Pinworm and Threadworm Infection
Pinworm / Threadworm – The Facts
- Pinworm (USA) or Threadworm (UK) infection, also known as enterobiasis, is caused by the nematode (roundworm) Enterobius vermicularis.
- Young children and their household members, including adults, are at risk for pinworm infections.
- Pinworms are visible. They range in size from 2 to 13 mm, are white, and resemble worms, but the pinworm eggs are small, transparent, and can be seen only with a microscope.
- Pinworm infections are spread person-to-person by ingesting pinworm eggs with contaminated fingers, bedding, clothing, or other items.
- The primary signs and symptoms of pinworm infection are discomfort and itching in the anal/rectal area. Children especially will scratch the rectal/anal area, get eggs on their fingers or underneath their fingernails and transport the infective eggs to bedding, toys, other humans, or back to themselves.
Other signs and symptoms may include:
- Discomfort in the anal and/or vaginal area
- Rash or skin irritation around the anus or vagina
- Insomnia or difficulty sleeping and/or restlessness due to irritation of the skin
- Pinworms can often be seen on the anal skin or in the stools, sometimes detected in the vagina, and may produce some vaginal discharge.
- Some infected individuals may have abdominal pain.
- Some infected individuals can get secondary bacterial infections from intense skin scratching.
- Pinworm eggs hatch into larval forms in the small intestine and then progress to the large intestine, where they mature mate, and progress to the rectal/anal area, where females deposit about 10 to 15 thousand eggs.
- Diagnosis may be made by a “tape test” and/or by visualizing pinworms in the stools or on the skin near the anus or in the vagina.
- Most primary care or pediatric doctors can diagnose and treat patients with pinworms.
- Several drugs (mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate, or albendazole) may cure a patient with pinworms when administered over time.
- Natural and/or home remedies are available, but patients should check with their doctor before using them.
What are pinworms
Pinworm infection is an infection of the large intestine and anal area by a small, white parasite that resembles a “worm.” The medical name for the parasite is Enterobius vermicularis, but it is commonly termed a pinworm in both the lay and medical literature. These parasites are also termed seatworms or threadworms, and the infections are medically termed enterobiasis or helminthiasis. Pinworms and other parasitic worms (which, as a group, are termed helminths) feed off of the host animal by absorbing nutrients from the host animal. Pinworm infections are the most common helminth infection that occurs in the US. Pinworms only infect humans. Dogs, cats, or other animals cannot become infected.
Who gets pinworms?
Pinworm is the most common parasitic worm infection in the United States, and most pinworm infections worldwide occur in children in temperate climates.
Pinworms in children
School-age children have the highest rates of pinworm infection, followed by preschoolers. Institutional settings, including daycare facilities, often harbor multiple individuals (adults and children) with pinworm infections. Sometimes, nearly half of the children may be infected in a daycare facility.
Pinworms in adults
Pinworm infection often occurs in more than one family member. Adults are less likely to have pinworm infection, except mothers of infected children. However, adult sexual partners can transfer the eggs to each other. Pinworms may also infect the vagina and urethra.
A Four-Part, Comprehensive Approach For Handling Resistant or Stubborn Pinworm / Threadworm Infection
This is a four-part approach I have put together based on my 29+ years of research and clinical practice. That said, everyone is different and is exposed to individual epigenetic factors. It’s these individual epigenetic factors that make many easy-to-treat issues challenging to treat. Even the most stubborn cases should be resolved when combined with the following resources. Stress reduction techniques are also very helpful when treating chronic, stubborn body problems. Here are some resources that will help: Dan Brule (breathing), Doc Parsley (sleep), Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. (How your beliefs affect your biology), and Gratitude
*Disclaimer: The data contained in this post is for educational purposes only and is not to be construed as a treatment protocol or recommendation. No warranties or claims are made by the author. None of the data below has been approved by the FDA. The data below is not meant to treat, mitigate, or diagnose any disease or symptoms. None of the herbal or natural ingredients below have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of any medical condition, including parasites, and products that purport to be bentonite clay and DE are not regulated for safety, purity or effectiveness. Please consult with a physician before starting any nutritional protocol. Lastly, this post is for informational purposes and should not be construed as giving treatment advice or recommendation.
Step One (OTC)
Reese’s Pinworm Medicine 2 oz. Follow the instructions on the bottle. Shake very well before dispensing the recommended dose. Repeat in one week and then one week after that, for a total of three rounds.
Step Two (Topical)
A. Full-strength clove oil can be mixed with an equal part of coconut oil and rubbed around the rectum each night. A small amount of neem leaf powder from an opened capsule can be sprinkled in with the mix. The mixture may possibly irritate the tissue around the rectum. If so, discontinue, use less clove oil, and/or add more coconut oil. This mixture can be used throughout the day if needed.
B. To kill the eggs, Use full-strength clove oil under your nails and around the nail bed.
Step Three (Environmental)
Spray the bed sheet with the Eradicator to kill the pinworm eggs before removing them from the bed. Shaking the sheet will only launch the egg into the air. Spraying the entire house, pay attention, especially things like doorknobs, keyboards, and things you usually touch. I would also use some of the oil (mixed or not) inside the ears and around the nostrils. The eggs can be transported anywhere.
Step Four (Herbal Support)
A. Neem Leaf Powder – This can be made into tea and drank throughout the day, and it will be used in the Intestinal Parasite Cleanse Shake
Preparation: put 1/2 teaspoon of the powder in a cup of hot water and mix it. It tastes bitter so that you can add some stevia and lemon juice. Drinking neem tea three times a day is recommended. The first cup of it in a day should be on an empty stomach.
B. Wormwood (Artemisia annua) Wormwood Tincture – contains alcohol. Add one full squeeze of the dropper bulb to 2 oz of water, juice, or neem tea. Drink three times per day. Best taken between meals.
C. Wormwood Capsules: Take one capsule without food three times per day. It is best taken with neem tea.
D. Grapefruit Seed Extract (Paracan MYC): Take one capsule without food three times daily. It is best taken with neem tea.
E. For children who do not swallow pills or capsules – Cerder Bear Intestinal Cleanse for Kids
Step 5. (Intestinal Parasite [pinworm] Cleanse)
The mixture must be done twice daily for one month or longer if needed.
1 Tbsp – Psyllium Husk Powder
1 Tbsp – DE additional data – Worming with Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth & Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Health Benefits for Humans
1.5 tsp – Bentonite Clay
1 tsp – Neem Leaf Powder
Add one full squeeze of the dropper bulb of Wormwood Tincture or the contents of one capsule.
1 tsp – Clove Powder
1/2 tsp Ginger Powder or 1/2″ Section of Fresh Ginger w/Skin
Six or more – Black Peppercorns – (10 mg of piperine increases curcumin utilization)
1 tsp – Curcumin Powder 95%
1/2 tsp – Ceylon Cinnamon Bark Powder
1/2 tsp – Stevia Powder (Mandatory to make the shake more palatable)
1/2 cup – 100% Pineapple Juice
1/8 cup – Raw Pumpkin Seeds In Shell.
Combine, mix in a blender, and drink.
Step Six (Diet)
- Follow a high-fiber, vegan, or vegetarian diet (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains). Pinworms don’t do well with a lot of insoluble fiber.
- Animal protein should be limited.
- Table sugar should be avoided entirely.
- Avoid starches like potato, corn, and white rice.
- Add raw pumpkin seeds (in the shell) when you can to salads.
- Avoid all refined carbohydrates, boxed or packaged food.
- Spices like garlic, thyme, oregano, and dill are incredibly beneficial and should be added to your food.
- Raw garlic, if tolerated, is one of the best herbs to add to your diet
Hello fellow parents on this site for persistent pinworms – you are not alone! I stumbled onto Dr. Ettinger’s site after an over 3 year on and off pinworm problem with my toddler. I swore each time we did ALL THE THINGS. Including Reeses pinworm treatment, impeccable hygiene, washing, putting toys away and no added sugar diet and gentle biocidins/cleanses. Sure enough a few months later I would see her more irritable, difficult to settle and craving sugar and then I would see the pinworms again. I thought I was all alone in this and each cycle I would be more and more strict. I found this article and just made TWO changes. I switched cleaning surfaces from alcohol to the eradicator spray Dr. E mentioned and then a very simple addition of clove oil around her anus at night time. We didn’t even get to stage 4 (smoothies and herbs) just accidentally fell off of my radar. Its been almost 9 months and no more pinworms! We are actually booking with Dr. E and transitioning from our current provider because while this step may seem simple – it was everything and overlooked and nowhere in my personal research. It will not last forever and remember how common. Of course I treated myself each time I treated her and made sure we told her school each time but really sticking with what I could control made all of the difference. Goodluck!
Great testimonial. I’m glad you received the outcome your were looking for. Dr. Ettinger
$ 58.95
I have had a recurrent vaginal pinworm infection that has lasted 3 months now. I have taken pyrantle pamoate, albendazole, and ivermectin. I have had an overall improvement of symptoms since initially take medicine, but the symptoms are not completely resolving.
a few days ago, i felt a crawling sensation in my eye, and in my nasal cavity. i worry that i may have auto inoculated these areas by putting my contacts in first thing in the morning before washing my hands.
i am feeling hopeless, and losing steam here. i feel desperate for help. i will try the neem leaf and all of your other recommendations.
do you have any other recommendations if i am feeling them in my nose/ eyes? i’m dreading the day when they mature into adult worms in those areas.
Thank you!
I’m 2 months into a pinworm infection that i got from apples from the grocery store that had been injected with something. They are poisoning our food in every way imaginable! I started with pyrantal palmitate which didn’t work then ivermectin which dealt with all kinds of other intestinal worms but had no effect on the pinworms. Tried all kinds of other things to no avail and have just ordered phenbendazol from FenLab which they say works on pinworms. Hopefully that will do the trick.
I am pretty sure Howard Hughes had a pinworm infection when he went into isolation in the movie that was made with
Leonardo Decaprio. These things will drive you nuts if you let them !!
I i’m dealing with the exact same thing. I’ve had vaginal pinworms for about three months now and tried all the medication’s that you just talked about. I have had some improvement, but I’m still dealing with them.
I am desperate for help
My recommendation would be to first run a GI Effects Comprehensive Profile – 3 day to 100% verify, even if you think for sure you have pinworms, that they are truly there – plus a bunch of other helpful data. Contact my office if you need help ordering the test. It is what I would do if you were a member of my family. Once the results come in, a targeted plan can be created.
Dr. Ettinger
Just applying clove oil and switching your cleaner was enough? Are you free of worms now
Hey! I was just wondering if I can still eat egg whites to get a good source of protein. Or should that be avoided as well?
Ben, as long as they are cooked and you are not allergic to them or have a condition that precludes eating eggs, go for it.
If you’ve tried medicinal approach still didn’t got ridden of pinworms, here’s the method i used to successfully cured from resistance pinworm infection.(only for adults)
All you need is fresh neem leaves and raw garlic.
1. Eat 10 neem leafs and 2 raw garlic cloves first thing in the morning and 3 hours before dinner for 5 days.
2. Don’t eat sweeter items for atleast 2 months (cutting off primary food source of worms)
3. Cleanup bedroom follow strict higiene routine for a month.
4. Wait for 5 days, then do again step 1.
5. Repeat the cycle for 2 months.
At the end of 2 months adult pinworms died off, and the eggs have been removed completely from your intestines. Congrats!.
Note: You’ve to treat everyone in the house to get the result.
How long after taking pyrantel pamoate is it normal to pass dead worms in stool?
Many variables are at play here. Best estimate is from say 17 hours to 72 hours. That said, individual results will vary – widely.
Is bed wetting in children a common symptom of parasites? My son who is 7 and my daugther who is 6 wet the bed almost every night. My son was diagnosed with Dientamoeba fragilis a few years back and my eldest daughter also currently has pinworm, I have also been having gut issues and wonder if white flakes in undies are a sign of pinworm or candida. Not doctor has been able to diagnose pinworm with me, even though the white flakes in undies co-inside with any time I have carbs or sugar. Can it also cause food intolerances, extra wax build up in ears and eczema?
Thank you for the questions. Without more data, it would be hard for me to give you reliable answers. In 32 years I’ve not had a child who wets their bed have parasites. That said, I’m sure it’s possible. To broadly answer your question, anything can cause anything. Everyone is unique and has unique epigenetic influences. Comprehensive testing and working with a competent coach is your best bet.
Dr. Ettinger
Bed wetting is huge with pin worms, my daughter wets the bed suddenly and then stops as soon as she’s treated for pin worms. The doctors have treated her for a UTI and other things but that never works. Only when treated for pin worms.
Same with my son, who has autism. Also all of his autism symptoms, esp. aggression, sleep, and focus are greatly increased when he has a pinworm outbreak.
I would agree that there is a link for my kids. My son has flare ups and nornally will wet the bed out of the blue. He also used to grind his teeth until I found out he had worms and was able to eradicate tgem fot a while. He seems however to be susceptible to flare ups.
Thank you for this! Is there any way you would recommend changing the protocol for a case involving what seem to be pinworms in the urethra and/or vagina? Rounds of Reese’s and abendazole make digestion normal, and my cleaning protocols go far beyond what is recommended here. Garlic and yogurt help tremendously. Still—peeing reveals worms. Also, the application if garlic to the rectum resulted in immense burning within the vaginal/urethra area in addition to the anus a short while later, This battle has been ongoing for months, and I’ve waited weeks just for the opportunity to submit urine samples. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I understand you cannot give individual medical advice.
The protocol would be the same. I’m curious to see what the urine analysis shows.
Hi just a question would it be possible for you to see us (my daughter and myself) both my daughter and I have threadworms in the front not the back. My sons do not have symptoms but are treated along side us. I have used to far garlic and coconut oil. Chondroitin clean tablets. Albendazole and mebendazole.
If you’re located in southern California, I could see you at my office. If you are not close we can consult via Zoom. Please reach out to me directly at 714 – 639 – 4360 to learn more about how to become a patient.
Dr. Etttinger
Hi Dr Ettinger,
I’m a 22 year old woman in New Zealand with pinworms in my anus and vagina – yes they do infest the vagina in some cases. I am negative for BV and candida. Positive stool test for pinworms. Today I was traumatised as I pulled two pinworms from inside my labia and when I looked down, saw glistening sticky white eggs everywhere. I have had pinworms for over a year as I didn’t even know what they were and thought it was just irritation of the anus. As a result I have a developed a chronic infection in large numbers which all antihelminthics have not been able to eliminate. Your shake seems like an excellent idea. I already bought food grade DE as I had looked up it kills parasites. I am taking a supplement called parasitin bought from iHerb, ingredients:
Cloves (bud), wormwood (herb), black walnut (hull), red clover (flower), neem (leaf), pomegranate (root bark), cinchona (Officinalis, bark), sesame (seed), papain (40k USP units), sacred lotus (leaf), L-arginine (from L-arginine HCL), L-Ornithine HCL.
I want to make the shake every day, but is that too much? I’m extremely worried about hepatoxicity of the clove, ginger, neem, and cinnamon powders. (I am not including 95% curcumin as that’s unavailable in NZ as far as I searched online. iHerb has it in capsule form and that’s nowhere near the amount to make a teaspoon, too expensive. Not including the wormwood either I can’t source it). I am thinking if I take the supplement and the shake it’s too much for my liver and I risk liver injury? I want to take the supplement however as it has wormwood.
If you were to recommend to a patient to make the shake for a cleanse, how often would you recommend it? Daily? Every two days? Twice weekly? Etc
I have a severe level of infestation and I’m praying after 90 days of a parasite cleanse I can be free of them. I’m just unsure how to plan my parasite cleanse with regards to the supplements and shake.
Thank you,
I’m sure this is not the answer that you were hoping for but it is what it is. I can’t give you a recommendation. Giving recommendations can get doctors in a lot of trouble unless they are active patients who have been properly worked up. You should be working with a holistic provider. You can show them the recipe and they can help you with dosing. That is my recommendation.
I wish you were here in Southern California.
Dr. Ettinger
So Sorry to hear you are suffering so much from the pinworms. I did too have it for a few months without realizing what it was. I haven’t had any in my vagina luckily but they are heavy in my intestines and make me constipated. I don’t know what to do because the regular medicine doesn’t work for me. I’m about to do the Berkeley Parasite Cleanse that has wormwood, clove and black walnut capsules. I’m wondering if the cleanse worked for you? Thanks a lot! And I hope you are well by now!
Thank you for this! I will do my best to get myself and toddler on this program.
Does this treat vaginal pinworms though? I believeShe has bad them for at least half her life now. This is the worst part of this infection for her and I just read they can migrate into her ovaries!
Should I be applying the clove/coconut oil/neem around or in her vulva/vagina as well? Is one med better over another at curing vaginal infection?
Is it possible to cure infection without talking Reeses or the other two rx meds?
Do you have an experience using ozone oil or ozone insufflations to treat?
Thank you!
Thank you for the questions, but I can’t give you the answers that you’re looking for. Without you being a patient, I’d be practicing medicine over the internet which is a no-no. Plus, I need more data than what you’re giving me. I can say, do not put clove oil on any mucous membrane. It will burn like rubbing a jalapeno on the area. Please search-out a functional medicine practitioner in your area that you can work with.
I hope this offers you a bit of help.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello, I want to thank you for answering these rather uncomfortable questions. Have you heard of pinworm coming out of your skin during die off?
Rusty, Never and I don’t think it’s even possible. Dr. Ettinger
Can a spray with Clove oil and water be made to spray surfaces to kill eggs?
I have not read if that would work. If you do an internet sure for homemade parasite egg killer, you may find something.
Dr. Ettinger
Can you please tell me more about the Eradicator product that you mentioned in this article? The link takes me to a website to purchase the product, but the description says it’s for dust mites and bed bugs. Will this really kill the pinworm eggs?
There are reports that the active ingredient in Eradicator has been used for pinworms.
Thank you for this advice. Going to try it. No one seems to know how to cure this. I’ve been taking Albenza for months on and off and Ivermectin and nothing seems to help. Feeing so lost and depressed.
Thank you and I wish you success.
Dr. Ettinger
Do u still have them?
Thank you for your post. If a person has a resistant infection, how long would a person want to consider being on this 4 Part Approach?
Andrea, I wish I could give you that answer but I no nothing about the person that you may be referring to. I would need past history, labs, consulation, exam… I hope you understand my situation.
Can the pinworms develop a resistance to the Reese’s medication? Our family has been through two rounds (four total doses) of Reese’s over the course of 10 weeks. Thought we were cured twice, and then found them again. Wondering if going through the process again will be at all effective or if we should switch to prescription medicine. To clarify, we’re continuing with excellent hygiene, laundry, etc. And are also using the coconut oil. We aren’t doing the shake, but are using tea tree oil on the rectum, as well as garlic and the coconut oil. I’m not asking for medical advice. Just wondering simply if a resistance can develop to one form of medicine.
Yes, it’s possible and it may be wise to visit your GP and get the prescription medication. I have had many patients that did not respond to the OTC version (Reese’s Pinworm Medicine [pyrantel pamoate]). The most common prescription anti-parasite medications for pinworms are Mebendazole (Vermox) and Albendazole (Albenza).
Dr. Ettinger
How long before you feel results? I have been following all of the steps with the exception of the shake. Things felt like they were getting better but now they symptoms are starting to increase. Also, why are their so few medical professionals who realize that this can be a very hard to treat issue?
Victoria, since I know nothing about you or your case it would be impossible for me to comment on the first question you ask. As for the second question, most doctors focus on the 85% of patients that are easy to treat. the other 15% usually go it alone after a failed treatment or find a specialist like myself.
Hi, thanks for the advice you have given me, blessed.
Erick, my pleasure. Dr. Ettinger
Hi, would this approach also eradicate pinworms from the vagina? Or what else do you suggest for the female part? And for the ears where they also survive and reproduce? Thank you
I do not have an answer to either of your questions. In over 31 years in practice, I have never be presented or heard of pinworms in either spot.
I wish I could have been of some help to you.
Dr. Ettinger
From my own experience, and from the writings in the book “Parasites and Worms in Humans” by Dr. David Young, these worms from hell can infect the vagina, fallopian tubes, even the peritoneum. My reproductive tract infection happened when I was using the garlic clove suppository trick, which blocked an errant worm or two, which proliferated. I used coconut oil for so many months, I do not remember. So much diatomaceous earth, clay. I haven’t eaten refined sugar except in rare exceptions (like this discount almond milk that is low in cane sugar and I drank with matcha). Being vegan for 5 months exacerbated this issue. I recently fasted water and herbs for 60 hours while nursing my 2 year old. I want to be healed so badly, and it is affecting my marriage as I cannot risk getting pregnant. I thought they were gone, I think this is the 5th time. I have been really working on gratitude as listed above, and recently went to confession at the Catholic church. The last 2 weeks have been so good and now they are back. I previously took much albendazole (veterinary grade for a week, then another week 2 weeks after and then every 2 weeks, and pyrantel pamoate maybe 40 times, and have been taking a wormwood/ clove/ walnut tincture for 3 weeks now. We just received a mebendazole treatment from Australia. Last night with the full moon I had insomnia and I have been having a sinking feeling that they were back but did not want to believe. Did I mention enemas and douches constantly? Just the last 2 days I didn’t do them and…a symptom today. My husband was beside himself, we had to stop watching “War Room,” it has been over a year of this. My daughter is almost 3, I am stay-at-home, 34, and we really wanted to have another child. I just changed the sheet again. We have been boiling personals over 3 months. I know we will someday have another child, I hope, but only if my body can heal. I am going to go cry and pray some more. I hope this mebendazole works, I wish it had been available when we first had it. I also take probiotics, algal oil, turpentine protocol with enema, I once took castor oil, garlic oil, sometimes vitamins. I have consumed so much turmeric. I really appreciate that this doctor identifies how DIFFICULT this problem is to treat.
Hi, thank you for this help doctor. I am in southern Ca and I think I will try and make an appointment. Do you take insurance? Also, the lady that wrote God help us, I am in the same situation as me and my two daughters have been dealing with this for almost 9 months now. It’s so discouraging and I’ve taken every drug on the market. I am believing that the Lord will heal us with the drugs we are taking and all the natural things we are doing. I pray for you and your family too. It’s so difficult. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, it can’t last forever.
Thank you for your comment. Yes, there is always hope.
I’m sorry, but I do not take insurance.
Dr. Ettinger
Seems like you tried so many things. I really don’t know how they keep reproducing and are so resistant to the treatment. I understand your struggle so much. I keep being grateful for not being pregnant taking all these herbs and medication. Most be hard to also have a small child to take care of. Has anything worked so far?
Thanks a lot!
I’ve also tried everything, I’m remembering now that my sons doctor had said the issue is biofilm is protecting them and has to be broken down with biofilm disruptors. I think I will add colonics as well.
Biofilm can occur as a protective mechanism and do to increased bacterial density in a given space. In my experience colonics and coffee enemas have just made things worse. people will do what people do. I’m just giving you what I have experience with my patients.
PS. I’m building a site which will be live in a day or two. It’s basic now, but will grow over time. It’s dedicated to biofilm.
Dr. Ettinger
Hello Dr Ettinger,
I’m so glad that finally I come across a doctor who actually sees us suffering and doesn’t think we’re crazy! I just wanted to ask, do we need to do all four of the herbal support or do we pick one option?
Thank you!
Thank you for the comment.
I wish I could answer that question, but I can’t make recommendations via this forum. I can only advise existing patients due to legal reasons.
Dr. Ettinger