contribute to bacterial virulence and biofilm formation (as a protective mechanism). I guess the moral of the story is to stay healthy and don’t get put into a situation where a pathogenic bacteria can take up residence. Easier said than done, right! This think may help to some degree – Epigenetics – Why Am I Sick, Why Am I Healthy
HI there,
I have been struggling with Klebsiella Pneamonia UTI for 2 years now; It hides in my bladder and causes pain and urgency. Most of the time, my urine cultures are negative, but every once in a while, the bacteria likes to come out and play and then my urine comes back positive. Whenever my urine culture comes out negative, my doctor blames my pain on interstistial cystitis and then refuses to research or help me further. I have tried 3 different antibiotics (all short courses, 7 days) and none of them have gotten rid of it. I also did a stool test and my body is overly colonized by klebsiella.
My question is, do you have any tips to erradicate this bug specifically? I am currently taking:
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Caprylic Acid
This is not the place for medical advice or recommendations. There is too much liability associated with me doing that. My best tip is start working with a knowledgeable coach and do not self treat – unless you are going to follow-up with routine testing to see how your self-created protocol is doing.
Dr. Ettinger
I had Interstitial Cystitis and was cured of it (bacteria hiding in the interstitial layer of my bladder causing me incredible pain) by a Naturopath here in Canada. I was given Hydrogen peroxide in saline (at low levels that only a Naturopath knows as too high of a concentration can be fatal so see a Naturopath asap). It cost me about 5k in peroxide IV’s but I got my life back. I’m not sure if leukocytes show up in your urine but my Nat advised me that it showed that the bacteria was there. Hope this can help you. I know what bladder pain is like and I’m sending you my very best.
“Disclaimer – This is merely a comment (story and treatment). This is not a recommendation and should not be taken as such. Everyone’s case is different and may need an individualized protocol. This information can be passed on to your physician for possible inclusion in your protocol. Dr. Ettinger”
Fascinating resolution to bacteria, can I ask how long you did the saline IV’s?
Hello, I know this a 10 year old post but does all iron contribute to formation of biofilms? I have low ferritin and I am taking 25 mg of iron bisglycinate a day.
Biofilm loves iron. I would recommend using lactoferrin as bacteria have a harder time utilizing it.
Dr. Ettinger
Dr. E –
My question for you is: Is it worse to self-treat or to not treat at all? Because those appear to be the only options at the time for me. I cannot afford a self-described h-pylori specialist such as yourself to coach me. That is a luxury many of us don’t always have. Since h-pylori will only continue to take over the system over time, is it not actually more sensible to at least attempt to self-treat? This is taking into consideration your valid point about how failed treatments can only make the bug more resistant.
First, there is no way in the world that H. pylori is 100% or even 90% of your physical problem(s). So, with that said, whether you wait, self-treat or hire someone like myself, eradicating the H. pylori is just a small part of your overall solution. Why do 95% of those with H. pylori never develop symptoms? Why do the vast majority of patients, not verified as having an ulcer, treated with Prevpac or Pylera still have symptoms? The answer is that your environment controls your physiology – not the food you eat or the bug that’s in your belly. My job is to correct both physiology and environment to enable to body to get back to where it was before the shit hit the fan.
If you have an ulcer then medication, or to a lesser degree self-treating, should handle that by killing or greatly reducing the H. pylori. If you have not been scoped, you should. If you want to self treat it will not hurt you, it may (or may not) just make it more difficult to handle later if you are not successful.
I hope this helps.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello, thank you very much for a very informative article! Can you please tell me how much NAC should typically be taken to make an impact on breaking down biofilms? I recently started taking it, but am not sure if I’m taking enough to make an impact.
Jen, NAC by itself is not going to eradicate biofilm, even at a high dose. That said, I’ve taken 2/day for 25 years and will do so for life. It’s a fantastic supplement. Respectfully, Dr. Ettinger
Doesnt NAC move heavy metals to the brain for some people? When I started it under guidance I was getting headaches, more inflammatory stools and sulphuric wind. My naturopath wants me to take 2 Interfase Plus in morning and then rotating between 4 herbal blends each week for 8 – 12 wks for protozoa. Shes confident and I trust her but this dose seems quite low. Unless the rotation and herbs hits the biofilm and less disruptors are needed? Be interesting to know another opinion!
D, NAC is a utilized in many different processes within the human body. I do not give specific recommendations until I work-up a patient thoroughly, and I have not done that with you. Since you trust her, please present this exact paragraph to her and I’m sure she will provide you with an appropriate response based on your situation and what she has found while working you up as a patient. Respectfully, Dr. Ettinger
I am seeing a Naturpathic Doctor for treatment of high level of Trichothecenes based on ERMI test. I know biofilm is a problem because I cough a lot of thick mucous. She has me on a detox plan of binders and herbal drops (Pro-Myco, Mycoregen, and Cognease Detox along with Glutathione). I am also using a sauna. It has been 3 mos of treatment. Cough has improved some but still a factor. My question is are we doing enough to rid the biofilm? I appreciate the info on zinc. There is so much conflicting information out there that it is hard to know what you should be doing. I also am dealing with hair falling out and that has not improved much either. Thank you for your time.
One: Proprietary formulas that don’t list amounts of ingredients are a red flag in my book.
Two: I would never use any of those products for biofilm or fungal/yeast/mold issues.
Three: Killing before changing the terrain makes killing a futile proposition.
If you find that you are not making progress and would like to have another set of eyes on your case, please feel free to reach out to me. 714-639-4360
Dr. Ettinger
I am hoping that you can help me. I have had numerous urinary tract infections but in August 2016 I got the worst uti and I am still suffering with uti symptoms and a painful bladder but all of my cultures and urine tests come back negative for nitrites and positive for Leukocytes so I have no infection but show microscopic hematuria. It is now May 2018 and my bladder still hurts. I had ecoli and Streptococcus but the macrobid killed it and I am now left with urinary infection symptoms with no infection. Drs tell me that I have interstitial cystitis and that there is no cure but I cannot live the rest of my life with this bladder pain. I’m 41 years old. Any help you can provide I would be soo grateful to you.
I’m sorry you are having such a hard time getting this handled. The body is very complicated and there is more to getting it straightened out then just killing bacteria or virus. I do offer a distance client program which will help us to get everything figured out and get you on the path to healing and back to a normal life. Here is the link to my program.
Dr. Ettinger
Please consider looking into Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. I had the same thing. I had a lab verified UTI that was resistant so I had a couple rounds of antibiotics before it cleared. Though the lab said I was “negative” for the UTI at followup, I had almost all the symptoms still. I went like this for a year. I had several cultures done because I swore I had a chronic infection but it just wasn’t there. Eventually, I was diagnosed with Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. I saw a physical therapist who specializes in PFD and after about 5-6 visits, I had relief and learned tools to avoid another bought. I haven’t always been able to avoid recurrence (I hold all my stress in my pelvic floor apparently) but I can now usually get out of pain quicker. Even one bought of a UTI can bring on PFD. PFD can feel just like a bladder infection and many cases of Interstatial Cystitis have turned out to be PFD (not all cases of IC are PFD though). Your body will involuntarily brace it’self when you have pain (like from a UTI) and once the UTI is cleared, the Pelvic Floor does not always return to it’s normal state and needs a little help. There are physical therapist who treat Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and you can read more about it on the internet.
Good luck to you!
I have been taking a combination of biofilm and elimination with many of the ingredients listed in your article and still tested positive many times during two years of taking this. I’m working with a naturopathic and do not know what to do next. I already tried the antibiotic that did not work before I started the supplements two years a go. Here it is what I used: Vitamin A 2,000IU, Biotin 250 mcg, Zinc(as TRAACS@zinc Bisglycinate Chelate 5 mg,L-Glutamin USP 750 mg, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine USP 150 mg, Gamma Oryzanol 100 mg, N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamin 100 mg, Milk THistle Seed Extract 60 mg, Lactoferrin( as Bioferrin 25 mg). Also I’m taking Pyloricil, and monolaurin. I’ve been using this combination and this did not help.
Other than Monolaurin, NAC, lactoferrin, both of which (NAC & lactoferrin) I utilize at WAY higher dosages, none of the other products you listed are part of my protocol. In fact, none of those products other than Pyloricil are for H. pylori.
I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard time. H. pylori is a difficult bacteria to treat and most doctor’s don’t even know where to start. Since 2009, I’ve offer two pieces of advice, “don’t self treat and if you need help I do offer a distance client program.”
I wish you all the best with your health and success at getting this issue handled. I’m here if you need me.
Dr. Ettinger
Hi Dr Marcus Ettinger.
Nice informative site. I admire those that provide assistance to those in need without charge for every bit of knowledge.
So ive been diagnosed with Mixed connective Tissue Disease a few years ago. Brief history.
Mood swing, pms, anemia, abnormal hair shedding, high Eosinophils.
30’s began chronic ear infections results in repeat antibiotics from 2005-2008 resulted in slurrying words, fed itchy dots, pains everywhere, massive hair loss, ibs, food intolerances, malabsorption, hands/feet broke out…..
40’s (47 now) Lichen Sclerosis diagnosis no biopsy, red burning skin everywhere, now dry and thickening. Eyes feel like they rip when turned, nasal issues, feels like it growing in my head. Drinking Borax only thing helping my head. My head contains the more scary symptoms.
Diagnosed with Mixed Connctive Tissue Disease about three years ago. Assuming this is becoming Scleroderma. When is it too late and not helpable? Please be honest here. My naturopath said do iv peroxide. Do you think this would help? I don’t know if he is really intune to know how bad this is. I can only eat meats, leafy veggies, cucumber, avacado, and asparagus and broccoli. all forms of vitamin c, food and ascorbic acid cause gi to decline and hurt.
Two years ago diagnosed with Lyme/coinfections. Not sure what symptoms are from what. My gut tells me the antibiotics did this to me. I also took them around 18, quite a bit.
Ivebeen seeking help all for the past 13 years, as conventional doctor sat quiet and ran tests. Lme specialist for the last two years, quit their jobs after i pay for a consultation or or reschedule my follow up. I cannot believe the nghtmare i am living!
Since last year i have been self treating while trying to locate help! Using Rai Ozone, biofim busters, Argentyn 23, oral peroxide briefly, IV Silver briefly. Honest the doctor that I have worked with seems over loaded to the point they are not intune with what really going on.
Scared in CA
There is always something that can be done and if enough testing is done the clues to determine that will be obvious. I personally feel people are labeled with Lyme too often. I have too many tests results and researchers to corroborate this. The Western Blot test is a screen, not a definitive test for active infection. The bummer is that the needed test is $750 and insurance does not cover it.
I also, don’t like your protocol. You are just killing and not rebuilding. That’s like running in place – you’ll never get anywhere.
If you need a coach, I do offer a distance patient program. I’m only as good as the quality of tests and results you can provide me. If you need help with tests, I can offer them to you at my cost. I do this with all of my patients. My fees are based on time spent with a patient only (15-minute increments).
If you are interested, I can be reached at 714-639-4360.
Dr. Ettinger
Thank you for your informative article. I’m 65 years old and although I had a thyroidectomy in 2017, the most troublesome issue I’ve been dealing with started with a bridge I had placed in my mouth in 2006. Turns out it was not made correctly and had spaces in it that allowed for bacteria to collect. I never could floss well because it kept getting stuck on pieces of the bridge, but I had no idea that was abnormal. Last year, my gum started bleeding when I flossed and I started feeling like I had an infection in my body. The dentist saw no signs of infection until my gum was extremely inflamed. A round of Amoxicillin helped stopped the bleeding, but not the soreness and I still felt crappy. I asked the dentist for more Amoxicillin, which he reluctantly gave me, but since he insisted there was no sign of infection I was afraid to take it. I went to my GP and told him I felt like I had an infection in my body, he said there was no sign of infection after doing bloodwork. So I still did not take the extra Amoxicillin. Then one night I had a fever that started at 102 and went up from there (don’t know how high it got-i fell asleep) and it broke sometime in the night. I then started on the 2nd round of Amoxicillin, but still felt crappy and dentist sent me to endodontist because he thought I may need a root canal. Endo discovered the problem with the bridge and spots on the 2 teeth and sent me back to dentist to fix it. He fixed it – said it was much larger than he expected once he got in there. But I still felt crappy. Plus my ear started feeling full and sometimes painful. The tonsil on that side hurt and had pains in my head on that side. Thought I now had ear infection from it and went back to GP (nurse practitioner) who switched me to Clindamycin and said to tell the dentist. Told the dentist who said to take it as directed. Problem was nurse had said 2 times per day and paperwork said 4 times a day. I started taking it 4 times a day and saw another doc. in their practice (on a Saturday) who said it should have been 4 times and gave me more. But I still had the pain in my jaw and ear and throat and went back to dentist. Told him I thought the bacteria were still in there and I wanted the tooth that had had the biggest problem removed. He didn’t agree, but thought he might be missing something so sent me to the oral surgeon who removed it that day. I had 2 days of Clindamycin left and thought that would fix everything. As soon as I ran out, the ear pain got really bad. I called GP and said Clindamycin hadn’t worked on my ear and asked for Amoxicillin, which they called in and said stop the Clindamycin. Amoxicillin did NOTHING. I went back to GP and told him I had that tooth removed and asked for more Clidamycin and understandably he was at the end of giving me antibiotics. He gave me more based on the fact that I had the tooth removed, but said “no more.” By now, I’m also having stomach problems and looser stools. He tested me for c. diff., which was negative. I still had pain in ear and throat and told dentist I was desperate want the other tooth out before I ran out of antibiotics. So now, I have 2 less teeth. At the end of the round of Clindamycin I felt like my life was fading away. I kept going to GP (nurse said I looked pale), my daughter (M.E.) said I looked pale. Have felt so weak that I haven’t been able to work. HR is going to put me on FMLA. I found info on the internet about biofilms and thought that is probably what is wrong with my ear and throat. Finished the Clindamycin and the pressure and pain moved to the other side the next day. But I don’t feel nauseated anymore. Ordered a bunch of stuff, but don’t have a clue of what to take, how much to take or whether it’s redundant. (Interfase Plus, Lauricidin, Oliverex, and Kirkman’s Biofilm Defense). I also take a strong raw probiotic and am going to get a prebiotic, but I simply don’t know what to take, how much to take, what to take together, or whether to do nothing after reading where you said “don’t self-treat.” Any advice you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
DON’T SELF TREAT! If you would like a coach, I’m here for you and passionate to help those that need help. At the top of the page, you saw my reference to self-treating is a link to my distance client program. If you are interested, you can contact me at 714-6394360. If not, in all sincerity and with much respect, I wish you the best of luck on your health journey. There are amazing people out there helping people just like you. Please continue your search.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello Dr.Ettinger,
I came across this article researching enzymes and biofilm. My daughter is suffering from endometriosis and infertility and some women are stating that they have had success with nattokinase, wobenzym, etc.. Do you have any thoughts on the gut biome and its relevance to endometriosis? So far I have seen connections with respect to endometriosis and estrogen dominance, failure of endometrial tissue to die in the endometiomas as it should monthly, and possible indication of LPS. My daughter had a robotic lapro surgery and the endometriomas were biopsied. In her records they have recorded three strains of bacteria that were prominent. She does have a MTHFR mutation also. We also seem to have some BCO snps that suggest that we may have trouble converting vitamin A. I have read one article proposing a possible role of vitamin A metabolism in the condition. Also, are you familiar with any role that vitamin K2 might play with respect to the gut?
I wish I had a few hours to respond completely to your comment. In short, eveything is connected and you can never separate a part from the whole. I’d work on the gut first and see how the body changes as a whole. You may not need to go deeper than that. Time will tell. It’s best to work with a coach who is familiar with rehabilitating the gut as well as endo.
A clean, healthy (organic, grass-fed, wild-caught…) and diverse diet should supply all the nutrients one needs. The emphasis is on a diverse diet.
I hope this helps some.
Dr. Ettinger
Here is my situation: Citrobacter+4/Candida+2, Pos SIBO breath test x3, MTHFR a1298c +/+, IgG subclass 1 deficient. I am also very low in ferritin d/t heavy periods or Citrobacter consumption, or both? Ferritin was chronically 6-12, for which I have been taking a Ferrex150/Ferritin5/Ascorbic Acid combo. These levels have increased after 2-3 months, and I feel some returned energy, but other issues persist. I have not yet successfully treated the biofilm/citrobacter/yeast issue. My main symptoms are chronic diarrhea, migraines, pain, fatigue, allergy and ENT issues.
My current functional dr (and my functional nutritionist) are not up to date on biofilms. I was given “Yeast Cleanse” which I took for 1-2 weeks, and upon increasing the dose, I was experiencing back pain which stopped after I discontinued. I feel this was d/t the high content of garlic which is contraindicated with citrobacter. I was then given “Candicidal”, which I have not started, as I’m feeling less confident with this dr’s advice. Other than some dietary changes and “Lacto prime” probiotic I have not treated this yet.
Do you have a recommendation for a practitioner in my area (Boulder/Denver) competent with the issues I listed above? I have seen and spent a lot of money with Nicole Silver, but don’t feel it’s a good fit. Jill Carnahan is booked for four years and not taking new patients, and I have an upcoming appointment with a local functional MD Nancy Brown/Alison Hoffmaster PA. I will make a distance appointment with you if I feel they aren’t going to address all issues. If you feel you can handle my case, would an in-person appointment be more effective? I am willing to travel, if needed.
I have a datum I share with all new patients, “there are no difficult conditions, only difficult people.” If I could remove the patient’s considerations, false data, bad habits, nocebo/placebo effect….. everyone would get better and my life as a doctor would be amazing. I came up with this datum because in 29 years of practice the only limiting factor I have encountered is the patient himself.
I know I can help. I can’t promise who long it will take of what will be needed to help you. If you are willing to keep an open mind and be consistent with a daily routine you will see results. There may be some supplements, a daily shake that will include various products you will order on your own, exercise, possibly some labs (to be determined later)…
There is no need to come down if I have enough data, but you being here will add greater clarity to any protocol I’ll recommend to you. It’s up to you. We can always get going and you can come down if we reach an impasse.
Here is the link to my distance patient program.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Dr. Ettinger
Hi i’m Mitzi from Philippines. Is there posibilities to extract enzyme from earthworms? Hope you help me thanks 🙂 ASAP. #LUMBROKINASE
Take the supplement, not earthworms!
Dr. Ettinger
I came across your article because Im trying to discover how to get rid of Bacterial Vaginosis, which is due to the loss of the good lactobacillus in the vagina and a creation of a Gardernella driven biofilm. I am wondering if you have heard of anyone using your protocols to heal and disrupt pathogenic biofilms in the gut as part of a protocol to eliminate a BV issue. Im very much hoping to hear what you have to say on this as there is not much good info on actually RESOLVING this problem on the web and I have been dealing with this devastating situation for well over a year now, to the detriment of my dating/sex life and self esteem.. Thank you.
I just had a distance patient on Friday with the exact same issue. I can’t say that the protocol I created for her, based on all of the data she gave me, would be the same for you, but I’m optimistic she will respond favorably. I have a datum that goes like this, “there are no difficult conditions to treat, only difficult people.” After 29 years of treating patients, most conditions have common denominators. Yours is no different. With enough clues, just about any issue can be treated and resolved. If you are interested in a tailored protocol, I offer a distance patient program. You can call my office (714) 639-4360 and I will let you know exactly what I would need to get started (tests, labs…). My distance patient forms can be found here
Dr. Ettinger
Hello Dr. Ettinger,
Thank you so much for your site. First, I want to echo a response that you made to one of the other commentators about the importance of getting comprehensive lab work vs attempting to guess and self-treat. After probably 10 years of trying to treat candida/yeast symptoms, I finally found out that I had H. Pylori, Blastocystis, and Cyclospora, along with positive result for SIBO.
I just finished triple antibiotic therapy, and in the last 7-8 days of it or so, was including Lactoferrin and a supplement called Bio-Fibrin, which is primarily Serrapeptase.
One thing that was super interesting is that I was having yeast symptoms around the time I started the antibiotics and also took Diflucan, which barely helped the symptoms at all. But once I added Lactoferrin, almost immediately my yeast symptoms cleared up.
Now I am off the antibiotics, and trying to figure out what to continue with. My stomach bloating has gone down considerably but is still there to a small degree, and my yeast symptoms are low but still in the background.
The main question I have is how long it’s okay to keep taking the Lactoferrin and Serrapeptase. Also, can I take Thorne SF722 in conjunction with those? I’m taking some probiotics as well, and plan on eating lots of broccoli sprouts and herb salads with Black Cumin Seed Oil to keep the H Pylori at bay.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Lactoferrin and Serrapeptase can be taken for a very long time with no problem. SF722, I’m not sure. The most I’ve ever used it with patients is 2 bottles. I’m sure it’s safe but if there is still an issue after 2 bottles, then the protocol needs evaluation.
I hope this helps,
Dr. Ettinger
Hello, first of all, I apologise for my English. I’m a Spanish medicine student and I’ve been studying every types of medicines on my own for years.
I only wanted to point something that could be of help. When I needed to treat my dog’s cancer, I learned that iron is not only a key in bacterial/fungal infections,but also in cancer cells. I learned that artemisinin (with some good whole artemisia extract) can make iron extremely reactive and do real ROS damage to infections and tumour cells. Maybe we can use it here, in this context of biofiolms.
I also found out that there was a really good thing to manage parallel Candida infection combining Honokiol (from Magnolia) with fluconazol (there are some good clinical studies), even for the resistant strains.
In hyphas state, Candida also need to produce Chitin and the dog’s drug Lufenuron will completely inhibit this for a month with one pill,some people is using it with good results.
Also MCP (modified citrus pectin) is great at inhibiting quorum sensing and to chelate a lot of heavy metals (I believe iron also, but I’d had to check), and even more potent if combined with Quercetin and Ellagic acid.
All I write here is “first hand” and has been hard and long to learn after finding other things useless or at least, not so efficient. Hope it helps 🙂 I like very much your blog, thanks for all.
Your Engish is very good and the information came across nicely. There are many things I do in practice that I don’t write about. Some of the information you presented is new to me, THANK YOU, and some I’ve known about. I will definitely look into Lufenuron and MCP in more detail.
I’m sure you will be a great doctor. I wish you all the best.
Dr. Ettinger
I found a combination of compounded bismuth subsalicylate capsules and dandelion greens helpful in eliminating biofilm. I know it was eliminated because it came out when I used the bathroom. essential oils were also helpful. NAC was useful, but not as much as the bismuth.
Mr. Ford,
Thank you for that data. I will share it here.
Dr. Ettinger
If magnesium assists biofilm formation then what other supplements help those with SIBO and IC who suffer from constipation? I take magnesium and calcium citrate to help with oxalates and also am treating SIBO with natural antibiotics but, wonder if I am making any difference. I am strict with diet and eat no grains, consume no alcholol and pretty much do meat and veggies only – all organic. I am exhausted by all I have to do some days and with a super busy career I wonder some days if i will ever feel healthy again. The pain with IC is surpassing everything else now sadly. I use a ND and private MD to help guide me (live in Canada) but, just not sure how to really move forward – so confusing some days with competing information.
1. Magnesium does not directly contribute to biofilm formation. 2. Magnesium deficiency actually contributes to bacterial virulence and biofilm formation. 3. The main reason to avoid supplemental minerals is that most people are using Interfase Plus, which is a mineral chelator. Taking minerals will just dilute the effectiveness of the product. 4. There is mild evidence that minerals like iron, magnesium, and calcium MAY contribute to biofilm. 5. I mainly ask patients to avoid supplemental iron as bacteria can utilize supplemental iron, but can’t utilize lactoferrin or ferritin.
I have treated many women with IC. There are a few different triggers and causes. That’s the tough part – figuring out the individual’s underlying triggers/causes.
Here is a link to my magnesium bath recipe. It’s extremely helpful as restoring magnesium levels, plus much more.
Lastly, I work with people all over the world. I have, at this writing, I’m helping an IC patient in Dubai and one in Toronto. All I need is enough tests (clues) to help me solve the case. In case you are interested, I’m including my distance patient link.
Dr. Ettinger
Thank you for your response. I am going to Palm Springs for a much-needed vacation. I can call your office to see if you have time next week. I am terribly tired of this whole ordeal which started 2013 with the onset of Rosacea (I have this under control now) and then heart arrhythmia. After my heart was converted I rapidly lost 30+ pounds. My then GP said I needed anti-psychotics – yup! according to him, my “hippocampus needed to be recalibrated”. He refused to run any tests or help in any way. I became bedridden and worked hard for 2 years to be able to return to work. I pay for my private MD now. She is really hard to get into though
I have a great ND who helps manage my IC pain and I am trying to treat the SIBO with natural antibiotics (to the chagrin of my MD). I always try the natural route as the rounds of antibiotics in 2012 I feel started the cascade downwards. Sorry for the outpouring…
I really appreciate your input and I am relieved the Magnesium still safe as it has helped with many functions in my body and after a while stopped the muscle fasciculations. I will connect with your office tomorrow.
In gratitude, Jody
There is so much that can be done! Have a relaxing and fun time in PS. I spent a month there every Summer with my grandparents from 5-16 years of age. The place is great and we still go there often.
Here is a link that may interest you.
Take care and I look forward to hearing from you.
Dr. Ettinger
I have been eliminating a biofilm that started with classic nodules two weeks after dermal filler. No medical treatment was made available. My successes were bacteriophage k, Kambo and LL-37 antimicrobial peptide, sharp debridement, UV debridement, sonic debridement, and a topical combination that busted through the matrix and is clearing it over time -sulfa examine and mometasone furoate. It nearly blinded me. Deformed my face. It attempts to subsume all my exterior parts such as my ears and genitals. Thank you for being a real doctor. Not one who tells us to go see a psychiatrist.
I’ve been dealing with health issues for years. I realize now I have ileosecal valve syndrome (closed) which during parasite cleansing see it has been harboring parasites there. I wonder if protocols don’t work because of the valve issue for me and others which causes things to be backed up even with enemas and colonics. Trying to figure out how to heal this issue as I believe it keeps things like sibo and parasites and more coming back.
With much respect, I don’t believe that to be true at all. The valve may not be functioning 100% physiologically as expected, but locked open or closed does not happen. If it did the person would be in the hospital in short order. Also, as a 30 year Max Gerson student, I’m beyond familiar with home enemas and hydrocolon therapy (HCT). In my experience, too much of a good thing can turn into a very bad thing, coffee enemas especially. I wish I had $100 for every time I received email pictures of supposed worm that were actually rope worms (mucus) from colonic irritation due to coffee enemas done too frequently. In my world, simple is stronger and more effective – though it may take time, which most patients don’t have the patience for. I gave up all parasite, gall bladder, heavy metal, candida… “cleanses” 15 years ago. Handling the underlying issue is far more important. Plus, most people who accumulate these things can’t tolerate the “cleanse” procedure anyway – aka “HERX”. They’ve lost their REDOX POTENTIAL and live in a state of chronic OXIDATIVE STRESS. The goal is to increase one’s redox potential, by any and all means available – period.
I hope in some way this helps.
Dr. Ettinger
What dosage of bismuth did you take and what brand? Also did you take the greens in capsule form?
I’m sorry, I don’t remember the dose. I needed a prescription to get them. Then I submitted the prescription to a compounding pharmacy to have them specially made. Your doctor should be able to look at the published studies to arrive at the correct dose for you. This is not a commonly prescribed treatment for biofilm so there are no established dosage guidelines. As for greens, I just used organic dandelion greens. My hunch is that any food high in prebiotic fiber will work.
Pepto-Bismol has bismuth and subsalicylates as ingredients.
Here is a researcher on bismuth. He says that:
Bismuth anti-biofilm activity occurs at very small doses (<1 µg/mL).[Domenico et al., 1991, 1992] However, Pepto-Bismol is taken in rather large doses (~15 mg/Kg).
That is less than one microgram per ml, not milligram. So maybe even small drops of the Pepto-Bismol liquid for children may work.
Hi Dr Ettinger,
Thankyou so much for this very informative and knowledgable post, incredibly helpful!
I have severe candida overgrowth following long term antibiotics and compromised immune system. I have been on and off fluconazole for thrush, intestinal, nail, skin candida infections for 18 months and am now unresponsive to azole medications thus the candida has become resistant and is most probably now in its hyphal form as well as I have been suffering with it for 3 yrs. You state that along with lactoferrin…
“There are specific B-complex vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that possess synergistic properties and I find them indispensable when taking Diflucan (fluconazole), Nizoral (ketoconazole), and for supporting candida (yeast/fungal) treatment, and die-off symptoms.”
Could you please list these supplements that act synergistically with these azoles, as my doctor has now prescribed me itraconazole but unfortunately I’m not seeing any response and was hoping by adding these supplements it might help.
Also is there anywhere on this website you talk about your candida protocol? As would love to hear your knowledge on how you address severe candida overgrowth. I am now starting to take herbal antifungals due to the fact that the pharmaceutical antifungals are no longer working.
Many thanks
First off, in my opinion, Candida is not a disease. Candida overgrowth and resulting mutation are merely it responding to an environment that will promote its overgrowth. This can be due to many factors that are unique to the individual and require testing to rule-in or rule-out potential contributing issues. In almost 29 years of practice, I’ve never put anyone on a “candida diet” or a “candida protocol”. What I have done is figure out why their body allowed an otherwise benign single celled organism to become a virulent overgrowth. Giving you a generic protocol would be an exercise in having you spend more money on a dead-end treatment.
I make no promises. but if you want to finally get to the bottom of this, you will need to make a commitment to discover the cause rather than try more products in hopes you will discover the secret, missing, ingredient. A comprehensive digestive stool and parasitology test, full blood work up, and blood typing if you don’t know your blood type, will get us the information we need to get this figured out. At my cost, this is $625 and then there is the consultation and any needed products. Yes, it’s not cheap up front but it will save a lot of time (3 years in your case), pain, frustration, anxiety, and a ton of money on supplements, co-pays… Do it right the first time and there is no second time.
This may not be the answer you were hoping for but it’s the truth. In case you are interested in a different approach, here is a link to my distance patient program.
Dr. Etinger
Thankyou for your reply. When I was looking into using edta to help bind to the metals in the biofilm all of the supplements on the market are calcium disodium edta (purpose to chelate metals in bloodstream), wouldn’t this be counterproductive to take a supplement like this to help destroy the biofilm when it contains calcium that could strengthen the biofilm? Also I noticed you have curcumin as a biofilm disruptor can you please explain how this disrupts the biofilm? Many thanks
Hannah, EDTA is a complex where the calcium is not bioavailable to biofilm, just like ferritin or lactoferrin are not bioavailable sources of iron for bacteria. As far as curcumin being a biofilm disruptor, it’s all about the polyphenols. Clove is #1 and works the very best with raw cacao. Add-in a little Ceylon cinnamon, dried peppermint, and star anise and you have the world’s most powerful polyphenol cocktail!
Hi , I come from UK so not able to use the distance patient program, I had a HPylori infection 2 years ago and got rid of it using Triple Therapy, however was left with Severe Functional Dyspepsia , Acid Reflux and Delayed Gastric Emptying / Motylity issues , my stomach and my gut is completely ruined, now my HPylori is back again and I’m very reluctant to use Antibiotics again, we really don’t have many functional doctors here and most of them are just clueless.
Can you advise what would be the best natural approach to kill the HPYLORI and heal my stomach.
Monika, my distance program is for anyone who is not able to get to my office. I have treated many from the UK. As long as you have a phone or computer, you are eligible to become a distance client. Respectfully, Dr. Ettinger
Dr. Ettinger,
Fascinating stuff! I am 62 and have a history of hypothyroidism (on Armour), adrenal fatigue, anemia and to be fair, either Celiac or NCGS (could NOT go back on gluten for the “definitive” biopsy test which bears a 70% failure rate anyhow.
As an RN, I’ve had the advantage of my medical background, but have had to piecemeal all the pieces myself. My primary question pertains to iron supplementation. I became severely anemic in 2014 with a Ferritin level of about 18 (it has run low for YEARS but this was the first time I just bottomed out with dizziness and began incapacitated). I then went on Nature’s Plus Hemaplex. Knowing that iron can feed parasites & microorganisms, I began titrating down last year, but in retrospect, I was compromised at times. I then held it for the better part of two months when I got the flu (a virulent strain) back in May that lasted nearly six weeks. I took a real nose dive and could not function. It seems that I can not live without it, but I hate to take that much iron, knowing too, that it can contribute to “aging.”
I’m just now getting back on my feet overall since all this (thyroid aside) began in 2009 and am already doing much better after only two weeks back on my iron. My question is twofold: Should I be concerned about needing to take iron nearly daily – so long as I monitor my ferritin level most especially (as well as the other iron labs). I am also concerned about secondary, and long-term effects, should I need lifelong iron supplementation. I suspect it will take another couple of years for my gut to heal.
I eat some meat, am taking prunes and molasses, but with malabsorption issues, and limited funds, and not working till I get back on my feet, I’m doing the best I can. My sincere thanks for your work and contribution.
#1 – No. The three most common reasons for low ferritin are a chronic infection (increased need for iron), low HCl (lack of absorption), or low protein intake (needed to make protein bound iron). It can be any combination of the three as well. Low ferritin/iron can cause hypothyroid, which creates x, y, z symptoms.
#2 – No need to worry if you do routine labs. If it were me, I’d take a small dose of betaine HCl, zinc glycinate, and vitamin C with each iron, ferritin or lactoferrin dose. I like lactoferrin over iron due to it being non-constipating and works the same. You would just need to figure out what does (100mg’s 200mg’s…) would boost your iron the same as the mg’s of iron you take daily. Or, just take 18mg’s of iron glycinate daily.
If your MCV is between 87-91 no need to add methyl B12 or methyl folate. If above 91 add the two to your iron dose. If below 86 add more protein, HCl, B12, folate, iron or lactoferrin. Exercise is also important.
Dr. Ettinger
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
A question on supplementing stomach acid. I’ve read that high stomach PH may be due to restrictions of bile flow. The reasoning given is that the body senses the chyme as remaining to acidic after leaving the stomach and throttles back on stomach acid production. It also stated that biofilms are often causing the reduced bile flow. The writing appeared to be based on conjecture. Do you see any validity in this?
Anything is possible when it comes to the human body and its physiology. I would love to see the data you are referencing.
Here is an explanation of why physiology changes.
Dr. Ettinger
Anything is possible when it comes to the human body and its physiology. I would love to see the data you are referencing. Here is an explanation of why physiology changes.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello I’d dearly love to talk with you about the gut problems plaguing me please. Since overdoing mercury chelation last year my guts have gone to hell. Struggling to treat them, on a protocol now but not sure I have everything correct, especially about the biofilm.
I had incredible results from a two week herbal parasite cleanse, I felt almost normal again. But as soon as ckeanse finished I relapsed terribly. Is this because biofilms are still in tact and reactivate once herbal assault has finished?
Without testing or retesting (comprehensive digestive stool parasitology test and comprehensive blood testing) you can only be guessing at what is there, what is gone, and how the body reacting. It could be 100 different things, including – not parasites or biofilm. Please don’t self-treat if that is what you are doing. Fing a good coach, get yourself some proper diagnostics and then you will know exactly what needs to be treated. I hope this helps.
Dr. Ettinger
I am in the uk. Can you advise or coach me long distance? Can the tests be done here? If you could help that would be appreciated. I am self treating up til now as mainstream medicine have no idea on how to treat me.
Yes, I can. I have treated many people from the UK. As far as testing, I can tell you what is needed but you would have to find a way to get them. Here is a link to my distance patient application.
Please e-mail me with any additional questions at – info(at)advancedhealing(dot)com
Dr. Ettinger
All the emphasis appears to be very heavy on antibiofilms. Are there not any biofilms that our bodies need? And if so, can you address how they can be protected, when antibiofilms are being taken? Also, would an antibiofilm be needed if a bacterium could be addressed with a biophage?
Thank you for an informative site and your anticipated response.
I’m not aware of any beneficial bacteria that form biofilm or any benefit to having biofilm. Biophage is basically a parasite. It’s an organism that derives the fuel for its existence from another living organism. The only beneficial biophages that I can think of on the spot is our intestinal flora.
I hope this answers your questions.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
I need to know if everybody who has basically lived their whole lives with h pylori have adrenal glands full of iron, or is this a genetic problem that has destroyed the lives of most of my family? I know about the iron because of my dad’s autopsy. Dark brown adrenal medulla, and dark yellow adrenal cortex. It gives the men super strength, but causes high adrenaline in all of us. Cortisol is also high, but most other hormones are extremely low or not there. There are no doctors in this area that are informed. The doctor that diagnosed me with h pylori last year didn’t know, nor would believe that the h pylori was the cause of my chronic anemia, and also my inability to make sufficient D3 because of its ability to use cholesterol as part of its bio-film.
H. pylori, by its very nature, reduces stomach acid (HCl), which inhibits B12, mineral (iron, magnesium, calcium…), and protein assimilation. This can possibly lead to various types of anemia, leaky gut, SIBO, constipation, fat and protein malabsorption. On top of that, there is the gut inflammation and dysbiosis potentially leading to autoimmune issues and lowered intestinal immunity and intestinal neurotransmitter production.
Dr. Ettinger
Wow! It is apparent to me that you need to do more research. H pylori uses the heme out of iron to multiply. It causes massive amounts of platelets to be made, which makes Thrombin, which turns Fibrinogin into fibrin. When I started treating h pylori, naturally, my platelet count came down from 700 to 395 and my Anemia cleared up. My hgb which was 6.2 is now up to 13. In 2008, I had so much fibrin floating around in my blood, that when I started taking EPO to increase moisture, massive amounts of fibrin started being pulled from my blood by my kidneys. It took six weeks of intense pain to get the larger pieces (fibrin mesh) out. But the tiny particles were still getting into my capillaries, causing what I finally figured out was Hemolytic anemia. A problem I had been living with since I moved back to Indiana in 1986 and started climbing hills again. With hemolytic anemia you make it worse by doing things that speed up your heart, and then comes instant life threatening fatigue. But how could I know I was coming so close to killing myself, since I couldn’t find a doctor that knew anything. You will also know this is happening by the fact that your spleen will grow so big that it feels like a water balloon up under your left rib cage. Again something else doctors ignore. When I cleared up the Hemolytic anemia, my spleen shrunk back to size. By the way, you treat hemolytic anemia with Lumbrokinase. It is the only fibrinolytic enzyme that dissolves only fibrin. I guess that is enough for now, since you will ignore it anyway. Don’t look for this information on government research sites. Instead, just type in your question or words, or several words if you want to know if they are related, and first go to the government research that shows up. This is what I did when my ignorant doctor diagnosed me with H Pylori and iron defeciency anemia. He was looking for internal bleeding, ignoring the fact that neither my white or red blood cell counts were falling, only hgb. So after a colonoscopy and an upper GI, he was ready to cut me open and do exploritory surgery. Even though I kept telling him, I wasn’t bleeding. Something was stealing my iron. Had been for years. Turns out, not stealing my iron, just the heme out of it.
Note: I changed my mind and did approve the comment and posted my email response below. Here is to free speech!
I will not post your disrespectful response. I could always use more knowledge but as far as H. pylori and biofilm are concerned I have read just about every paper/abstract that has come out since 2009.
You did not ask any type of specific question, nor did you ask anything about hemoglobin or hemolytic anemia, in your first comment. I gave you the best response I could based on your generalized comment, which seemed more like sharing your experiences rather than an actual question. Also, I took the time to read your comment and give a thoughtful response. It would have been nice to receive a reciprocal response back.
Dr. Ettinger
Hi Cheryl,
You frustration with past doctors is understandable, but Dr. Ettinger was not one of them and it is obvious that you are transferring your anger against him. You have not paid him and he has not diagnosed your condition. You need to reassess your emotions and write him an apology.
I don’t know why you said ‘only’ about fibrin. And while Lumbrokinase is an excellent enzyme, it is not the only one that is used for the degradation of fibrin.
Lumbrokinase dissolves only fibrin. It is active only in the presence of fibrin.The other fibrinolytics dissolve all proteins in the blood. At least some of the other proteins are needed. So why dissolve them.
“One key, remarkable property of lumbrokinase is that, unlike the medications streptokinase and urokinase, it is only active in the presence of fibrin. Though it dissolves fibrinogen and fibrin very specifically, it hardly hydrolyzes other important blood proteins such as plasminogen or albumin.”
Those that say lumbrokinase is a potent biofilm breaker can give those that hear/read that statement a certain degree of false hope. By itself, it most likely won’t touch biofilm outside the stomach or intestinal tract, as only about 10% actually gets into the blood stream. Two, hypercoagulation is a fairly common scenario in the average American, not to mention those with severe health challenges – which can cause a plethora of diverse symptoms. The enzyme will go to eating up fibrin and fibrinogen, wherever it is. The biggest benefit I see in my practice is that by reducing hypercoagulation and inflammation the immune system is far more responsive and the body will be less acidic. This increases energy and decreases pain. I like a combination of lumbrokinase and serrapeptase for this. Non-enteric coated for stomach issues and enteric coated for small intestine and systemic concerns.
Im 34, 5 kids and i weigh around 123/127lbs. im 5ft as well. My questions and concerns are i am self treating because i dont have money to see a specialist on a HMO plan. We just dont have the money for all organic food lifestyle and for me to see anyone. we live in a area thats far from anything good.
the last time i was able to lose weight was around 2008. In 2015 i decided to sell beachbody and lose weight but nothing happened. i was on a Vegan diet, trying to work out, eat right, drink a lot of water, drink smoothies and juice greens. i would lose a few lbs and then gain it back. I also over heat when i work out, become dizzy and i also do not sweat. i told my normal doc this, did labs and still she thinks i had no issues. i have Mthfr c677t. my Grandparents both have Thyroid issues. i have a huge huge stomach. its Embarrasing and ugly. this isnt just a mom gut from having kids and c-sections. it just wont go down no matter how much water i drink, how paleo i eat or how much fermented foods and cut back on bad things. im always bloated and looking pregnant. i went on gut pro powder ($99bottle) and nothing happened. i was told to stop and go on Serra Enzyme so i did buy it but got the 80000 IU. i havent received it yet. i also bought cistus incanus and waiting that. i was told that i wouldnt be able to lose the stomach until i fixed my gut health. what does the $450 cover? because i really dont have money for anything but supplements. i cant do more labs again and all that
Natalie, Whether it’s me or another functional medicine practitioner, you need a coach. Self-treating in your case is just going to use up more money and time. All of my services are based on time. The $450 is for pre-consultation review of labs, all paperwork, and prep for our phone consultation; the phone consultation; a program based on the consult, labs, and questionnaires.
Hello. This is great information.I have been battling chronic bacterial vaginosis for 12 years. I have tried many antibiotics, probiotics, hydrogen peroxide and countless other things. I believe the infection started when I got a leap procedure done on my cervix years ago.The primary bacteria is Gardnerella. Currently, I’m taking a Biofilm buster, clove oil, and raw potato starch. Do you have any other suggestions? Please help
Lisa, My recommendation at this point is to stop self-treating and find a functional medicine practitioner who is familiar with Gardnerella. The reason you are not improving is not because you haven’t tried the right protocol it’s because your chemistry is off. You will need to get some labs done, have your diet and lifestyle analyzed and then a personalized protocol can be put together for you. Then your issues should get resolved.
Lisa you can google Boric Acid suppositories (which the pharmacy will have to make for you) – there are government tests proving its efficiency. Talk about that with your Gyno – he/she will need to make a prescription. It did the job for me after a zillion other things failed. Only for local treatment! not to be ingested, Boric Acid is toxic (lethal) if taken internally.
Good Luck
PS if you are having sex with someone – they can give it back to you and so can oral sex (done to you) a lot of those resistant bacteria are in people’s mouths, come also from eating meat not thoroughly cooked due to antibiotics fed to cows…
How long on average would you expect to have to do a biofilm natural protocol for Blastocystis, Pseudamonas Aeroginosa, SIBO and Candida after 2 failed herbal attempts and an iron infusion? Iron infusion was a year ago. Also I heard its ok to supplement magnesium but not calcium or iron?
On average I recommend that a biofilm protocol is put into effect at least 14-30 days prior to initiating an antimicrobial protocol. The biofilm portion will extend through the end of the antimicrobial portion. Iron is important to keep bacteria calm and studies have shown that iron deficient may be the catalyst by which bacteria go from benign to forming biofilm. Iron should be plentiful from food sources.
Thank you for your reply. That’s interesting! Is that the same for parasites though? Why would my iron infusion make me feel 20 times worse? What are your thoughts on Blastocystis Hominis? Would you recommend antibiotics for it such as the triple therapy if I have that and a candida infection? Just hard knowing what to tackle first without making the other worse. I feel like Blasto adapts to everything I throw at it. Carbs and lactobacillus flare up all my symptoms. Appreciate you can’t give tailored advice without a consult. Just keen to know your thoughts!
You really need to find a good coach who will help you. Going at it alone is going to be trial and error at best. I can’t comment on the infusion because I know nothing about you or your case. I’m sorry. Go find a functional medicine doctor and you will be on the right track in no time.
You really need to find a good coach who will help you. Going at it alone is going to be trial and error at best. I can’t comment on the infusion because I know nothing about you or your case. I’m sorry. Go find a functional medicine doctor and you will be on the right track in no time.
How long on an antimicrobial protocol (after anti-biofilm stage) would you suggest to a patient with those pathogens?
There are way too many variables for me to give you a competent recommendation. It’s best to find a good functional medicine practitioner to work with. If that’s not going to work, get tested every 30 days until you are clear.
Just a question about biofilms. If h.pylori develops a biofilm in an effort to protect itself from antibiotic use, can it also protect itself from being detected through the breath test or stool testing and show a false negative?
Margaret, No. With a breath test, the H. pylori bacteria are challenged with excess urea and then byproducts are measured. Biofilm or not the byproducts will be produced. Stool testing will measure sluffed-off H. pylori – dead or alive. Biofilm will not keep the H. pylori in an isolated state. There is a constant reproduction and elimination phase taking place. No test is 100%. For diagnosis purposes, I always recommend blood and stool or blood and breath. For post-treatment testing, I would wait 46 days and have a breath test.
I’m interested in perhaps becoming a distance patient. However, I first wanted to know if you have any experience treating candida glabrata. I have been diagnosed with a glabrata vaginal yeast infection and have gone through some failed treatments. I know part of candida glabrata’s virulence is due its ability to create tough biofilms, so I was wondering if you have treated it in the past. Thanks!
Ashley, I have treated a few patients with that. I would only feel comfortable with a protocol that also includes 200 mg’s a day of fluconazole (an MD would have to prescribe this). I don’t feel confident that a biofilm protocol combined with an antifungal protocol will get the job done, alone. If you are interested in a protocol that included fluconazole, please e-mail me directly at
Hi doctor ettinger I was wondering what you would suggest o yake to remove biofilm from the intestines for parasites and how long I would need to yake them for any help would be greatly appreciated . Regards nicole
Thank you for your question!
This important note is located at the top of the post you commented on.
Important Note:
In order to receive protocol information or help, you will need to become a distance patient – Distance Patient Application. I truly do want to help any and all who are interested, but it’s finally gotten to the point where too many people want free advice, treatment plans, personalized protocols…. I’m a firm believer in fair-exchange and I feel I have done that by providing the information in this post.
I will help you and I can create a tailor-made protocol for your individual situation. Please fill out the distance patient application (link above) or if you have questions about the program, please call me at 714-639-4360
Here is a link to information on my Distance Patient Program.
my dad has klebsiella pneumoniae in urine and has affected his prostate He cannot walk anymore .I was talking with a dr and she said to put him in hospital on Monday.She try to eradicate the Klebsiella with Imipenem drip but said the disease is chronic and created biofilms and is v hard to eradicate.I don’t know what to do to disrupt this biofilms..Anybody has any idea what treatment disrupt the klebsiella biofilms ? My dad is 86 yrs old.Thank you !
Here is a link with a lot of helpful information.
I have had a horrible stomach condition which has exactly followed your description of biofilms and how they adapt. I have been to 15 doctors over 15 years and gone through every test or diet, and tried every OTC remedy anyone could think of. One test showed positive for pseudomonas aeruginosa. I’ve long known my condition is a bacteria because it has been knocked down by antibiotics, but nothing ever eradicates it, and it adapts to everything. It is now worse than ever. It’s burping gas that keeps me from being able to sleep at night because of the volume of gas that keeps coming and coming. None of the doctors I saw even seemed to know about biofilms, but all were content to eventually give up on me because nobody perceives gas as being all that serious. But this is making me old 20 years ahead of time! Do you know whom I should consult, since you say I shouldn’t self-medicate?
Mary, Here is a link to my distance patient program in case you are interested. I have helped may people around the World with stories just like yours. Respectfully, Dr. Ettinger –
Thankyou very much for info. I am in the hospital with pseudomonas. This is relapse after sepsis with the same bug after being incubated after neck surgery at HSS in NY. I also have had question of Lyme disease for years after having chronic “rsd” for 20 yrs and too many problems with every organ of my body to write. I had 2 different tests from Fry lab and found to have tremendous amount of biofilm. I had the infected infusaport removed and a triple pic line was put in which within 5 days already clogged with Fibrogen and had to be “rotor routed”. I have been taking “boluke” before my triple antibiotic regimen (on my own with dr Zangs Allicin) and now after reading your article am even more convinced I did the right thing and maybe saved my life. I have been very sick for very long and would like to get rid of this biofilm once and for all. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Cathy chahalis
Cathy, Yes you do have a few things going on. For now you may want to add-in Serrapeptase 80,000 units by AST Enzymes. This is more specific for your needs than Nattokinase or Lumbrokinase. 2 caps 2x/day on an empty stomach (30min before or 2 hours after food). 10% experience mild stomach distress if taken first thing in the morning. If this happens do the morning dose 2 hours after breakfast.
When you get out we should schedule a distance patient consult. Let’s get you better! I wish you the best.
I have bacterial prostititis (e-coli) which keeps recurring after courses of antibiotics (bactrim). My doctor may be recommending surgery if this keeps recurring.
Do you have a protocol I could try before I go the surgery route?
Gene, there are protocols that could be tried but I would need to know a lot more about you than just the fact that you have bacterial prostatitis. Here is a link to my distance patient program in case you are interested. Respectfully, Dr. Ettinger –
Hi Dr Ettinger, what a great source of information. I cannot believe there is so little available information on bio films especially considering what a threat they are. I am wondering if you have ever heard anything about bio films in cosmetic hylauronic acid fillers ( apparently they are the perfect breeding ground) yes this is the stuff of sci fi movies! I believe they will become more common as these fillers are used more and more. Most doctors will not even discuss the possibility of bio films and have no idea how to treat them.
Love your blog, can’t believe you even quote one of my favourite authors Rupert Sheldrake!
Best Regards
Gemma, Thank you! Dr. Ettinger
Please tell me what diet your recommend for a 5 year old boy with PANDAS. Would you go GPS or Biofilm protocol? Any supplements or ideas are appreciated. He has been through several antibiotics courses of cefdinir, augmentin, amoxicillin, and clarithromycin. Thank you Dr. Ettinger for your commitment to health and humanity.
Barbie, I would recommend the “Paleo Diet” with only grass-fed, organic, wild-caught, pasture-raised food. As far as supplements go, I would have to have him become a distance patient first. Blindly making recommendations is not how I go about treating patients. I hope I’m not being unreasonable in my practice philosophy. Here is a link to my distance patient program –
Dear Dr Ettinger
Does biofilm form in the bladder or urinary tract? If the culture test shows sensitivity towards a some antibiotics, however, the bacteria is not killed after completing the courses, does it mean biofilm has formed?
In this case will kirkman’s biofilm defense help? Is this biofilm disruptor also suitable as a prophylactic?
Really hope you could advice. Thanks
With only the data you are giving me, biofilm may be the reason why the antibiotics weren’t effective. Kirkman’s may assist the antibiotics to work better. It’s worth a try. Kirkman’s may also be a prophylactic. It’s worth a try as well. Good luck in getting the bladder issue handled.
Dear Dr. Ettinger,
First of all, thank you so much for providing all this information on your website!
I live in Germany and have Hashimoto (gave up any gluten and all grains about 10 months ago and have been on Paleo autoimmune protocol for the last month). Trying to heal my autoimmunity, I did a lot of research on it . First, I adjusted my diet and then started checking my gut. I got tested for H pylori and found out I have it. My doctor would like to try to treat it with oil of oregano and broccoli (sprouts extract, I believe, I haven’t seen the product yet). But I came across your approach with Monolaurin and biofilm disruptors. What would you do to eradicate H pylori in my circumstances? I would be so grateful for your advice on how to best treat it. Thank you!!!
My recommendation is the PrevPac (2 antibiotics and an acid reducer) combined with a tailored, biofilm-busting protocol. I can help you with that, but you would need to be an official patient for that. I do Skype consultations or over the phone. Nutritional supplements alone are no longer effective against H. pylori and I no longer recommend that approach. Here is a link to my distance patient program.
Hide. Ettinger,
I have been struggling with constipation for 5 years. I have seen a general practitioner, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, physical therapy, naturopath, herbalist and functional medicine doctor. The functional medicine doctor is my currently treating my condition but we are struggling to rid my gut of pseudomonas aeroginosa. Have been gluten, dairy and red meat free since August 2014. Taking several supplements including, Armour thyroid, magnesium buffered chelate, vitamin D, barberry, saccromyces bhoularrdi, factor 6, paleo fiber, bio-adaptogen, ai enzymes, paleo fiber, emergency-c, and Eco drink. Is this protocol going to be effective for breaking down the pseudomonas aeroginosa? Also is there any signs to watch for so I know it is effective or do I need to retake the Genova stool sample test again? Also, why would my positive rod bacteria be so low? And does gut flora effect thyroid function? My free t3 is low?
I appreciate any suggestions you might have!
There is a lot of stuff going on here. I would need a lot more data to do your situation justice. Here is a link to my distance patient program. I feel confident that I could help, we just have to do it right. As far as low free T3 goes, it could be a conversion issue in the liver, and you may need more selenium or your cortisol may be elevated and that will stop the conversion of T4 to T3. It may also just mean you need to start taking exogenous T3. I take GTA by Biotics Research. It’s T3. Thank you for the inquiry.
hi dr marcus ,I am glad I found you ,I am suffering from h.pylori and parasites ,I hate to take the trpl antibiotic as I have my friend took it 3 times with no success ,i have sharp pain in my stomach ,so please if you lead me to the effective treatment and if i decide to take the trpl therapy should i take the biofilm breaker but dont know which one ,please i am lost and dont know what to do and the pain become more than before
Most likely the reason behind the antibiotic failure is that your friend has a severe biofilm issue. Most people are not that bad. My biofilm-busting protocol combined with a PrevPac has been extremely effective with my patients. Nutritionals or PrevPac alone would not be my recommendation, as I too have seen many failures. Here is a link to my distance patient program if you would like my help.
Hi Dr. Marcus,
appreciate your continuous work and help you offer on your site. I am seeking for an advise too.
I have been having H Pylori for over 6 months. For the same time I have been eating a paleo type diet and low FODMAP.
My only symptom is bloating.
I have been taking several natural supplements over time mainly mastic gum, turmeric, triphala, cat’s claw, Matula tea and other, with no benefits.
My current practitioner has run a few tests to check for other pathogens, leaky gut, hormone imbalance and all were negative. Only H Pylori is positive.
She prescribed me a supplement consisting of protease and bromelain and another one (echinachea+olive leaf) to break down the biofilm. After a month however I don’t have any benefit.
I am now looking at trying Interfase Plus and Monolaurin
Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks in advance
I apologize for the delay. My recommendation is the PrevPac combined with a tailored, biofilm-busting protocol. I can help you with that, but you would need to be an official patient for that. Nutritional supplements alone are no longer effective against H. pylori and I no longer recommend that approach. Here is a link to my distance patient program.
Hello, i have been suffering from candida all my life anda im con a dieta. AM a los better now bit i need to broke biofilms un order to get totally recovered. What could i do?
I apologize for the delay. In order for me to make a competent recommendation I would need a lot more data about you and your condition. Here is a link to my distance patient program. If you become a distance patient, I will be better able to give you solid advise.
Hi Dr. Marcus,
I’ve had UTI 2 years ago and it was caused by e.coli, due to sexual activity. It was so hard to get rid of it after several rounds of antibiotic and then for 2 years, I didnt feel any UTI symptoms, though I felt that urinating in the morning was heavy and it felt like I was peeing condensed pee even if it wasnt.
Now, after just one intercourse, I ended up having UTI due to e.coli and it’s been really stubborn. I experienced hematuria 2x in 2 months and it’s mostly because I get diarrhea from laxatives. I’ve had 3 cultures and it all comes back as e.coli, and then it would clear up but it would eventually come back. I’ve taken 7 rounds of different antibiotics, tried probiotics, dmannose, garlic, turmeric and olive leaf. And I’m also taking lactoferrin and kirkland’s biofilm disruptor but it takes so long for progress to show. I’ve had CT scans and blood and urine tests and it all came back clear. What’s your take on this? Could it be that the lactoferrin and biofilm disruptor is causing the e.coli to breakout and cause herx and purge?
So sorry for the delay. This all sounds very complicated and I would have to have a lot more data to be able to help you sufficiently. Here is a link to my distance patient program. I feel if I had all of my forms filled-out by you and all relevant labs, I would be able to build a clearer picture of what we are dealing with.
Dear doctor,
i’m Francesco, a 30 yeras old boy from Italy.
I’m affected by asthma and chronic rinosinusitis with polyps.
I have founded a lot of studies that suggests to take macrolides, so i have taken azhytromicin for some weeks.
My asthma improved a lot,but any notable effect on my sinusitis..
Please,can you give me some advices (products)??
Why all doctors suggest antibiotics but anyone suggest antibiotics + antibiofilm protocol??
Thanks for your help…
Francesco, If it were me, I would try this: – 1 cap 3x/day on an empty stomach (30-60 min before meals). Also, 1 capsule 2x/day. Give feedback after 30 days. Best of luck!
I’ve had 3 cultured positive UTI’s. I think I’m working on a 4th. The first culture was positive for ecoli and the 2nd & 3rd with ecoli and klebsiellia pneumoniae. All 3 times I was prescribed macrobid, which seemed to help some but I still have ongoing burning with the ureathra (sp?).
I am now trying alternatives: d-mannose, interphase plus, lactoferrin and monolaurin. What else can I use to try to get rid of this?!
I am 54, menopausal and had a hysterectomy 6 most ago. I am using bioidentical estrogen vaginally to improve hormone levels.
Thank you!!
Kate, your case sounds very complex. My best advise would be for you to become a “distance patient” and we can do a thorough work-up. Without that, at best, I would just be guessing. Here is a link to my distance patient application. – Respectfully, Dr. Ettinger
I have lyme disease and because of the prolonged use of antibiotcs, yeast. I would like to treat the yeast with a biofilm buster that is effective against the yeast biofilm, along with something to kill the yeast. However I am concerned that I may be breaking up the lyme biofilm also letting loose it’s bacteria and have nothing in place to kill it.
Should I be concerned?
Tricia, it doesn’t work like that. It’s not a container that surrounds the bacteria. Breaking-down the biofilm will make it easier for the body to identify the bacteria or yeast, and mount a defense against it.
Hi both of my cats have been bitten by ticks several times and wondering if I should get them tested for anything if you know? Also how does one know if they have a biofilm? What test would a doctor perform to discover this?
Christine, those are all good questions and I wish I had a good answer for you. I do not work with pet and haven’t even researched testing or treatments for pets. Please keep searching. Google it until you come up with an answer. Someone out there has it. I wish you the best of luck with this.
What do you recommend to heal a leaky gut with which I was diagnosed about 15 years ago? I have increasingly developed more and more food sensitivities that result in swelling finger joints and eruptions on facial skin, and I would suspect general inflammation. I had the ELISA test done then, and mostly avoid those foods (or rotate them as advised) that create an adverse reaction; but now there aren’t many foods I can eat without having a reaction. My diet consists of primarily organic foods, coconut oil (~2 Tbsp./day), and olive & avocado oils (used sparingly), various supplements & herbs, and I avoid products that have chemicals, preservatives, dyes, etc. I would greatly appreciate any light you might provide on some way to overcome this.
Pat, I do offer a distance patient program – link here –
There are may products that may be useful, and ways to go about healing leaky gut, but I would need more data to recommend with confidence. If you are just interested in a recommendation, then ProbioMax Plus from Xymogen is a good start.
This is something I would very much like to bring up. Dr. Marcus Ettinger, have you any experience with Morgellons Disease and as far as that goes, do you recognize it as a real disease and not psychiatric?
I have been suffering with this for going on 7 years now. I can assure anyone this is truly a real disease, even though it is not in the normal realm of what we think of when it comes to disease.
Due to its most bizarre symptoms, Morgellons is a scary disease and it is filthy. One never feels clean. Your body is covered from head to toe with some form of film. The Charles E. Holman Foundation says that this substance is an overgrowth of Keratin. I don’t know what I think. I only know I had had some horrible stuff come off of my body through the aid of enzymes.
One of the most bizarre symptoms is that you can have hair that moves independently of itself. It is not air current or static. It is a very definitive way that these hairs move. Their structure is totally different of one’s normal hair also. What could possibly cause hair to move by itself? I know this is real. I have been suffering with it for 6 years now.
Even the fibers which protrude from the body have a distinct way of moving.
Once you have Morgellons you do not go into a hypochondriac stage, but you are very vigilant of the fiber is your environment and many, many of them are Morgellons fibers.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger, I would deeply appreciate your input on this epidemic which is world wide. Think about this. If it trulu were delusional like the CDC would like many to think, then why hasn’t the CDC done an investigation into why so may thousands upon thousands of people world wide are all of a sudden delusional. My personal opinion? The don’t do any research into this because they know Morgellons is real and they do not want to waste the money on a false investigation.
Sincerely and Respectably,
I have not had the opportunity to treat anyone with Morgellon’s first hand but I have helped a few distance patients. Each had their own needs and the protocols were unique to each of them. If I could actually have a patient in-front of me I feel it would help me to further appreciate the condition and the individual.
Hello Dr. Ettinger
I am from India and i am suffering from H.pylori infection for the last 29 years may be before Mr. Marshall has identified this dirtiest bug. I was first diagnosed in 1985 as Chronic intestinal ameobiasis with hyper acidity(mild duodenal ulcers). During that time due to lack of awareness and not knowing h.pylori doctors went on prescribing anti ameobic drugs with simitidine and ranitidine and many ppps. This continued for 24 years but for the last 5 years my position has worsened and i was tested +ve for H.pylori in Delhi, bombay, Bangalore and Hyderabad with Grade A esophagitis. I underwent 3 times antibiotic course with Nitazoxanide, Levoflox, PPI etc., but no relief.
Now i have become highly susceptible to multiple food senstitivities seems to be leaky gut issue. When i dont get recovery from antibiotics i keep on searching for herbal treatments. I have gone through many of the blogs/researches and started taking herbs like, Mastic gum, Monolaurin, goldenseal, burdock root, oregon grape, apple cidar vinegar, nutricillin, zinc carnosine, worm wood, Thyme(artecin), recently got gastromend HP,pyloricil, DGL licorice, Cats claw, Ultra MFP forte, pine nut oil, matula tea etc., I agree that i have not followed a systematic regimen due to lack of awareness and esp for this biofilm forming bug.
For 20 years, i had my stools covered with mucus and for the last 5 years i had diaharrea once or twice. I have rumbling mucus sound in the entire gut. The pain in duodenum is not able to subside with an exception during herbal medicines. I have cramping the whole night and not able to sleep. I have acute sinus and ear issues coming out of h.pylori. I have become highly susceptible to multiple food sensitivites and has very little option for following paleo diet as we in india like vegetarian diet. If my disease is not treated i am fearing as i may die.
Now after reading your blog on biofilm, i have ordered serrapeptase, lumbrokinase and GI microb from apart from above medicines. I have lost 15 kgs wt and going weaker day by day. One of the greatest problem in india is that these herbals are not available in india. Even though some are available, they are not supplied in bulk to US.
Could you please guide me, how to follow exactly the biofilm protocol for h.pylori with the medinces available with me(Mastic gum, Monolaurin, goldenseal, burdock root, oregon grape, apple cidar vinegar, nutricillin, zinc carnosine, worm wood, Thyme(artecin), recently got gastromend HP,pyloricil, DGL licorice, Cats claw, Ultra MFP forte, pine nut oil, matula tea, serrapeptase, lumbrokinase, GI microb, epazote leaves). I request you to kindly give the highly effiecient high dosage protocol to eradicate as i believe h.pylori in me has become highly virulent, antibiotic/may be herbal resistant and evolved in various races. Please prescribe easily available EDTA/chelates not containing iron and calcium. I am ready to try the eradication sooner rather than to die.
I am ready to pay your fees on-line if you give me standard protocol with the above medicines with me. If any more medicines needed, you please guide me from where to buy them. Till then with the available medicines i want to start as i am desparate and painful to spend even an hr of my life on this beautiful planet.
Satish, So sorry for the delay. I do offer a distance patient program – link here – I just finished-up a distance patient program for a fellow countryman in Bangalore (Skype). I send his products to a mailing company in New York, USA that re-mailed it to him in India.
How are you doing since starting the enzymes?
Hello Dr. Ettinger, I’m curious to know your thoughts on activated charcoal. I’ve heard recently it’s very helpful for shedding. I have a young son who has autism with major GI/Leaky Gut. I have tried to research more on this, but, not a lot outside of a few parent blogs and how helpful it is whrn taken 2 hrs aftermeds. Also, I’d there a specific test for biofilm? And is it blood or stool, etc? Thank you.
I have not used activated charcoal much in my practice, so I can’t give a confident yes or no that it will help or not. here is a link to Fry labs. Fry is the only lab I know of doing biofilm testing.
Hi, i have been on the supplement “biofilm defense” by kirkman labs for 10 days and it has now passed 2 days since i stopped it and i still feel worse then when i started taken the supplement. I read somewhere that heavy metals are realesed when the biofilm is broken up and that one should get rid of it or it will only be circulating in the body creating trouble. Is this true? And how might one get rid of it? With edta supplements? Thanks
Sebastian, the worst thing people can do is to self-treat without knowing exactly what is going on inside your body. If you know you have diabetes then you can look-up diabetic diets and what supplements are helpful to lower blood glucose. Anything wrapped-up in biofilm is another story and is not something to be self-treating. The more you mess with those bacteria the more you piss them off and the more resistant they become to eradication.
I’m sorry but I have no idea what you would feel worse after the Biofilm Defense. It’s just an enzyme formula and I have used a similar one for years. Without having more data it would be very difficult to give any useful advise. I can say, I doubt it’s a heavy metal release.
From my post on biofilm. Please read.
IMPORTANT; PLEASE READ: Updated, Update – 19 August 2014 (Original: 08 Aug 2013): I have been helping patients with H. pylori, a biofilm producing bacteria, for almost 7 years now. In the beginning, eradicating this bug was very easy, in my opinion. As time progressed I noticed that the same protocol I had been using was becoming less and less effective – on first-timers, not re-treatments. There are now H. pylori strains that are now ‘multiple drug-resistant’. Medically there is no real explanation for this. Energetically there is a very good explanation, for me anyway, based on the research done by Rupert Sheldrake, PhD on Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance. Please read about his theory for further clarification.
Because of this new shift in loss of effectiveness, in some patients, I have had to use more than one round of products or add more products to the protocol. The end result has always been eradication but it’s now taking more to achieve this result. Also, there are many people contacting me and letting me know that they have undergone triple and quadruple therapies to no avail. This proves in my mind that biofilm and the bacteria that create them are learning to defend themselves more effectively. They are adapting and mutating, genetically, to survive. Good for them and bad for us.
My theory is that with the introduction of hundreds of blogs, chat-rooms and websites devoted to H. pylori and biofilm, more and more people are self-treating. This self-treating is not killing the H. pylori or eliminating the biofilm but to the contrary, making them both stronger by building-up the biofilm defense. Every time a bacteria that produces a biofilm is unsuccessfully treated it becomes more resistant to the next protocol. When this is combined with the theory of Morphic Fields, it’s no wonder that H. pylori and biofilm eradication is becoming harder and harder to achieve. The point of all of this is that there is still effective treatment options available, it may just take a little more time and/or more products, allopathic (Prevpac or Pylera) and/or natural to get to the desired end result – H. pylori and biofilm eradication.
Lastly, I am not against self treating per se. The issue is that the information, out on the web, on biofilm and H.pylori is not comprehensive or clear enough for the layperson to be their own doctor or to successfully self-treat. I have always advocated and promoted that if you want to get better with or at something, you need a coach who is an expert in that field or subject. There are times and places where self-help is good , but biofilm and H. pylori treatment is not one of them. This is just my opinion.
I was wondering if you knew of any lyme doctor around North Carolina or nearby that prescribes vancomyacin and daptomyacin for chronic lyme? I went all the way to D.C. to see Jemsek and 850$ later he handed me an advertisement for probiotics and an herb…I was really really pissed.
Charles, I would be pissed too! I’m sorry but I don’t have a referral for NC. I hope the $850 was for more than just an initial consultation; that’s very excessive. Keep searching, you will find someone.
Have you had any patients who have had issues with probiotics? I took one at the end of June and it seemed to have triggered something in my body (my WBC was even elevated at one point). It makes me think that something was “laying low” and this probiotic triggered it. I have a hard time digesting foods (mainly fruits and veggies). I can’t do any grains, sugar, raw veggies/fruit. I have been through lots of testing, but no one can figure it out. My organic acids test did show very high D-lactate, but not too high in other bacteria. I am continuing to do some stool testing (past stool samples were negative for parasites). I feel that I may be dealing with SIBO and/or parasites. Thank you for any ideas/suggestions you can provide.
Nicole, SIBO will do that. If you have an overgrowth in the SI and take a probiotic, it will just add more fuel to the fire. I have a very effective treatment for SIBO if interested. Please contact my office – 714-639-4360 – to set up a 15min phone consult (We need to make our relationship legal). It could also be ‘biofilm’ being disrupted and stirring-up some yeast. All of this should be handled fairly easily.
I am a person who never really suffered from gastrointestinal disease, until this last August, 2014. I am 64 years old and, up until that point, I was able to eat whatever I wanted. Since then, I have had a constant stomach ache or stomach upset. I don’t know if it is relevant, but I was in China in May. My GI Dr. diagnosed me with Spastic Colon (IBS) and put me on Dicyclomene, which did not help. I am now working with a clinic that specializes in functional and metabolic therapy. They are doing brain exercises, have placed me on a very restrictive, anti-inflammatory paleo type diet and supplements including termero active, nitric balance (both by Apex Energetics) and liquid zinc assay. I have not received all of my tests back yet, but from the ones we did get back, it has been determined that my nutrient elements are normal, toxic elements are normal, I have some food intolerances and most importantly, I do not have Leaky Gut, but my LPS IgA is Out Of Range (1.85) and my LPS IgM is Equivocal (1.90). My functional dr. added Biofilm Defense (Kirkman) and H-PLR (Apex Energetics) to my regimen to break down the Biofilm. The recommended dose for the Biofilm Defense is 1 capsule per day, but he has me on 6. We are waiting for the stool results to determine what kind of bacteria, parasite,etc. I may have. The reason that I am writing to you is because I have been on the diet and first 3 supplements for almost 1 month, and the last 2 supplements for a few days and I feel stomach is so out of sorts with unrelenting pain. Every time I eat, I experience some level of pain or discomfort. I have given up working with my GI, because all he recommends is staying on the dicyclimene. I am still working with my functional drs. but giving up hope. Shouldn’t something be working by now? I am so depressed and frustrated. Any ideas?
Thanks for taking the time to read my story.
Mindy, I understand your frustration. By the time most patients come to me they are where you are at – many doctors deep. I would really need to see your stool test and blood tests:(Minimum – Chem Panel, CBC w/diff., UA, SED Rate, Thyroid, Ferritin). Morning cortisol would be really helpful too. I can offer my consultation services on an as needed basis, if interested. For example: the H-PLR and Biofilm defense is a very weak biofilm protocol. The H-PLR is a natural antibiotic formula, not a biofilm buster. There aren’t any biofilm specific enzymes or iron binders. A lot of docs don’t truly understand how difficult it is to beat-down biofilm. The bummer is, that the more you fiddle with it, the stronger it becomes. You really need to hit it hard the first time. I can be another set of eyes if needed. Just a thought. I hope this little bit of information was of some help.
I fell ill in March this year (2014) with a right sided sinus infection,it was treated as bacterial.I started off on penicillin(co amoxiclav) or augmentin 3weeks,then metronizadole which made me ill,doxycycline 3days then was hospitalised on iv’s,discharged on clindamycin 7 days.with nystan.
I continue to have respitory,sinus and gastro problems now with pain in the groin area which runs up my abdomen.Constantly having to drink fluids or i dry up and get kidney pain.My mucus membranes and sputum are like glue.invisible blood in my urine periodically,silent reflux weight loss(unintended)Cronic constipation.Im a mess.
My local hospital keep discharging me saying my bloods are normal,no temperature.
I Suspect i have a fungal issue or candida my doctor put me on diflucan 7wks 50mg,reluctant to presecribe a hghier dose because a liver problem may occur.H bought a herbal parasite cleanse and a candida defense both capsule,then i got diarrea with black tarry spots and red raised rashes on my lower legs.Im juicing veg but not getting any better,i need help my gp and hospital are no help at all,when i have sex with my partner my foreskin gets swollen and reddens.I get swelling in the skin around my eye socket and nose and have had brown strings in my mucus.Im at my wits end and need advice,my body cant seem to fight this off,please offer me some advice.
Sorry to hear about all the bad body problems. There is too much going on for me to throw-out some generic advice. You need someone to do a thorough work-up and lay-out a long-term plan to build-up your body. Below is link to my distance patient program. If you are interested, please fill every form out and send with any lab test results that you have.
Dr. Ettinger
Distance Patient Program (application and instructions): Distance Patient Program Application
I’ve been a vegan for two years and am vectoring toward a raw vegan diet by the time I am 60. I’m full of Lyme now as well as my wife. We live in the woods and keep getting bit due to our indoor outdoor cats.
I’m a little taken aback by the lack of discussion of carvacrol in terms of a primary frontal assault on biofilm. The sheer number of supplements and juggling of dosage etc on this blog give me a feeling that they are NOT working.
I’m disregarding the rhetoric of long term Doxy on Lyme and am going on it for a year. I’m going to add probiotics daily at max dosage and adding sublingual carvacrol. In addition, I’m going to experiment with anti-biofilm products from Klaire labs to maximize the effect from Doxy.
I don’t mean to insult anybody on this blog, but if you need all these supplements that indicates to me that you aren’t having success. Dr. Gabe Mirkin is the most honest doctor I’ve encountered on a national basis and he treats Lyme according to research. That’s the way I’m going now.
We have chronic and recent Lyme. I’m experiencing numbness and arthritic symptoms. All recent since tick bite. I am not going to take ten different supplements. If I have too much inflammation then I’m defaulting to high doses of pharma fish oil per Dr. Sears.
Convince me otherwise. I think this is the best protocol. If you can prove results that are superior without turning me and my wife in to lab rats then fine. We will preserve our lifestyle and live the best we can. I’m not going to be a slave to extreme protocols.
Dave H.
I’m not here to convince anyone, that is not the purpose of my blog. The purpose of my blog is to share what I have learned from treating patients for over 25+ years. When you have had the opportunity to treat hundreds… of Lyme and other biofilm forming conditions in patients, then I want to hear what has worked for you. I study biofilm, literally, on a daily basis, as I have that and other terms “Google alerted.” This means that whenever a new article is published on that topic I get it. I also communicate regularly with some of the top biofilm researches to share pearls as well.
I looked into ‘carvacrol’ a long time ago. Carvacrol lacks the effectiveness to breakdown biofilm. Please read this: “…This inhibitory effect of carvacrol was observed at sub-lethal concentrations (<0.5 mM) where no effect was seen on total bacterial numbers, indicating that carvacrol's bactericidal effect was not causing the observed inhibition of biofilm formation. In contrast, carvacrol had (up to 8 mM) very little or no activity against existing biofilms of the bacteria described (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), showing that formation of the biofilm also confers protection against this compound."
Note: Carvacrol was able to inhibit biofilm in less aggressive ‘biofilm-producing’ bacterial strains: Chromobacterium violaceum ATCC 12472, Salmonella enterica subsp. Typhimurium DT104, and Staphylococcus aureus 0074. Lyme is it’s co-infections are not weak bacteria.
I sincerely wish you and your wife the best of luck with your Lyme treatments and the new diet. Please continue researching – the truth is out there.
Dr. Ettinger
What do you recommend a person with Hidradenitis Suppurativa do?
Courtney, possible benefits may come from following an alkaline diet (85% vegetables/fruits/nuts/seeds and 15% animal protein), alkaline minerals (potassium, magnesium, zinc), Juice vegetables (carrot, celery and cucumber) and vitamin D3. There are others but I would need to know more about you. If overweight or elevated blood sugar, lose weight! If you would like a personalized program, please call me at 714-639-4360 to find-out about my distance patient program or go here
I have pain all over my body I think I have fibromyalgia I been text for lyme one test was positive another negative and anther equivalent I don’t know if I have lyme or not. Please let me know what do you think. Thanks
Maria, Get tested by Igenix Labs. They are the top Lyme lab in the country. In the meantime get on 1/day PQQ Energy by Now Foods.
Hi – Upon reading your “about” page I see that you help other drs struggling to have a successful practice and as a person willing to mentor I am reaching out for advice. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2012. I suspect I have lyme disease as well. I did get bitten by a tick in 2012. I do have 24 lesions on my brain. I have not worked since 2010. I have been treating my disease alternatively due to adverse reaction to interferon. I used to work in HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems) for Time Warner. I worked all the time in front of a computer. I did reduce EMFs to help with disease management. However, I need to earn a living to pay for my medical care. I am not on disability and I do not have family/husband to help me.
I do not want to stop learning to heal my body. I read all the time. For example, I am trying Gerson Therapy now. However, I cannot go back to school as planned in 2010 because I have to pay dr bills. If I work in HRIS, they do not want me to have other career focus at night. How would you advise someone to transition in this type of situation? I have gotten better since 2010 (could not walk and removed amalgams than began walking). I am still with issues daily (spasticity on right side primarily) along with vision/hearing issues. I did IVs therapies (orthomolecular medicine) before I ran out of money. My IV dr was not into mentoring or educating me in anyway whatsoever.
I would appreciate any advice you could give because right now, I just feel lost in a sea of information and a deep sense of knowing that doing what I used to do is not good for me. However, I do not have 150K and eight years to go to school. I am sick now!
Robin Sole
Cell: 919.605.5699 (from NYC in NC now)
Robin, I can’t tell you what to do but if it was me I would be taking PQQ Energy by Now Foods with an additional 300mg’s of CoQ10 daily. Also, look into this –
Thought I should add this:
Over the 28 years I’ve been experimenting with “cleansing diets” and detox, the one and only reliable way to set back the yeasties seems to be FASTING, pure and simple. Meaning, no food, no calories of any kind, just water and rest, maybe some light exercise the first day but mostly just rest.
The one thing that always mops up the herx die off is vitamin C but the problem is, as I see your site recommends not taking minerals because they might strengthen the biofilms, I have to buffer my C and find that the calcium and magnesium seem essential for sleep after knocking out a lot of the buggers. I normally take over 20 GRAMS of vitamin C a day, some of it as ascorbic acid powder buffered with potassium bicarbonate (from powder, but then later some buffered in the forms of calcium ascorbate and magnesium ascorbate. I don’t know how I would get through a few days even without ANY cal/mag/zinc/manganese/copper/selenium/chromium… geez, maybe that’s how I got all these biofilms in me!!!
Seriously, I feel awful if I try to go without minerals for a few days… years ago I didn’t take them while fasting, but now I seem to be unable to do without vitamin C and minerals even during a fast.
Peter, It’s mainly Iron that fortifies the biofilm. Yeast is also wrapped-up in the biofilm, so fasting alone may only give temporary relief.
1. If it were me, I would take your minerals and Vitamin C with food 2. Potassium bicarbonate with Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar at night before bed. 2. Quercitin 800-1000mg’s with each meal along with some curcumin should help with reducing histamine and inflammation.
I’ve had trigeminal pain attacks for 8 years. At first, the family doctor thought it was a sinus issue. It took 5 years to find an ENT who correctly saw it as trigeminal related, he thought trigeminal neuralgia. He sent me to a neurologist who said my version was trigeminal autonomic cephalgia. From what I’ve read, “cluster headaches” sound closely related.
The more I’ve gone back and forth with getting attacks and then using diet and sticking to a circadian-respecting schedule, and what seems to bring the attacks back, the more I think this is all about some kind of fungal or yeast infection/infestation in the sinus under the eye and probably also the whole eye or orbit or socket lining itself. I have a long list of reasons for thinking this.
I hope you continue your work but the one thing I wonder about and worry about, is whether it is inevitable to only strengthen the little buggers more and more each time we knock back the colonies. Like using anti-bacterial soap only allows the strongest bacteria to survive and they grow back and thrive… You mention self-treating of H. pylori being involved in worsening the bug’s ability to fight treatment.
I used to find olive leaf extract very effective, and pau d arco helpful. Now I’m not so sure they are working much anymore. What is maddening is it seems like there is some kind of balancing act where you have to accept their presence since they can never be totally killed off, and almost cultivate them like little unwelcome pets, yet not let them get out of hand. I’ve often found that when I am eating some of the yeast-causing foods but also taking most of the day to let them starve and using green juices and things like olive leaf, etc., somehow the attacks end. It feels like the bugs stay hidden if you don’t overfeed them, but if too much sugar or other such food too suddenly, they come out for a feeding frenzy and then the immune system goes nuts trying to clobber them, resulting in a painful trigeminal attack.
just some thoughts
Hello Dr. Ettinger,
I live in Australia and have Lymes, candida and others but I think I have biofilm which is exacerbated by magnesium and am struggling for a MO to attend for advice.
Do you have any suggestions
I know this is may not be the answer you were looking for, but it’s the answer: Magnesium, Iron and Calcium can feed the biofilm by supplying it with some of the raw ingredients it needs to build-up its protective barrier. Take no supplemental minerals. Nattkinase or serrapeptase or lumbrokinse, along with lactoferrin might be helpful.
Hi. I have been doing a biofilm protocol using Saccharomyces per a doctor I am seeing. I have been chealating for several months now for lead, mercury & other heavy metals. I have noticed that since starting the Interfase Plus & Saccharomyces, I have been having unbearable muscle spasms throughout my body-so intense that they can misallign my spine, causing me to practically live at the chiropractor’s office. Am I missing some important nutrient? Or is this a side effect? I cannot tolerate most probiotics as they cause me severe bloating and intolerable gas. I am intolerant to gluten & dairy. I wanted to try the VSL you recommended but I see it may contain dairy. Any other suggestions? Thanks, Rina
The Interfase also grabs-on to good minerals as well. If you are already low in magnesium, calcium and or potassium, you will not want to be on Interfase. You will want to talk with the doctor that has you on the Interfase to determine you options. I do offer distance patient consulting, if interested.
Also, If you can’t tolerate probiotics you will, most likely, not be able to handle the VSL#3. There maybe some products that may may you more tollerant but I would need to know more about you and your case.
I hope this helps some.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Hello Doctor
My mother took a stool test and just found out today her h pylori and another parasite she had is gone. Does this mean the bio film is gone as well? She is thinking to take monolaurin, SF722, and probiotics first thing morning time as a preventative measure. Do you think that is necessary or is probiotic sufficient enough.
The biofilm associated with the H. pylori is gone. This is all I can say about that question.
SF722 is mainly for yeast/fungus and is not recommended to take, just to take. Monolaurin and a probiotic can be taken indefinitely. I would also recommend taking a digestive enzyme with HCl (hydrochloric acid) too – one with each meal.
Dr. Ettinger
Dr. Ettinger,
How long does it typically take to clear up a biofilm issue. I’m sure this is a range and a difficult question to answer, but can you give an idea of how long it takes to clear biofilm and then how long it takes to heal the gut lining. Thank you.
It depends on the area, what bacteria are contributing to the biofilm formation, and what protocol/products you are using. It can be a matter of a couple of weeks to many months.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Hello, Dr. Ettinger
In your protocol, did you took all the supplements at once ((namely Monolaurin,
Nattokinase (a potent fibrinolytic enzyme) ,InterFase Plus™ (broad-spectrum enzyme formula w/EDTA), Serrapeptase (a potent fibrinolytic enzyme)
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid – Not buffered, as most of these contain metals)
NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine), Lactoferrin)).
please advise if i understood your protocol and based on that planning my own protocol for h pylori infection (with very mild symptons like excessive saliva as i tested +ve for h plyori 3 months ago ) as listed below:
step 1 : biofilm deattachment using Monolaurin, NAC, Lactoferrin and InterFase Plus w EDTA.
step2: antibacterial attack using oregano oil , mastci gum and broccolli supplements combined with VSL3 probiotic
step 3 : maintenance dose of monolaurin and mastic gum and other supplements like brocooli from chapter.
My symptoms are very mild because(exessive saliva) i think i’ve started monolaurin and mastic gum with probiotics after antibiotics course and also taking cabbage and other juices every alternative day.
Also want to ask can i start whey protein shakes as i have stop my exercise after h pylori came +ve. I’m currently waiting for my second test.
I’m thinking result will be positive because i still have excessive saliva symptom. Considering i still got h pylori is it possible start on whey protein and weight exercise.
Lastly please advise me on above protocol.
Bikram, I can help you with your protocol. Please go here to find-out how – Distance Patient Application Form
Dr. Ettinger
Greetings Dr. Ettinger,
I found this page via a search on biofilms as I have chronic lyme. I had been on antibiotics for a while and they became, more or less, ineffective. I started to take stronger herbal antibiotics which produced a strong herx for a short time and they seem to have become ineffective also.
Therefor, a logical assumption would be to address biofilms. Your protocol looks good… I would be interested to know if you sell the whole group of necessary supplements (less the more common things like vitamin C / Coconut oil) and how much a month’s supply might cost…
Thanks and I appreciate the information.
Please call my office and we can discuss what products you want – 714-639-4360.
Dr. Ettinger
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
just needed to know have you ever had experience with Crest Syndrome/Scleroderma? is there a special diet that i should also follow besides your protocol?
God Bless!
I have treated 2 patients with scleroderma. I have also treated many with lupus, MS, Myasthenia gravis, RA and many other auto immune conditions. I have had good to great success with my patients. The key factors are how far along the condition has progressed and how willing the patient is to follow my recommendations. If I get someone who will do what I say and is on the treatable side of disease’s tipping-point, we can have amazing results. I would need to speak with you to get more details before I can make a specific recommendation. You can call me any time – 714-639-4360
I would love to have the opportunity to help you.
Dr. Ettinger
Dear Dr. Ettinger, I am a very long standing Neuro Lyme Patient. I am currently experiencing a bad relapse, and am on ANtibiotics for Sero Negative Bartonella, and Neuro Lyme. I have a god LLMD in LA, BUT he is NOT addressing the Biofilm issue, and after reading your work on Biofilms, I am wondering if I am beating a “Dead Horse” at this point. I am 65 and have Medicare…….Do you take Medicare. ALSO, can you BUST open Biofilms at the same time as takin antibiotics. OR do you HAVE to bust open the biofilms FIRST and THEN take Antimicrobials. I live in La Verne and would love to see you if you take Medicare. God Bless, SUsan Peters
First off, I am sorry but I’m not a Medicare provider. You can call our office and we will let you know our fees. Secondly, following my biofilm protocol while on antibiotics is the best time. I feel that the protocol works synergistically with pharmaceutical and natural antibiotics and antifungals.
Take care,
Dr. Ettinger
I have been fighting chronic Lyme for many years. Around the same time I became stricken with Lyme, I started to develop lipomas. Do you think the lipomas are actually biofilm deposits?
I know we talked but I just wanted to post this response to possibly help others. I do not feel that lipomas are affiliated with biofilm in any way. A lipoma is a benign tumor composed of adipose tissue. There are a couple possibilities to their development. One is a gene, HMG I-C, that’s related to obesity and the other may be due to Metabolic Syndrome and Insulin Resistance. No matter the cause, I suggest going on a low-glycemic, non-reactive diet. That means no: starch, beans or dairy. Check out for more data on this (go to the FAQ section). I would also recommend phosphatidylcholine. It’s primarily found in Lecithin. I suggest 2 tbsp of Non-GMO lecithin granules mixed in a protein shake or in Greek yogurt.
I hope this helps.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Hi again Marcus
Forgot to ask…Do you have any opinion of Apolactoferrin? The type of Lactoferrin that is unbound to Iron. I would expect it to be more effective at removing Iron from biofilms that bound Lactoferrin. Most manufacturers do not state what type they use and one can only assume they use bound Lactoferrin. The only source of Apolactoferrin I found was by Life Extension.
I would assume that ordinary Lactoferrin is better for getting iron into the blood and cells.
Do you have an opinion on the recently discovered mosquito-borne protozoan Protomyxzoa rheumatica (a.k.a. FL1953 – by Dr Stephen Fry of Fry Labs)? It is supposedly lipid-loving and strongly biofilm forming. There is very little information on it to date so we don’t know how widespread it is. I am sure you are familiar with it as you already recommend Fry Labs for biofilm testing using their advanced stain.
There is VERY limited data about the benefit of apolactoferrin over lactoferrin. I personally feel Life Extension has an in with the company that produces the Apo version. I don’t know for sure but that is my hunch. Personally, I will keep using Nutricillin by Ecological Formulas. It has worked for me over the years so I know I can trust its effectiveness.
As far as Protomyxzoa (FL1953) goes, I’m going to sit back and watch this fight play-out a little more before I jump-in on this one. You’ve got the vested interests; the real Lyme patients; the, “I have Lyme, but don’t really have Lyme people”; the chronic fatigue syndrome (I have a legitimate problem but can’t figure what it is) patients; and the Morgellon’s patients… all grasping at straws here or a rope to hold on to as their ship slowly sinks into the dark, cold abyss.
At the end of the day I put my faith in nature. Food can either be a medicine or a poison. What we put into or not into the body dictates, for the most part, our current and future state of health.
There is a lot more to this but I don’t feel like writing a book now. If you want to call and chat some time, please feel free. In fact we should do a post together. Call me at 714-639-4360
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Hi Marcus, thank you very much for your response.
That’s quite a lot of Monolaurin – depends what other antimicrobials one is taking of course as they act cumulatively/synergistically. I guess it’s just a case of working one’s way up to the dosage. I saw your Monolaurin article before but it never clicked that its ‘non-ionic surfactant’ properties would make it good at dissolving biofilms, but effectively acting as an antimicrobial detergent! 😀 Good stuff!
Regulat – I’m still not 100% clear on why/how it works – if it is its enzyme content, its peptide/amino acid content, its vitamin content, it’s acidophilus content or its (indirect) alkalising action that provides the benefits and exactly what the biochemical benefits are.
Ascorbic acid – I am sure you have heard of people making liposomal Vitamin C but putting C powder into an ultrasonic cleaner along with water, lecithin and baking soda. Then taking it orally in small dosages. It is reputedly better absorbed than taking the C straight. Do you have any opinions on that please?
@ Jason – Klaire Labs’ Interfase Plus – contains 250mg of enzyme blend and 125g of EDTA, a total of 375mg. 2 capsules is thus 500mg of enyzmes plus 250mg of EDTA. I don’t notice any uptake of EDTA into the blood and my kidneys are quite sensitive to EDTA. Interfase contains 500mg of enzyme blend per capsule.
All the best
Dr. Ettinger,
Can yeast get so out of control that it can possible take over many parts of the body, esp. the skin and cause biofilm to grow over/in/around the skin?
Also, can yeast get to be systemic anc grow hyphae fromm a human body?
I have been to allergists and they did the skin testing but also drew blood for the yeast. I was told I have an allergy to mold, yeast, and gluten and that I have a STRONG allergy to yeast. The Dr. put me on Nystatin with 12 refills. I did not feel the Nystatin was helping.
I am working with 2 Drs. now because I have to take Warfarin for the rest of my life and I wanted to try Diflucan, which increases the affects of warfarin. In Dec. of 2010 I was diagnosed with DVT and PE. I was on Warfarin for a year and they did an ultrasound on my leg and all clots were gone. Also did a D-dimer and results were 200. So I was then taken off warfarin. 1 month later I had to go to urgent care because I had such terrible shortness of breath. I now had DVT again and a huge blood clot in each lung. Did a CT Scan on my lungs and a D-dimer which was now 9,000. Would recurrent PE and now bilateral, come back that quickly? Is it possible that biofilm could have something to do with this?
I respect your answers and know I gave you alot here and it is hard to answer all without actually seeing a person. General answers would be deeply appreciated.
I have been battling biofilm on my skin with an enzyme formula containing Cellulase, Hemicellulase, Glucose Oxidase, and Xylanase. It does help to remove it but I want it completely gone.
Biofilm, as far as I know and have researched, will not grow on the skin. Here is where biofilm can be found on the body: mucous membranes, surgical implants/catheters and wounds.
Yeast can be systemic and mutate into a fungal form.
As far as DVT goes, I would have your sed rate and CRP tested to see if there is a chronic inflammatory state going on in your body. If so, I recommend astaxanthin, high gamma fraction vitamin E, Nattokinase (fibrinolytic enzyme), alpha lipoic acid, MSM, magnesium, quercitin and other bioflavonoids, resveratrol – to start. This may sound like a lot but it isn’t.
Diet is just as important. I would get your triglycerides around 100, glucose around 88 and urine pH between 6.5 and 7. Eating a plant based diet will also help. Don’t worry so much about the sugar in fruit as it’s mainly fructose. You want to stay off all starch!
This is a good start. Let me know what changes occur.
Dr. Ettinger
thank you Dr. Ettinger for your response, and advice.
Dr. Ettinger,
About how long does it take to eradicate biofilms (get rid of infection) on your protocol?
Is it absolutely neccessary to be off magnesium, calcium and iron? (which is why I ask how long to rid oneself of the biofilms). I have extreme insomnia and can not sleep more than a few hours without these supplements.
My particular ailment involves the gut..loose stools after intravenous antibiotics/c-section, so I dont seem to be absorbing nutrients.
Thank you kindly,
Usually 44-66 days and yes it’s very important to stay off mineral supplements, especially iron. If you have to take magnesium then try transdermal magnesium. It can be found by looking-up magnesium oil on Google. Try a combo of potassium citrate (orally) and rubbing on magnesium oil. Rub on and let sit for 1 minute and wipe off with a damp wash cloth.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Dear Doctor,
I have been taking Interfase Plus for 2 weeks now. I am on a protocol to combat my possible parasites. I think I may be having side effects from the Interfase as my parasite symptoms have been as bad or worse while on this regimen. I am scared that I have been misdiagnosed, wondering if the protocol could be giving me such side effects which are the same as my worst symptoms of why I am being treated.
I am taking 2 Interfase/day, 4 Tinidizol, 4 Berberine, probiotics, Bentonite. I have been looking all over the internet for some kind of answers. I am scared that I will never get better. I am unemployed and don’t have the stamina to do what I need to do.
When I had my first round of protocol in December I had 2 weeks of feeling great and remembered what “normal” is for the first time in a year. Now on the second round – higher dosage of Interfase. I am sick as a dog – same as the original symptoms.
Please help with some kind of assurance. Any comments?
Thank you!!!
The protocol you are on, if you have parasites (protozoa), should handle the problem. Having the correct diagnosis is very important though because the medication can potentially create negative GI symptoms.
I don’t know anything about your case so it’s hard for me to comment more about your situation.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Yes that does help – thanks
My last question is in regards to the EDTA in Interfase Plus (I’m sure this has been beat to death)…
You mentioned it’s a small amount of EDTA. Do you have the exact amount?
Is there something we can do to safely replenish calcium levels while taking EDTA, without feeding more biofilms?
I worry about hypocalcium and kidney stones too
I don’t know the amount of EDTA as it is not listed on the label. I do know it’s a small amount.
No disrespect here but calcium loss is really a non-issue. The EDTA will be working predominately in the stomach and the loss will be in mcg’s not grams. Also, the formation of kidney stones has more to do with magnesium deficiency then it will ever have to do with calcium deficiency.
I will call you tomorrow after 1:00pm PST
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Good stuff Doc. I’ve read through all of this and really appreciate it.
Have you heard of Cistus Tea or Plasmanex1?
Dr K in Wash St likes these for Biofilms.
Cistus Tea seams to work only on oral biofilm. See link below. I personally like
Biotene Gum or Biotene PBF Oral Rinse for reduction of oral biofilm. The
advantage to Biotene is that it can be bought at Walmart, Walgreens or Rite Aid.
Effects of Cistus-tea on bacterial colonization and enzyme activities of the in
situ pellicle –
Plasmanex1: Plasmanex1 does not breakdown biofilm by itself but will assist in
the process when used with other products and its not easy for the average
consumer to locate. A more readily available, like product is either nattokinase
or serrapeptase. Both decrease blood viscosity through reduction of fibrinogen
just like Plasmanex1.
I hope this helps.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger, B.Sc., D.C.
Hello Marcus
May I congratulate you on a very informative article on your web site. Thank you for sharing this information.
I am not sure if it is an oversight, but you may want to clarify the references to Lauric acid. I am probably telling you what you already know here. Monolaurin is a monoglyceride fat containing one molecule of Lauric acid and one molecule of glycerol. The vast majority of fats are composed of triglycerides (i.e. 3 fatty acid molecules bonded to one molecule of glycerol). In the case of Coconut oil, it contains triglycerides of Lauric acid and other fatty acids. It does not actually contain any ‘neat’ Lauric acid, or solitary Lauric acid molecules. Monolaurin is hugely more antimicrobial than trilaurin from what I’ve read and experienced. So monolaurin is likely to be more effective as an antimicrobial agent that coconut oil. However, coconut oil contains other fats and has other benefits. How effective monolaurin vs trilaurin is in terms of attacking bacterial biofilms I do not know. Do you know what the mechanism is? Do they dissolve into the biofilms as they are lipid soluble and kill the bacteria by their antimicrobial properties? Are they able to penetrate the biofilms?
Lauricidin is a brand of Monolaurin, so I presume you were referring to Ecological Formulas’ Monolaurin in the above instance. I don’t know which is better quality, but Lauricidin is in pellet form whereas EF’s Monolaurin comes in capsule form. I had two of my practitioners muscle test Lauricidin on me, at various times, and at no point did it test positively on me! I still used it though lol
You mentioned Nutricillin above, by Ecological Formulas. This contains Olive Leaf Extract (OLE) which has been referenced by others (e.g. Dr Klinghardt) as being able to break up biofilms to some degree. Nutricillin also contains other helpful ingredients here such as Lactoferrin, Colostrum and Lysozyme. The Lactoferrin I understand helps to bind with iron in the biofilms and remove them. Do you know what the mechanism of OLE is in the context of biofilms? I’ve already read that Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is anti-biofilm, but perhaps not to the extent of OLE.
Although Klaire Labs’ Interfase Plus contains EDTA, the standard Interfase product contains significant more enzymes per capsule, so I’m not sure which is going to be ‘better’. However, I have various oral EDTA supplements already so I think Interfase may be a better option in the short term. I am going to try both out. Have you heard of Dr Neidermaier’s Regulat? Dr Klinghardt highly rates it, more than Nattokinase or Serrapeptase, but it may depend on the individual. I’ve personally not noticed THAT much difference from Regulat so far but will be comparing it to the other enzyme formulas. Nowhere really tells us what the exact ingredients are however.
You recommend ascorbic acid. Everyone seems to recommend a different type of Vit C. Straight Vit C will of course be acidic, especially if one is taking high dosages, and can lead to the ‘runs’. Do you see any benefit in taking buffered Vit C in terms of its buffering capacity (to help buffer acidic byproducts of breaking down biofims) and being able to tolerate higher dosages without too much intestinal irritation?
On a final note, do you believe there are significant differences between the basic biofilm protocol supplements when it comes to tackling fungal or bacterial biofilms? You have listed some additional antimicrobial agents and enzyme formulas, but in terms of the initial list in section A…
Also, as some of our beneficial flora form ‘good’ biofilms, these will to some degree be disrupted by such a protocol I would expect – but less than the ‘bad’ biofilms?
Any comments you might have would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks again for all the information and wishing you a Happy New Year!
Pat, Thank you and your are welcome.
Here is the clarification on Monolaurin. Right where I mention Monolaurin I have a kink to a post I wrote in August of 2010, “Antiviral and Antibacterial Actions of Monolaurin and Lauric Acid”. Please check that out.
As for coconut oil, it just supplies the precursor ingredient in bulk. The body will work it’s magic and make tons of wonderful monolaurin.
Lauricidin and Ecological Formulas Monolaurin work just as well in my experience. I used Monolaurin for years and now I’m using Lauricidin, due to it being cheaper per dose. I’m using 1 tsp 3x/day with most patients.
About Nutricillin: The two most potent ingredients in Nutricillin are Lactoferrin and lysozyme. Lactoferrin being hands down the main active ingredient. The others play an important, synergistic role. As far as olive leaf extract goes, I’m not quite sure where that fits in. It could be because of its antioxidant polyphenols and Oleuropein. I have read PubMed articles where olive leaf extract have been useful as a bactericidal compound but I have not read any credible data where it was tested as a compound used to breakdown biofilm. I’m still a fan of OLE. Another not on Lactoferrin: “azole” resistant candida/fungal infections become treatable with the additio0n of lactoferrin. I recommend a combination of Nytsatin, Fluconazole, Nuticillin and monolaurin for systemic infections. I’s a bomb and works every time.
Interfase and Interfase Plus can bot be used and still achieve a good result. I usually use the Plus version first and then switch to the regular version. The EDTA in the beginning helps to weaken the biofilm by removing the iron and calcium. There is just enough EDTA in there to work on the stomach but not enough to have any major systemic benefit, unless taken over an extended period of time. Those with chronic lung infections, Chlamydia pneumonia, Klebsiella pneumoniae or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, will benefit from long term use.
Regulat: I love Regulat and use it to rehabilitate the blood terrain. It is not so much a treatment as it is a foundation builder. It just makes everything else I give a patient work better. It’s like mending unfertile soil. It can in some instances take up to two years to rahab soil to yield proper crops. With products like Regulat you cut that time down to weeks or a few months. Sea salt is anothe product I use for this task but in this case it’s used as an electrolyte builder.
Ascorbic acid: At doses of just a gram or two a day should have not adverse effects on even the most sensitive digestive system. I don’t like buffered because it will contain calcium or magnesium, which we want to avoid in excess.
Biofilm differences (the good, the bad, the ugly): As far as I have seen in treating hundreds of biofilm patients, biofilm is biofilm – period. Any addition I add is purely synergistic to the main protocol. Taking a broad-spectrum probiotic during the protocol will handle any disruption to the native bacterial colonies.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Hi Dr. Ettinger
I am sure you would be able to help me. I am currently breastfeeding and want to start taking monolaurin supplement but it says if breastfeeding, you shouldn’t. I mean if I can safely eat coconut oil, why not take the supplement? I understand that I would have to eat a lot of the oil to get the monolaurin that I would get from the pellets.
So is it ok for me to consume it? I am unable to find any information anywhere.
Thank you!
Your logic is correct. I can’t see any reason for avoiding monolaurin/Lauricidin while breastfeeding.
Dr. Ettinger
Dear Dr. Ettinger I would like to order Interfase Plus from you.Also I need advise for biofilm protocol.I was infected with chlamydia trachomatis 3 years ago.I am HLA B27 positive and I developed reactive arthritis.It is very serious and getting worst.Please advice how to remove chlamydia biofilm and therofore stop arthriris.I will pay you for a protocol please write me back to my email.I really need your help.Thanks
I just received your post. Best advice is to become a distance patient. We can get your situation handled. Distance Patient Form
Reiter’s “reactive” Arthritis – Testimonial
I can also mail you the InterFase, but would rather do it as part of a protocol.
Dr. Ettinger
Dr Ettinger do you offer the testimg with Fry Labs? If so what is the cost? I am very interested in looking into biofilms. I am a CFS patient who had 13 amalgams removed about 15 years ago. Muy health improved after lots of time and work but plateaued about 5 years ago. I still really suffer with GI issues and sleep problems. I have sinus problems, joint and muscle pain that moves around, stay very tired most of the time. Doctors think I am in the early stages of an autoimmune disease. I have tested positive for XMRV by the WPI, CPN confirmed by Dr Stratton,H pylori, klebsiella, mycoplasma pneumoniae, and EBV. I would want to be tested before starting a detailed protocol because I know it would cause lots of issues as the biofilm breaks down before one would see improvements. I am willing to deal with the side effects only if I feel the end justifies the means. Thank you.
There is a 100% chance you have biofilm, so spending the money on validation would be a waste. If you still want testing, we can do it.
It sounds like you have a lot going on and would benefit from knocking down some of the bugs living in your body. Making the bugs more susceptible to eradication by the body, innately and by natural or chemical agents, can only be achieved by reducing the biofilm that is housing and protecting theses bugs.
Call to peruse this issue further (714) 639-4360.
Is your protocol effective for Babesia as well as Lymes ?
Thanks !
I feel it is, with a few adjustments in the nutritional supplements.
Dr. Ettinger:
It appears that you have some very definitive ideas about how to get rid of these organisms.
I would be willing to offer myself as a guinea pig if you create a daily diet (the what to’s and what not to eat regimen) and protocol of supplements for me to follow. I would also be quite willing to pay you for your time and supplies.
What do you say about assisting me in this project?
If it works, you have me to attest to the success of your efforts.
I would even be willing to adjust the protocol if at first your original plan needed some refinement. Let us work on this project together and if you can come up with a solution, you would potentially have a great deal of clientele needs to meet. There are a lot of suffering people out there with Morgellons. Many have more serious issues than I am dealing with.
I promise not to publish your protocol or any variety thereof.
I will leave this up to you to offer to the universe.
I realize and respect the fact that you have to make a living but you have also made it quite clear that you care. I Got it! You have integrity and so do I.
You have the potential to help a lot of people out there and last estimated, there are about 30 thousand sufferers who have no where to turn. I read that it is at pandemic levels in the US. Apparently 90 something % is in the US mostly in California, Florida and Texas. I was living on the NJ shore when this happened to me.
If you would agree to work with me, I will supply you with my medical information.
I am quite healthy and do not consider myself a risk in any way.
I await your reply.
Dr. Ettinger:
I have Morgellons Disease. I came down with it Sept. 2010. I have been on a holistic protocol, vegetarian diet, distilled H20 only, various supplements, alkaline forming diet, peroxide and Epsom salt baths every day, Manuka nasal and eye washes, tea tree oil diluted in Grape seed oil body washes, periodic colon cleanses, etc etc etc. I originally was treated for lyme’s by a Dermatologist with Doxycycline for one month with no effect. I discovered that my symptoms were indeed Morgellons after many hours on the internet doing research. I was a pre-med major.
Recently an Internist treated me with Anti Fungal meds. It helped to some extent. She refused to continue treatment after two weeks with the explanation that it was toxic.
My condition has improved but it is far from gone. They are primarily in my nose, eyes and on my face and upper back. I do not have major sores that are consistent with many other Morgellon sufferers. But I do have some eruptions caused by the exiting of sand like tiny granules from the areas mentioned. Especially in and around my eyes and on my face.
Can you help me? Do you have a protocol for Morgellons?
There is presently much information to support that the Morgellons organism is a genetically manipulated organism (GMO) created by a company that created an insecticide for crop dusting. I believe this company is situated in California. It is also documented that Morgellons is reaching pandemic proportions and is all over the world. But the majority of cases are in California, Florida and Texas.
There is so much information on this subject now. I pour over new information every day.
So, can you help me? If you can, I blog almost every day on a Morgellons Blog network and I will shout it to the world if you have the solution to eradicating it these miseries.
Yes, I was exposed to black mold about 6 months before I came down with Morgellons. But, I also had a hip replacement about 10 months before I came down with Morgellons.
How do we isolate the source? Right now I am interested in the solution.
Please reply.
Thank you. Bev
In 22+ years of treating patients I have never treated anyone with Morgellon’s disease. I have been asked questions about it before and have done a little research over the years. The only advise I can give is very generic and based on what I might do if I had similar symptoms.
Monolaurin is an amazing base for most conditions that have a viral or bacterial component to them (2400mg’s/day would be the minimum dose, more may be needed per day). Vitamin D (6,000IU’s/day would be a starting dose and blood tests are needed to achieve a level between 70-90ng/mL). An enteric-coated, multi-strain probiotic is also a must. I would add a couple important antioxidants to help support any increased oxidative-stress going on: Alpha lipoic acid (1200mg’s/day, NAC (Now Foods brand only – 2 caps 2x/day). Iodoral (50mg’s a day for 3 months then 12.5mg’s/day thereafter). Lastly, I would make sure I had a good balance of EFA’s: Mollecularly distilled fish oil, organic flax seed oil, borage seed oil, and to emulsify all of it – non-GMO lecithin granules.
Diet: I would avoid all gluten containing products, as well as cow’s milk products.
Other things that may help: Transdermal magnesium oil, chlorella powder, IV vitamin C, low dose naltexone (LDN) and/or a biofilm protocol.
I hope this is of some help.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Dear Dr. Ettinger,
I am a retired fire fighter, EMT. Since retiring I have had 5 major operations on my legs, etc., I have taken much smoke, fire smoke plus all of the antibiotics from the operations. Now I have celiac disease and candida.
Do you sell the products you are talking about? I have a hard time taking 10 different products, 3 to 6 times a day.
Thanks, Tom
I do. Please give me a call at 714-639-4360 to discuss the options.
Dr. Ettinger
Also, should I take extra virgin coconut oil for pylori? Also I have a hiatal hernia which I assume is giving me acid reflux
Also should I take extra virgin coconut oil to help kill pylori?
Thank you for your time
Elaine Bowyer
Extra virgin coconut oil, is just a piece of the puzzle, but by itself, or w/Manuka honey, or bladderwrack won’t do the trick. Again, sorry for being a downer.
Dr. Marcus Ettinger
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
Could you tell me if bladderwrack tea is good for killing pylori? I am on the manuka honey right now- should I take them together? Am following on Amy Kings blog and discovered you there… If bladderwrack tea is good then will a couple of cups a day do the trick? And for how long?
Am suffering from constant burning in my stomach and have been diagnosed with pylori last month through endoscopy..
Thank you
Elaine Bowyer
There is only anecdotal evidence (Dr. Peter D’Adamo) that the fucose, found in Bladderwrack will “wash-away” the H. pylori. Personally I doubt it will have that effect. I am also not going to be recommending it to my patients. Manuka honey is also a mild, at best, treatment for the H. pylori bacteria. I wish I could tell you that this will work but I really don’t have much confidence in these two as treatments. Sorry.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello Dr. Ettinger,
Thank you for your response. Your explanation is very helpful in clearing up the details of your protocol for me.
Cheers to wellness and good health.
Hi I am taking nattokinase, lumbrikinase, and wobenzyme to try to break up biofilm. Is this useless? Do I have to add other things to this? Is there something relatively basic I can add to this, or a way I can revise this so it will work? I also have high levels of mercury and am getting my amalgams removed. Should I stop lyme antibiotics because of the biofilm?
You are missing a few key ingredients to make the biofilm protocol effective. Also, getting the mercury out is important, if it is truly causing problems, but there are products that you should be on while undergoing the process. My recommendation would be to become a distance patient and use me as one of your coaches. This will save you a lot of time, money and effort. Getting on the exact protocol, for you, is very important will all you are doing and have going on. Here is a link to my “forms” page – Click on the Distance Patient Program Form for more details.
Hello Dr. Ettinger,
I read your protocol and find it very interesting and complete. I do have a couple of questions for you.
Why do you recommend InterFase Plus, Wobenzym N, Serrapeptidase, Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase? Arent some of these enzymes quite redundant? I like the evidence ans write up from Klaire/Prothera about the InterFase Plus. I would add Serrapeptidase, but why Lumbro and Natto and a whole other enzyme like Wobenzym? since I thought the activity is useful mostly on fibrin and not polysaccharides like the other enzymes. If you would let me know how the additional enzymes are helpful that would be great.
I’ve heard that there are Cardio Docs using Tetracycline as a adjunct for biofilm for EDTA protocols. What are your thoughts on that?
I understand the emphasis that you put on Liver support and I like your recommendations on those. Thank you for your information.
Thank you for the comment.
Please go back and reread my responses to comments made on my biofilm protocol page and look over my protocol again. Nowhere do I say to use all of those enzymes together. I only use InterFase Plus, nattokinase (my preference) or lumbrokinase, and serrapeptase (only if there is a pain or inflammatory component).
Tetracycline is used in limited biofilm protocols, mainly lyme patients. Lymes patients would be the predominant beneficiaries to the addition of tetracycline.
Thank you very much for your help on these matters!
It’s a relief to know that there are people out here like yourself, that are connected and willing to help others online without any expectations or money issues.
Thanks again!
Hi Dr E
Is there a substitute for the Interfase Plus? I went to get some and it is VERY expensive. At the dose you recommend a bottle would only last 10 days. How about Chelex or oral EDTA?
Also — is high dose olive leaf extract in your experience effective against bartonella?
Expensive is a subjective thing. InterFase is $33 a bottle and my patients usually need 2-3 of them. I feel is is a very important product and I know of no replacement. Olive leaf extract is good and if combined with Cumanda from Nutramedix, it should do the trick.
One more thing!
Can you tell me what the effective dose per day should be for the enzymes to really dissolve the biofilms? And when should I take them?? Is there a standard recommendation for this?
Response to 09/26/10 – 3:15am post:
2-3 on an empty stomach, 3-4x/day is what I would do if it were me.
Thankyou for the reply!
My questions did’nt concern Vit D, but thanks anyway.
I still wonder what your opinion is on the fact that the borrelia and the biofilms seem to feed on the oral forms of magnesium and this is not so, when given through IV. This is worrying me because I don’t want to feed the organisms and make them more reseliant.
Reading your reply correctly you say that I definetly need all three enzymes serrapeptase, lumbrokinase and nattokinase if I want to really effectively breakdown the biofilms??
The thing I still don’t know is if it is nessecary to treat with the enzymes first for a while until a peak level is achieved at which the biofilms a dissolving and then start with the antibiotics?? OR…. is it OK to start with the enzymes and the antibiotics at the same time?
Hope you can find the time to reply on this once more..
Response to 09/26/10 – 3:00am post:
– The oral form of magnesium will not feed biofilm other than if it is in the stomach or small intestine, where it will be absorbed into the blood stream and deposited to the bone and cells as needed.
– Lumbrokinase or nattokinase will work the same way, so either will do. Serrapeptase is not mandatory, but simple sugar digesting enzymes are (as found in InterFase Plus).
– You can start everything at once or the enzymes and monolaurin ahead of time.
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
I have chronic candidiasis for 4 years and have been unsuccessful at eliminating it.
Can you provide me with a protocol that you believe would eliminate the candida and restore my intestinal balance?
I know nothing about you or your condition other than what you sated above. To recommend a protocol based on that request could get me in a lot of trouble. I do offer a distance patient program and I will e-mail you the document that goes over the procedure. I know I can help you but we have to do it right. Half-assing it is not going to benefit either of us. If this is not acceptable, my blog posts do offer a lot of data on that subject.
Dr. E
Very happy to read your biofilm protocol. Recently I’ve been diagnosed with chronic lyme and I’ve had a long history of illness. I’ve been cleansing and purifying and detoxing my body now for e few years. Now that I am finally clinically diagnosed with lyme I can start the lyme treatment with antibiotics, herbs (Buhner protocol) and some vitamins and minerals.
By my doctor there is much confusion about the magnesium and if the spirochetes and biofilms really feed on it. I don’t know what to do. Should I stop taking magnesium all together? My body needs it badly because the Borrelia is eating it….
Also IV treatment with magnesium are too expensive for me as my insurance does not cover this. And then there are other issues that are unclear to me regarding the biofilms. Many doctors here in Holland know very little to nothing about this.
One of the major questions that I am concerned about and having read about is that it is useless to start antibiotics and herbs if you have not dissolved the biofilms first. What is your opinion on this? Does it approximately two months for the biofilms to dissolve? I have read that the spirochetes quickly move into deeper tissue and into places where they cannot be reached and also change into cysts.
Starting an antibiotic protocol might provoke the spirochetes that are active in the biofilms to change forms and move all together into harder to reach places in the nervous system, etc. I am a bit scared. I want an effective and strong treatment plan and I don’t know what to do. So one of my main concerns is, if it is OK to start with antibiotics and the herbs and the enzymes at the same time? Do you know which antibiotics are the cyst busters as well?
I can’t even get the supplements here in Holland that I need and that you mention in your protocol.
I am really happy I stumbled on information regarding the enzymes. My doctor didn’t know anything about that.
I am missing the Lumbrokinase though? I thought that all three really worked well together?
I am sending you this text message from the Netherlands. I have informed here by Now foods and Klaire Labs but they don’t import the Serrazimes and InterFase Plus.
Is there a possibility to buy supplements from you and have them shipped overseas?
You also mentioned that there is a pre, post and toxin reduction step as well to this biofilm protocol. Can you send this to me? I really need help on this. I feel like I am standing alone on this here in Holland.
Would be very greatful for your help on these matters…
If you are not taking the InterFase Plus than you CAN take magnesium. InterFase Plus contains EDTA which chelates metals, so you would have to take it about 4-6 hours away from any mineral supplement.
There is a Lyme treatment called the Marshall Protocol which advocated NO vitamin D of any kind. I believe the exact opposite. My clients are on 6K-10K IU’s of Vitamin D daily and they are doing great. A potent, broad-spectrum probiotic and the amino acid NAC is also very important.
If you can get Wobenzym, Monolaurin (600mg’s per cap) and any enzyme product that some or all of these: Glucoamylase (with isomaltase side chain activity), Chitosanase, Cellulase, Hemicellulase (xylanase) and Pectinase Complex, Beta-Glucanase, Lysozyme (from egg white), Serratia peptidase (enteric-coated).
You do need either the Lubrokinase OR the Serratia peptidase to be truly effective.
If you have friends in England, they can order the products and ship them to you. Just a thought. I don’t have the resources to research (mailing) and send out the products. I am sorry.
Pre treatment is easy and is continued until everything is resolved. No gluten – wheat, rye or barley based products, No lactose (cows milk, ice cream) and No sucrose (table sugar). Eat any and all vegetables, fruits, meat/fish/chicken, nuts, seeds and beans.
Here are the two best cyst busting drugs for Lyme: metronidazole (Flagyl) and tinidizole (Tindamax or Fasigyn).
I hope this is of some help.
Dr. E
I got my Interfase Plus two weeks ago but have been too scared to take it because I’ve heard of some really bad die off reactions from people after just one capsule. Can I start off by opening the capsules and taking half of it in water or on the tongue or something?
Why not ask the company that you bought the InterFase from. I sell that product you know. Keeping exchange in is a good thing!
Just my opinion here, reading reports from chat lines is only going to cause trouble. Most people who have successes don’t post there. It is usually those looking for help, or those that had bad reactions or when products didn’t work.
I have never had anyone experience bad die off. I can’t guarantee that will be the case with everyone.
I just came on your site recommended by someone in regards to treating candida. For years I have felt unwell (Fatigue, adrenal issues, thyroid issues, depression on and off, migraines (for 20 years), hives at times etc etc). After two major surgeries in June and November of 2009 things just plummeted. I have felt worse than ever and basically unable to function most days. Over the years I have seen several doctors, had numerous tests and have tried countless treatments. Sometimes there was relief from symptoms but I never really felt the cause was addressed. Last month a doctor did a stool test from Metametrix and it came back +3 out of 4 for fungi/yeast, and it said I had no parasites. He put me on Diflucan 200mg 2x day for two weeks but really gave no other instructions. I continued the treatment and I am now in my 3rd week. After reading so much research on yeast/candida I continue to get more and more confused on what protocol to do. This has lead me to you. I would appreciate any thoughts of help you could give me.
Currently I am taking Diflucan, a Probiotic, Vit C, B complex, and Magnesium. I have always eaten pretty healthy (no sugar, white flour, processed foods etc). I have also been eating Gluten Free (100% for a few weeks previously about 75%) and Dairy Free (for years I use almond, rice or hemp milk). In the past week I have tried the Candida Diet where I eliminate fruit, brown rice etc.
I read your information above that states “Only the eradication phase is presented here. There is a pre, post and toxin reduction step as well. I will add these soon.” I am curious to know your thoughts on what I might do. I am feeling lost and overwhelmed and what to do and where to go since there is so much information out there.
Sorry for the long post I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and help
First off, this is my personal thought on Diflucan and not a recommendation for you to change your protocol, unless agreed to by your prescribing doctor. Diflucan works better if given over a long period, rather than a huge dose over a short period. The best protocol I have found, and this is after trying different variations – one being the one you are on now, is: 200mg’s once per week for 12 weeks, followed by 4 week off, followed-up with another 6 weeks on. This protocol is a total of eighteen 200mg tablets.
Yeast, especially when it mutates into a more virulent fungal form, is incredibly difficult to treat but not impossible. When you have millions of years to learn how to only do three things, you learn them very well. Feed, breed and defend – that’s it! So, a slow and steady approach is more successful that to bomb them all at once. One way to help with you eradication is to add Monolaurin (1200mg’s 2x/day) and Biotin (5,000mg’s/day). Biotin helps to stop the conversion of the yeast into the fungal form. NAC form Now Foods, which has molybdenum in it, is key to mental clarity and detoxification of acetylaldehyde. Acetylaldehyde is a nasty byproduct of chronic yeast/fungal infections and is the main cause of fatigue and the foggy feeling in the head in those with chronic candida.
If you need any of these products, please call our office – 714-639-4360. I hope this will be of some help to you.
Dr. E
Hi Dr. Ettinger
Do you think one should add iodine to help with bacteria and parasites?
I have halides attached to my mitochondrial membranes and i know iodine is used for this but i am worried about losing lithium and detoxing.
With the limited data provided I feel uncomfortable making a recommendation one way or another. As a general recommendation, I feel safe to recommend NAC. It supports detoxification in the liver and is a precursor to glutathione (GSH), a very potent antioxidant. NAC also helps the body detoxify heavy metals.
I hope this is of some help.
Dr. E
How many Braggzymes capsules should I take per day? It doesn’t seem to contain enough serrapeptidase but I’m not sure how the ‘units’ system works.
Here is a link to the list of ingredients:
thanks again.
I don’t use that product but after looking at it you can do up to 2 per day; more is not advised. It will not replace Interfase Plus, as it is just a fibrinolytic enzyme. Interfase Plus helps to breakdown the mucopolysaccharides as well as supplying the metal chelating (binding) agent, EDTA.
Dr. E
I didn’t actually buy any of the susbtitutes I asked you about because I was too impatient to wait to order them before I got your reply.
For detoxification I bought Thorne Basic Detox Nutrients which contains the molybdenum, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin C and NAC + a million other things.
Instead of ‘Interfase’ (I can’t get any shipped to the UK), I bought ‘Braggzyme superior systemic enzymes’, which contains the required serrapeptidase, nattokinase, as well as Bromelain,Papain, Protease, Lipase. It was the closest to Interfase I could find and seems good quality.
Now a couple more questions if you don’t mind:
I read this about dissolving biofilms:
”The other theoretical issue is that the biofilm may be holding on to toxic metals such as aluminum and lead. As this toxic biofilm degrades, heavy metals may be released into the gastrointestinal tract for excretion”
Will Jarrow Formula ‘ToxGuard, heavy metal detox’ help incase of sudden toxicity?
Are the other supplements ineffective without monolaurin? Or do they just work less effectively? I haven’t aquired any monolaurin yet, but I did buy lactoferrin.
You say there are ‘pre’ ‘post’ and ‘toxin reduction’ steps as well as the actual ‘eradication’. Now, since you haven’t yet put up the other stages, is it safe for me to embark on the ‘eradication’ stage as long as I take the detox supplements and drink plenty of water and do FIR saunas at the same time? Is there anything important I should do before I the eradication?
Thank you again. Victoria.
The amount of metals released will be negligible; I would get too concerned over that. The Thorne product you purchased will help with metals as well as liver detoxification.
As far as monolaurin goes, it really helps to have it but you still may get benefit without it. Try extra virgin coconut oil if you can get it. 1/2 tbsp 2x/day will give you a good dose of lauric acid which will be converted to monolaurin in the body.
Additional steps that you can take is to consume plenty of soluble and insoluble fiber, along with a potent, multi-strain probiotic.
Hi Dr Ettinger, I work as a research associate in a Lyme and related diseases clinic in Washington DC. I have been in discussion with the ID but he needs convincing evidence of the efficacy of monolaurin before he can add it to his protocol. We currently use only nattokinase and I can’t convince him to add monolaurin because I wasn’t able to find any testimonials to its specific benefits with regards biofilm destruction. Also, do you think monolaurin works synergistically or additively with nattokinase? Thank you and please do keep up the good work.
Monolaurin at 2,400mg’s/day works synergistically with Nattokinase and the other enzymes I use. There is no one product that works alone at eradicating biofilm. I have used my protocol over 100x on various conditions where biofilm has been the reason for the chronic condition not responding to conventional treatment. 40-60 (sometimes a little longer) days on the protocol and retests are coming back negative.
Your doc will do what he/she wants and for THEIR own reasons. I write my posts just to get it out of my head. If someone wants to investigate my findings then they will have to try it for themselves and not just take my word for it. Good luck.
Dr. E
I am very excited about discovering biofilms and your site. I have been trying to get rid of my candida for 5 years and have come to the conclusion that it is because of biofilms. I live in the UK, so it’s a little harder for me to get hold of some of the supplements. I have a few questions.
Would ‘Now Foods, Liver Detoxifier & Regenerator’, be suitable for phase 1 & 2 detox, in place of the Tyler Encapsulations Detoxification Factors?
Lots of the enzyme formulas has Apergillus in them, is it best to avoid Aspergillus if possible? I hear some people can be allergic to it. Is that why you suggest Interfase? It doesn’t appear to contain Aspergillus.
Is it safe for someone with low blood pressure to take Nakkotinase and serrapeptidase?
Can I use ‘Thorne Research, Vitamin D (D3), 1 fl oz (30 ml) ‘ instead of Biotics Vitamin D forte?
Do you recommend Kefir as a source of probiotics?
Thank you in advance!
I would use Now Foods NAC instead. It also has molybdenum and selenium in it. All three of these nutrients are exactly what a person with candida needs.
Plant derived enzymes from Apergillus are perfectly safe and I have never had a patient have a problem with them. I really like the Interfase Plus and use it exclusively.
Thorne vitamin D is okay.
Nakkotinase and serrapeptidase should have no effect on BP but if it’s a concern monitor it daily while on the products.
I would use Probiotic 10 from Now Foods or something similar instead of kefir, which would feed the yeast/candida.
I hope this helps.
Dr. E
Dr. Marcus Ettinger says: December 31, 2009 at 8:41 am
Is xylitol effective against biofilm? – No
Culture of harvested biofilm showed an inhibition of the growth of the different species included in the biofilm. Conclusions: There is a clear inhibiting effect of xylitol on the formation of the experimental biofilm.
I stand corrected. Thank you for the link.
Please remember this is just in an experimental model. There is a lot going on in the human mouth and we need live (in vivo) studies to show whether it’s going to be effective there. If you have found something on that or if you do in the future, please share it with me.
Dr. E
Dr. Ettinger,
Any thoughts about these relatively recent papers?
D-Amino Acids Trigger Biofilm Disassembly
Ilana Kolodkin-Gal,1 Diego Romero,2 Shugeng Cao,3 Jon Clardy,3 Roberto Kolter,2 Richard Losick1,*
Biofilm Today, Gone Tomorrow Stella M. Hurtley
Keep up the good work!
I read both abstract when it first came out and even did my own follow-up investigation on the issue. Here is the problem: there aren’t any D-amino acid (combination) supplements on the market to assist in the breakdown of the biofilm. I still feel that the biofilm protocol I have come-up with is a pretty good one. I use it daily in my practice and get very favorable/predictable results, at around the 66 day mark of treatment.
Thank you for taking the time to send me the data and I will post new research as comes down the pike.
Dr. E
I am a patient of Dr. Brownsteins in Michigan. I am using the interfase product and everything marked in red in your protocol. I am having herz reaction everyday and pushing through. My inflammation in my joints is unbearable. I am going to start pushing a phase 2 detox product which is a huge issue for me. Any other suggestions?? Should I slow it down a little? Do biofilms regenerate like candida or not as quickly?? Should I tackle antibiotics next? I have had Lymes approx 12 years. I feel like I am in good hands but no one seems to be one the same page with Lymes.
First and very important is to eliminate gluten (wheat, rye, oat and barley) and dairy from your diet. This is a MUST and will help the inflammation in the joints. Deficiency of “phase II” nutrients is a common finding with most chronic conditions. Adding those nutrients back in should also help a lot. Additionally, I like adding 6,000IU’s vitamin D to the daily program (Liquid Vitamin D Forte by Biotics Research). Let me know how this works out.
Hi, I take a powdered Mag Calm to help severe twitching from Lyme disease. Your info suggests not taking any Mineral supplement. What do you suggest in place of mag for the twitching?
I appreciate your site and info. You appear to have an understanding in treating the disease and not the symptom; thank you.
Lyme is not a fun disease to have.
If you are not following Lyme biofilm protcol, than taking a mineral supplement will be perfectly okay. I prefer magnesium malate (600mg’s) for what you are describing.
Dr. E
Dr. Ettinger….
I like what you have written up in your biofilm protocol….
I was wondering what you thought about adding Manuka Honey to this biofilm regimen as it is known to kill MRSA when externally applied….MRSA is extremely difficult to treat even with antibiotics….Also, I am under the impression that when Manuka Honey is taken internally that it is converted by the body to hydrogen peroxide in a stable form that I believe would help….Google “hydrogen peroxide” and “manuka honey”….and please let me know what you think….
Thank you for your time and consideration….Julie
Thank you for the question. I have been using Manuka honey, as a food, since the Synergy Company first introduced, Healing Honey, in the US. Mitchel May and the Synergy Company are a one of a kind producer of specialty nutritional products and I highly endorse them.
Manuka Honey is a wonderful product and would be a great synergist to any nutritional protocol, but on it’s own, lacks the potency to be a stand-alone product. Personally, I feel it is a wonderful, medicinal food and should be consumed as such. This comment comes from almost seven years of using and testing the product at home and in my practice.
External use of Manuka Honey is totally different than what will occur if taken internally. Yes, it is an amazing external product for MRSA.
I have started to use your protocol with some very promising results.
Thank You.
As you well know Biofilms are a dastardly resilient bacteria.
In my long search for a real treatment for a biofilm infection I ran across some thing called Phage Therapy. I was just wondering you opinion on the possibilities of this treatment for biofilm.Thanks
I am glad you are seeing favorable results.
I have been following Page Therapy off and on over the last 3-4 years. It is promising, but we will not see it an a convenient therapy for quite some time. My recommendation is to stick with what you are doing.
Prevention is the key. Vitamin D, magnesium, A probiotic and omega 3 fatty acids should be taken by all. These are the most common nutritional deficiency there are and because of this, predispose the population to every named condition there is. This is just my opinion though.
When is the protocol done and for how long?
Taken every day? And for how long?
I’m using chelex for metals and I want to throw in an enzyme for biofilm dissolving.
But I only chelate on weekends so I’m trying to find the right protocol for me.
When is the protocol done and for how long? – “Hard to say w/o you here. Best guess w/o knowing anything about you is 2-4 months. Biofilms don’t just vanish forever, never to appear again. The protocol is designed to knock them down enough so that your own immune system and the nutraceuticals can work more effectively.”
Taken every day? And for how long? – “See above”
I’m using chelex for metals and I want to throw in an enzyme for biofilm dissolving. – “See my protocol.”
But I only chelate on weekends so I’m trying to find the right protocol for me. – “My protocol may be for you it may not. I can tell you that it won’t hurt to try it and see what get’s better.”
Dr. Ettinger,
Thank you very much for such a prompt response and information! I’m intentionally not supplementing Magnesium (it’s at the lowest end of the normal range) or Iron as I do not want to feed the biofilms (plus CPN uses and “eats” iron –don’t want to feed the beasties!)
I will definitely check out the methylation supp’s (am debating whether to spend the $’s for Dr. Yasko’s Methlylation pathway testing). I already take 10,000 units of Vit D/day (my level was 18 when I became ill and is now only 50 after 3 yrs of supplementation of Vit D)
I prefer natural vs allopathic treatment (I had a WONDERFUL DABCI back in my home state) but because of the life cycle of CPN have chosen the route of ABX (with tons of supplements and probiotics, of course) If I didn’t live on the opposite side of the U.S. I would schedule an appt. with you 😉
Again, thank you very much, you site has great information. I will watch for your additional posts.
I have been looking on your site for the “pre, post and toxin reduction steps for biofilms which you stated would be added. Have I missed it?
P.S. I have been on LT ABX combination therapy for C.Pneumoniae [developed/patented by Vanderbuilt U.’s microbiologist Dr. Charles Stratton] …. took me down big time from (disabled, wheel chair, lots of fun stuff) now, after 3 years am getting my life back, only to discover I probably have serious biofilm issues. One Capsule of InterFase Plus caused MAJOR Herx reactions… My tests still show low mag/low ferritin and high CPN, EBV and HHV6 titers… makes sense to me! Found your site doing a query on biofilms…. great stuff.
I’m in the process of completing that write-up. In the mean time it would be wise to get of a phase II detoxification product. I like Tyler Encapsulations Detoxification Factors – 120 Caps. Herx reactions are primarily caused because the body lacks sufficient phase I and II nutrients. My recommendation would be to get on an ISO100 whey protein, Biotics liquid vitamin D forte – 8,000IU’s per day and the Detoxication Factors.
Also, Molecularly Distilled Fish Oil and Magnesium Glycinate would be helpful
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
Thanks so much for this informative post. I have babesia and lyme and am a strict vegan. I have a few questions:
1) Are there vegan alternatives to Klaire Labs’ Interfase, which is made from egg whites?
2) I have heard that Bromelain breaks down biofilm. Is this correct? If so, what dosage would be good to take?
3) I have been told that you need to get rid of the babesia because it blocks the body’s ability to detoxify and it must be gotten rid of before working on lyme and its co-infections. Does babesia also have biofilm? Is this a good way to get rid of babesia?
Thanks very much for your assistance!
Hi Dr. Ettinger,
Thanks so much for this informative post. I have babesia and lyme and am a strict vegan. I have a few questions:
1) Are there vegan alternatives to Klaire Labs’ Interfase, which is made from egg whites? The only one I can think of is Digest Platinumn by Now foods. It doesn’t have the EDTA, but should work just fine. Make sure you utilize the other components of the protocol.
2) I have heard that Bromelain breaks down biofilm. Is this correct? If so, what dosage would be good to take? Stick to the protocol and then if you want to add to it, that’s okay.
3) I have been told that you need to get rid of the babesia because it blocks the body’s ability to detoxify and it must be gotten rid of before working on lyme and its co-infections. Does babesia also have biofilm? Is this a good way to get rid of babesia? I can’t say w/100% certainty but I would hedge my bets in that direction. Olive leaf extract is my product of choice for babesia. NAC by Now Foods will help with phase II liver detoxification.
Thanks very much for your assistance! Your are welcome. Dr. E
Doesn’t nattokinase and serrapeptase cause excessive bleeding if cut? Is xylitol effective against biofilm?
What if you’re controlling blood pressure with magnesium?
Thank you for having this online for people!
Doesn’t natto and serrap cause excessive bleeding if cut? – No
Is xylitol effective against biofilm? – No
What if you’re controlling blood pressure with magnesium? – It may help by itself, but is better when combined with a low glycemic diet and exercise.
You offer a good overview of biofilms and you’ve offered a good basic explanation. Furthermore, your diagram makes them a bit easier to understand. These substances are so prevalent, our company actually creates products that are biofilm resistant…